
Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World

Bonk is justice! No Horny! Having been tormented by the loneliness of his life, Albert chose to escape by indulging himself in sexual desire. Unfortunately, his life came short. STD, AIDS, Syphilis, he was inflicted by severe diseases and died in regret. Now he has grasped a second chance and reincarnated in another world as a Demon Dog. With the help of his golden wooden bat, he traveled to prevent anyone from dying due to the same diseases. Horny People? Slay! Seduction? Bonk! Trying for the first time? Horny Jail! Bonk is justice! And I shall serve justice! -------- Other Works: 1. I Can Read People's Comment 2. Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World 3. God of Tricksters (Completed) 4. Gacha Sovereign (Completed) 5. The Magician of Sound (Completed) -------- Discord: https://discord.gg/yFvfjxRQag

Fixten · Fantasy
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307 Chs

End of the Fight

She looked at the tree launching its roots to capture her.

But five Bonk Bats made of water suddenly struck the tree one after another. The force from Bonk didn't give the tree a chance to react.

Seeing the falling tree, Irena knew the attacks came from Bepe. It was clear the spell was Bonkbolt since there were five Bonk Bats.

She then jumped to the trunk and struck it a few times until she found the crystal. After smashing it, Irena turned around, coming toward the other three trees.

"You all are so slow." Irena laughed and raised her right bat. The flame flared up as the bat released a crescent-shaped flame when Irena waved it.

Bonk Wave Emission.

The heat from the flame warmed the air around it, but the rain forest shouldn't have any problem in taking this much flame.

Even when the flame hit the trunk, the flame enveloped it for a moment before vanishing into thin air, failing to light up the tree.