
Reincarnated, to become the villian?!

Ever wonder where villians come from, or why they exist? Well so does our main character, expect he finds out. And he doesn't like the answer he got. Turns out, evil exists, solely because good needs to exist. Villians exist solely because heroes need to exist. Yup, all that bullshit hatred, pain and suffering is because good "needs" to exist. ---‐‐‐------------ Covert art by Yusuf Ahmadi

Megmaconqueror · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The Truth PT.2

"I don't know either sir, haven't gotten anyone to the hostages, or the train itself. Maybe some dumbass in the underground tried to setup something there." Jones expressionlessly said.

Thinking about it as I looked around the are; Trying to see if there was anything of real importance that'd be worth targeting. But there really wasn't anything, no banks, no corporate headquarters, just a couple of office buildings and mom n pop stores. "There really isn't anything of value here, at least not at first look. Maybe in one of the office buildings is some kind of very important person or assest?"

"Nothing noteworthy sir. Only closest thing is the building right next to the station. But that would have been a couple of weeks ago when the VP of TACW[1] came to do a routine inspection." reported Jones as he was looking at some paperwork.

"Well, shit. I'm guessing all the feeds from the other stops were down today right?" I asked solemnly.

"Correct. They've covered their tracks and made sure we can't get any info on the passengers."

"Fucking shit. I hate working against the Reaping Angels. They are pretty much made of people like you and me. But our side only has a handful of people that can match us. Anyway, as soon as I get my..." before I could even finish my words, someone tackles me as I hear someone screaming "WATCH OUT!"


A loud crash that sounded like an explosion came from where I was just standing. "What the fuck was that!?" I yelled as I tried to clear my head from the throbbing pain from hitting the ground.

"Sir, a piano fell from the office building next to us; It would have landed on you." Someone answered as they came running over with a medic.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I don't need a medic; And you, get off me!" I shouted as I shove the guy that tackled me, off of me. "And thanks for the save."

"My pleasure sir!" he says respectfully as he gets up to help me up. After getting up and looking around, I notice Jones' suit has been dyed red. He has some wood sticking out of his right arm and leg.

"Get him to a hospital. And you!" I point to a near by officer. "You, go fucking check where that goddamn piano came from! And if you find whoever pushed it, bring that piece of shit to me!" I shouted. The unlucky officer stiffens and stutters "Y-yes sir!" and runs off.

Pissed off, I walk over to the piano. "You piece of shit, you almost killed me!" I yelled as I stared at the piano.


All I saw was a blur of white, then all I could see was black.


"That's all they told me." the voice says quietly.

Silence. So quiet, that you can hear the blood rushing through your body. The kind of silence that drives people insane.

"Uhh... Are you okay? Hey... Say something..." the voice anxiously says.

"ARE. YOU. FUCKING. KIDDING ME?! I died to because of a goddamn piano key!?" I yelled angrily, enough to even scare demons. A very faint, practically unnoticeable, transparent red glow surrounds me.

Sorry that the release of this chapter and the one before is so far apart. I have been deployed and been unable to upload anything.

Megmaconquerorcreators' thoughts