
Reincarnated to a Wedding Night! The Stubborn Big Shot Is Blushing From My Flirting!

# MARRIAGESTANDIN Qi Yuan died in the middle of her beloved man's wedding. Her departed spirit then watched as the scion of the Shen family of the capital city crashed the wedding, and tearfully gathered her corpse in his arms. When she reincarnated, she swore to give everyone their just deserts and make those who hurt her in her past life pay in blood! Naturally, she would also repay the Shen family's scion who came too late to save her! However... Why did he seem to have different faces day and night? By day, he was the noble Mr. Shen everyone knew: Qi Yuan, we are not getting a divorce! You have no say in this matter! By night, he was crazy and overbearing: Yuan, I'll chop off your legs so you won't go anywhere. Be with me forever, okay? Even so, Qi Yuan did not want to be tied down by love. As she wanted was to repay all debts, when she realized in surprise that Mr. Shen had paved the way for her!

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40 Chs

Deceiving Song Ziqian

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

After being slapped on the face, Xu Ling sat on the ground in a daze.

Qi Boyuan ignored her and continued to address Qi Yuan. "I'll announce the divorce today so please come with me to the Golden Jade Pavilion auction tomorrow to make a statement."

Qi Boyuan was always straightforward in his actions. Xu Ling had followed him for so many years, but she could be abandoned by him without hesitation.

Qi Yuan chuckled. "I'll be there when I hear about your divorce."

The members of the Qi family watched in silence.

Everyone found it unbelievable. Was this still the adopted daughter that anyone could bully?

During the usual gathering at the Qi family's old residence, Qi Yuan could only serve tea like a servant. An adopted daughter was not even qualified to eat at the main table.

At this moment, he actually dared to ask the head of the Qi family's second branch to divorce his wife.

This was simply unbelievable!

After the matter was settled, no one spoke again. Qi Yuan turned to leave, her heels clicking on the ground.

Xu Ling listened to this chest-wrenching sound. This time, she was finally sure that Qi Yuan had really escaped her control.

Why had it come to this?

Just because Qi Yuan married into the Shen family?

Xu Ling thought of how she was the one who forced Qi Yuan into the Shen family. In her anger, she spat out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone in the Qi family hurriedly called for a doctor.

No one realized that the eldest branch's daughter, Qi Mingming, had followed Qi Yuan out.

Qi Mingming chased after her and shouted at Qi Yuan.

"Qi Yuan, stop. What do you mean by this? Brother Ziqian is injured because of you, but you don't even visit him."

Qi Yuan sneered. "Qi Mingming, are you mistaken? Why did you come to me instead of arguing with Qi Yanran?"

Qi Mingming pointed at the thermos flask in Qi Yuan's hand. "Don't lie to me. You're already carrying a thermos flask. You must want to bring soup to Brother Ziqian, right? Brother Ziqian is in the First Hospital now. Go and see him now."

Qi Yuan raised her eyebrows slightly, not quite understanding the situation.

Because of Qi Yanran, Song Ziqian appeared in the Qi family all year round.

Thus, it was easy for the family's young girls to fall in love with the gentle, handsome, and rich young lad. With no exception, Qi Mingming was one of them.

Qi Mingming had always looked down on Qi Yuan and only focused on fighting with Qi Yanran. Usually, when Qi Yuan got close to Song Ziqian, Qi Mingming would arrogantly ask her to get lost.

Therefore, it was not normal for her to take the initiative to ask her to see Song Ziqian.

Qi Yuan suddenly thought, "Song Ziqian asked you to tell me this, right?"

Qi Mingming was not scheming enough to begin with. When Qi Yuan exposed her so directly, she immediately panicked and hurriedly said, "Of course not. Who do you think you are? Brother Ziqian doesn't think so highly of you."

"If he doesn't value me, why should I visit him?"

"Just tell me if you're going to visit him." Qi Mingming was exasperated.

Qi Yuan suddenly smiled. "Sure. Tell Song Ziqian I'll visit him."

Qi Mingming heaved a sigh of relief and quickly ran back to the Qi family villa to inform Song Ziqian.

"Brother Ziqian, Qi Yuan said that she's coming to see you. This woman is simply too infuriating. She had prepared soup in a thermos flask so clearly she wanted to see Brother Ziqian in the first place. It couldn't be that she wanted to drink the soup herself, right? Seeing that I'm begging her, she even deliberately took it out on me. It's simply disgusting."

On the other end, Song Ziqian said gently, "You've worked hard. I'll treat you to a meal after I'm discharged."

Qi Mingming immediately smiled happily. "Brother Ziqian, you have to promise to trick Qi Yuan and teach her a lesson. You have no idea how arrogant she was at home today."


Song Ziqian looked hesitant as he hung up the phone. 'Do we really have to do this?'

However, when he thought about how Yanran had cried her eyes red these two days, Song Ziqian immediately hardened his heart.

Qi Yuan really shouldn't have snatched Yanran's teacher and embarrassed her.

… .

Song Xiao, who was driving, secretly looked at his Young Madam in the rearview mirror and hesitated.

The conversation between Young Madam and that woman was heard by him. When he heard that Young Madam was going to visit Song Ziqian, he was extremely conflicted.

Everyone in Jiang Lin knew that his Young Madam had once liked Song Ziqian and had even confessed to him. It was said that her confession letter had been publicly read and humiliated before becoming a joke in the circle.

The soup that Uncle Zhang made for Young Madam was going to be fed to another man. If Eldest Young Master found out, he would be furious, right?

Eldest Young Master was seriously injured this time and had yet to recover so the two personalities were still alternating. If he knew about this, something would happen, right?

Just as Song Xiao was hesitating about whether to tell the Eldest Young Master, he saw the Young Madam open the thermos flask.

Then she poured out a bowl of soup and drank it gracefully.

Song Xiao was stunned. "Young Madam, are we going to the First Hospital?"

Qi Yuan's indifference seemed to be warmed by the heat in the soup. She said gently, "Why should I go to the First Hospital? I have a stress reaction whenever I'm in the hospital. It's impossible for me to go to the hospital. Let's head back to Imperial Park."

Song Xiao immediately smiled widely.

It turned out that the Young Madam was lying. She had no intention of visiting Song Ziqian at all. Song Xiao immediately drove more steadily.

'It's just that Young Madam is allergic to hospitals. Is this a joke, or is it serious?'

Song Xiao only thought about it casually and did not take it to heart.

… .

First Hospital.

The gauze on Song Ziqian's head had been removed and he was waiting to be discharged.

However, after answering Qi Mingming's call, he specially found a doctor to dress his wound again. Then, he tidied up his beard in the mirror and started to wait.

Yet he waited and waited.

After waiting for an hour and not seeing half a shadow…

Song Ziqian smashed the things in his hospital ward in exasperation before making a call with a dark expression. "Help me find out where the car with the license plate A0808 is now!"

Qi Yuan actually dared to trick him!

Then don't blame him for being ruthless!

Song Ziqian had paid a considerable price to find out Qi Yuan's current location.

Cloud Café.

He left the hospital immediately and went to this café.

Song Ziqian could see Qi Yuan from afar through the glass floor-to-ceiling window. She was only wearing an ordinary white dress, and her long hair was spread out behind her. She did not wear any makeup and just lazily propped her face up with her hands.

It made Song Ziqian subconsciously hold his breath.

Qi Yuan was really too beautiful.

Song Ziqian walked straight in and sat opposite Qi Yuan.

Hidden behind him was a man holding up a phone for a live-stream.

… .

At this moment, in the Imperial Park.

In Shen Yutang's guest room, Song Jing was changing his dressing.

Suddenly, Shen Yutang's phone rang.

Shen Yutang picked up his phone and didn't want to pay attention to it. However, after seeing the content of the message, he clicked on the link with a dark expression.

Song Jing unintentionally glanced over and saw that the Eldest Young Master was actually watching the live broadcast on his phone.

On the screen of the phone, the young madam was sitting opposite a man whose face could not be seen. The title of the live broadcast was that after the young madam of a wealthy family got married, she was unwilling to be alone and met her old lover.

Song Jing's hand trembled.

Looking at the Eldest Young Master who seemed to have fallen into darkness, Song Jing began to sweat.