
Reincarnated to a stray cat

worning this is a fantastic but if this happens to you please read

vr_blue · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Mice hunt

I see you mice you can't hide from me *pounce* shit I miss it ok git back here do I can kill you and eat you *mice go ftl * (ftl is faster then light) shit no. I will find you now mice if you cum to me I will not kill you. Ok are you working on how this will go then don't it won't work out as you think it will but hay if you think you know good for you. ok know as I chased this mice like 5 min I will be mine and like all life it will end. At the end tho you can see all life and if you wish you can be a cat like me. Ok back to the mice now when I cornder it I say I don't want to be there it was the fog no the dog I ran like hell to get away but as I ran and ran I felt me death was not going to be fast than I see my body and the dog ripped off my head then black but. I was born but hay like I said I'm like Deadpool well. Now see that mice was a friend of dog and a spy and if you can kill they mice I will be so happy but I'm in a book do you cant. but hay at least I sum day kill that fog no dog and then I can rest but tell then I'm hire and at least you can read this. now as I go with my life I see that mice and his name is Chris and Chris can be as bad as the dog ok but I will not at least follw Chris and I hide from that mice but the dog was with me and behind me. So all I could do was stand there and not move but he is not a t Rex but I hope that it will work and luck it did way will a dog cum and he say it and what for him. I was lucky that time and see all I can do is run and hide but at least when I left I killed Chris the mice. now he can't get me dead at least I'm safe for the time being and all was lucky if not for that dog I would have to find a good hunt and that is not a way I wont to do it so now I must find more mice and do some mice hunting so I hoped I will not have to be reborn tomorrow. but if I'm reborn will then shit I'm going to have to be better then before.