
Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk

Chapter 4 | Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk

It's been two years since I first bore witness to this world, and to put it quiet simply, now I'm living here. Most of my time has been spent confined to a cot in my room or in the arms of my parents or the maids, I'm not complaining or anything, it's just... there isn't really all that much to do and it's pretty boring.

But recently I've re-learned how to stand up and walk on my own and have been exercising regularly early in the mornings. I usually keep it up until my body is completely exhausted, which is after around 5 minutes or so.

I've also learnt how to speak earlier than most kids usually would and can speak complete sentences with relative ease, although I do tend to stutter from time to time, but that's not such a big deal.

"Today's the day!" I declared to myself. "I'm going to show Mother and Father that I can walk and talk!" I stood up in my cot and began my work out, this time I made sure it was just before the maids came in to wake me up.

"Mama and Papa are going to be so proud!"




W-Wait, Mama and Papa? When did I become this childlike? B-But I guess I can let it slide... I am physically a child anyways so I guess it's alright...

"Lady Tomoe~ It's time to wake... up?"

I stopped doing my walking exercises and looked towards the open door, the long eared maid, who I found out to be an Elf, was standing at the entrance. The perplexed look on her face quickly led to her becoming flustered and panicking.

"I-I-I saw nothing! I didn't witness Lady Tomoe's first steps before Master! I-I have to let Master know about this!"

With that, the maid Sylvia bolted out of my room to go and look for my father and mother. When she left it was time for me to start doing my workout again, this time I'd be focusing on my arms by doing push ups and such. I started sweating after the first five pushups and fell down on my stomach completely exhausted after seven.


I could hear mama's voice as she thundered up the stairs and down the hall to my room, each of her footsteps were followed by a loud thud.

"W-Wait a second Milady!"

But it was to late, mama had already entered my room. I was standing up and hanging onto the side of the cot, just looking confusedly at mama who was staring at me from the doorway.

"N-No way.. she is actually doing it... she's really standing on her own... As expected of my daughter, she has grown up so quickly just like her mother! C'mere darling!" Mama swept me out of the cot and into her arms and began dancing around the room, all nine of her tails swishing around as we spun.

"Hm~♪ Ha Hmm~♪ Tomoe is so smart~♪"

Mama started humming a freshly thought out song about me out loud, but that's not all I can do mama. I can do this as well.


I had to make it sound more realistic, instead of just speaking a straight sentence to mama's face. If I did that she'd probably go into cardiac arrest.



The sound of another person storming their way up the steps and into my room were heard all through out the house, dad burst into my room panting and wasted no time making his way to mama's side.

"C-C'mon now Darling~ Get the words out."

Dad prompted me but, hehe, what's unlucky for you father is I'm going to say 'Mama' as my first word since in my past life, according to my old father, my first word was 'Papa'.


"Eeek! She's going to say 'Mama'!"

"N-No Tomoe dear~ S-Say 'Pa-Pa'."

Nah uh, that's not how it works papa. I get to decide on what word I get to say, not you~

"M-M-M... Ma-Ma."

The shock on father's face and the joy in mother's face made me smile, it was a funny sight watching two polar opposite expressions right next to each other.



Mama made a weird noise and fell backwards, dropping me.


Luckily, mama's soft tails broke my fall and provided me with a soft landing. I don't know why, but for some reason mama has nine of them, and apparently that is a special number to her? Well, none of that matters since her tails are so fluffy and soft~. I rolled around in the fluff for as long as I could, savouring the most pleasurable feeling one could ever hope to attain.

"Jeez, Honey wake up, otherwise Tomoe is going to become an addict as well."


Mama recovered from her shock and propped herself up, sliding me to the ends of her tails. The sudden movement threw me off and I was now on my stomach, but not everything is all bad, now is a good chance to show mama and papa at the same that I can walk.


I began pushing my tiny body up with all of the strength in my arms.

"N-No way..."

I heard papa say, I could feel myself losing strength in my arms, but I will not lose to some exhausted arms! I pushed on, my body slowly making its way up and eventually onto my own two feet. I was a little off balance when I stood up, but ultimately managed to stand in both of my feet.

"T-Tomoe~ come here darling~"

Father beckoned me to come to him, so I complied and made my way towards him. Each step I make is a confident, comfortable step that makes me feel as though I can walk anywhere I want. It must look like I have been walking my entire life to papa because the look on his face was one of awe. I briskly made my way towards him, as I stood in front of him he took me in his arms and held me up.

"My daughter! You are so smart! Figuring out how to walk and talk all by yourself! I-I'm speechless, if you can walk like that then maybe next year you'll be able to talk like an adult!"

Papa suddenly threw a pretty big expectation onto me, that is, it would've been a pretty big expectation if I couldn't already speak completely normal.

"P-P-P... Pa-Pa"

Hehe, I did that just to tease him a little, his reactions are quiet funny after all.


Papa's face went all red and steam blew from the top of his head, it would seem that I've made him blow a fuse...

"H-Honey, our daughter is a prodigy!"

Mama came and shouldered papa who was still holding me in his arms.

"I-I know! She's already capable of this much at such a young age, she must get it from her mother."

Papa smiled at the both of us, embarrassing mama who's face had flushed red.

"W-What do you mean from me? Weren't you smart as well?"

"You think that I'd be as smart as one of the cunning foxes? No way, not in a million years."

Mama silently nodded her head in agreement.

"I-I guess I see where you're coming from, Mhm, yeah. She does get that knowledge from me."

Mama put both hands on her hips and puffed her relatively large chest out, she was really proud to have found that all of my intellect came from her, or at least so she thought.

"Well, now we don't have to worry about her being hard to educate, she probably knows everything already."

Father said in a sarcastic, joking way. But the problem is, I probably do already know all of it. I didn't spend damn near 14 years of my life in school for nothing, and neither did Akira, we were both top of our classes back then.

"Mhm~ our daughter is going to grow up into a fine lady."

"That she will my dear~"

Myself, mama and papa all stood, huddled together sharing an intimate moment. Nothing in the world could ruin this moment for me, it almost made me start crying. This scene reminded me to much of my old family back on earth, it reminded me way to much of Akira, who was no longer around me. It made me so sad, but I was happy that I had another family to look after at he same time.