
Victory (Part 1)

Chapter 19 | Victory (Part 1)

Shaun's POV:


Those were the captains famous last words, Ex-Imperial Knight Bylat. After retiring from his position in the imperial knight corps he's been working as an adventurer in the capital, we were supposedly lucky enough to be apart of his squad during this subjugation quest, but that information was extremely wrong. Not even a second had passed before his head was rolling on the floor, even his body was left briefly standing before collapsing to the ground.

"Wh-... CAPTAIN?!!"

Captain Bylat was one of our strongest X ranks here, yet his head was separated from his body as swiftly as a knife passing through butter.

"Shaun, lets run! We can't fight that thing!"

Loren was trying to drag me away from the onslaught occurring right before my eyes, not only had I just witnessed an extremely powerful man get obliterated, but all of the other high ranking adventurers were diving in and getting massacred as well.


I snapped back to reality, Loren has smacked me in my face and was looking at me very sternly, I felt so light headed that it was almost as if gravity stopped existing for a second.

"Make the call Shaun, we run or we die!"

Without even a second thought, I told her.

"We run Loren, if we survive we can deliver this information to the king!"

With that, Loren and I made our mad dash back to the cart, the screams from our comrades were slowly drowned out by the density of the trees. We reached the carts and detached two horses, Loren and I wasted no time mounting them and riding through the forest, we needed to get away.

"We aren't deserters, right Loren?"

"No Shaun, we're not. If we don't get this information to the king we may never be able to eliminate that monster!"

We rode through the forest without a single glance back, praying for our safety.


Satine's POV:

This tank is extremely crafty, he dips in and out of my sight, constantly attacking me from my blind sides and openings. It's still hard to comprehend how he is that strong, he's able to move around at an insane speed while wearing that heavy full body armor and wielding a sword and shield at the same time.

"Don't get side tracked demon king!"

The tank charged me with a shield bash, it wasn't a very well prepared because I dodged it with ease.

"You're not getting away!"

The tank dropped his shoulder and swung his blade at my left side where I was open.

"Hoh, you're pretty fast for a tank."

I couldn't dodged his attack, it was just too quick.

"Yeah! How'dya like that de...mon...king..."

"That was a close one, I think a tank should just focus on training their strength and Defence."

My hand gripped the edge of the swords blade, I really don't like touching my opponents weapon because they're usually filthy and covered in rust and blood, it's really bad for ones hygiene when touching a blade so make sure you wash your hands after your done, okay?

"M-My attack didn't make it through?!"

The tank was distraught, I couldn't see his face but I could hear the fear, anger and frustration in his voice, it was as if someone had just taken the sculpture he'd spent his whole life modeling and smashed it into tiny pieces on the ground.

"That's a given since your strength isn't really something to ogle at, you got too over confident with your speed you stupid human."

And that's what cost him his life.


The tanks face that was left full of emotion rolled around on the floor, I couldn't even look at it after severing it from his body, it was an extremely gruesome scene.

"Well, that was extremely underwhelming... Ah, I've got an idea. Since all of you pesky humans dragged me all the way out here, why dint you try entertaining me. Those comrades of yours didn't give me much of a show, so why don't you all come at me at once, it might be a little more fun."

The remaining humans shuddered, but they did not falter. Each and every one of the remaining humans raised their weapons and braced themselves for a fight to the death.

"Demon king!"

A human woman was calling out for me, I turned around to find her. The woman was a war maiden, she sported a heavy armor plated dress but wore no helmet, in either of her hands she held a large, flashy shield and bastard sword.

"You a herby sentenced to death by word of his Majesty, King Fjord Estyr. If you comply, we shall give you a quick and painless death, if you retaliate you will be subject to a brutal death."

"Hah, a mere human is telling me to die. Even after all I've done in this world, after you've been given just a tiny amount of power you come after me and my family. Just because your country was on the losing side of the Great War, this is why we should've rid this world of your race, but nonetheless I'm here and dealing with you now. Come, dance with me."

All of the adventurers got ready to charge.

"I would rather die then dance with you."

That seemed to be the signal, all of the adventurers came at me. Every single one of what was left of them were battle hardened elites, mainly X and IX ranks if I were to use their adventurers guild system.


The first guy that I had contact with was an assassin, they're extremely agile and crafty. But unluckily enough for him, he was up against myself, which is pretty much instant death for any human. It didn't stop at just him, and the didn't come in waves, they came all at once.

One after another, I fought and slashed each and every one of my opponents. After the assassin came another tank, then a knight, then a magic swordsman. My energy wasn't depleting and neither was my mana, but all of the humans were either laying dead in the forest floor or they were running at me in an attempt to slay me, all except for one. It was the War Maiden, she was holding back and watching the fight.

"We haven't even touched him yet! Avenge our fallen brethren and take his head!"

One of the foolish humans in the group tried to raise their morale, which kind of worked, they suddenly became more confident in their strength and began swinging harder with their attacks. It wasn't long before the drawn out battle was over and all that was left standing was that woman.

"So, do you want to fight?"

I smirked and put my hands on my hips.

"I would be no match against you master, after slaughtering all these humans I beg you're all fired up now, I wouldn't even hold my ground against one of your serious attacks master."

The same old expressionless, emotionless, unenthusiastic response as ever.

"That's right Yuule, I'm thankful that you did this for us Yuule. We needed an excuse to get out of here and find a place with better education for Tomoe and the baby."

"Your praise is to much for me master, I only did as instructed, it was you who came up with the plan."

"You're the same as always Yuule, we'll then, let's get back to Satsuki and Tomoe. I felt a a large amount of mana being used in their direction."

"Yes master."