
Chapter 19


Demaris arrived at his apartment using his space magic, ensuring that no prying eyes would detect his arrival. As he stepped inside, he was reminded of the messages he had received from Kinney and Laura, the two new residents during his time at Ilvermorny. He wondered how they had settled in and what changes might have occurred in his absence.

As he made his way through the apartment, he found Kinney and Laura sitting in the living room, deep in conversation. They looked up as he entered, both smiling warmly.

"Demaris, you're back!" Laura exclaimed, rising from her seat to greet him. "How did the school year go?"

"It went well," Demaris replied, returning her smile. "I managed to get through the material faster than I anticipated. How have you two been?"

Kinney chimed in, "We've been doing well, thanks to your help. This place has been a lifesaver, really."

Demaris nodded, glad to see they were adjusting well to their new living situation. "I'm glad to hear that. You're both welcome here, and I'm always happy to help."

While unpacking his belongings, Demaris couldn't help but think of Natasha, who had been assigned to a different mission during his time at school. He hoped she was doing well and wondered when their paths would cross again.

As he finished organizing his things, his Advanced ACD alerted him to an incoming call. Activating the augmented reality and HUD features, Demaris was surprised to see Issei's name on the display. He accepted the call, his concern piqued.

"Demaris, I need your help," Issei's voice sounded urgent, and Demaris immediately sensed that something was amiss. "We need to train as much as possible in the next ten days."

Demaris glanced at Kinney and Laura, who watched him with concern. "What's going on, Issei? Why the sudden urgency?"

Issei hesitated for a moment before answering. "There's a situation that has come up, and we need to be prepared for whatever challenges it may bring. I can't go into details, but your skills and expertise are invaluable."

Demaris nodded, understanding that Issei couldn't divulge sensitive information. "Alright, I'll help. When do we start?"

"Tomorrow morning," Issei replied, relief evident in his voice. "Thank you, Demaris. I knew I could count on you."

Demaris ended the call and turned to Kinney and Laura, who were still watching him intently. "I have to help my friend Issei with some urgent training, so I might be a bit preoccupied for the next ten days. If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out to me."

Demaris received a message from Issei, detailing the location for their training: a mountain retreat owned by the Gremory family. He studied the coordinates and realized that the retreat was nestled in the Uintah Mountains. It seemed like a perfect, secluded spot for intensive training.

As he prepared his gear, Laura approached him hesitantly. "Hey, Demaris, I was wondering if I could tag along with you to the training? I think it could be a great opportunity for me to learn more about my own abilities."

Demaris considered her request for a moment before nodding. "Of course, Laura. I think it could be beneficial for you as well. Just make sure to pack everything you'll need."

Kinney, who had been listening to their conversation, chimed in. "I'll stay behind and continue working on my research. Have a productive training session, and I'll see you when you return."

The next morning, Demaris and Laura stood side by side, ready to teleport to the Gremory Mountain Retreat. With a deep breath, Demaris activated his space magic and felt the familiar pull as they were transported to the remote location.

Upon arrival, they found themselves surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the Uintah Mountains. The retreat was nestled in a valley, with a dense forest on one side and a crystal-clear lake on the other. The crisp mountain air filled their lungs as they took in the serene surroundings.

Rias and her entire peerage were already waiting for them, standing near a spacious training area that had been set up with various equipment and training dummies. They greeted Demaris and Laura warmly, and Demaris took the opportunity to introduce Laura to the group.

"Everyone, this is Laura. She'll be joining us for the training session. Laura, allow me to introduce you to Rias Gremory and her peerage: Koneko, Kiba, Akeno, Issei, and Asia."

As Demaris introduced each member of the peerage, Laura took the time to shake hands and exchange pleasantries with them. She could feel the camaraderie and trust within the group, and it made her eager to begin training with them. For the first time in her life, Laura felt her age, she could be a twelve-year-old kid.

As everyone settled in for the evening, Rias gathered her peerage, along with Demaris and Laura, to discuss the purpose of their training. Demaris listened intently as Rias explained the delicate situation she found herself in.

"I am currently engaged to a devil named Riser Phenex of the Phenex Clan, as per an arranged marriage," she began, her voice tinged with frustration. "However, Riser is a cruel, womanizing individual, and I have no intention of marrying him. Unfortunately, due to the intricacies of devil politics, I cannot simply break off the engagement."

Her eyes shimmered with determination as she continued, "My family has agreed that if I can defeat Riser in a Rating Game, the engagement will be canceled. A Rating Game is a contest where peerages compete against each other for glory and status. Winning would not only free me from this unwanted marriage, but also send a powerful message about my strength and independence."

Demaris felt a surge of empathy for Rias and her plight. He couldn't imagine being forced into a marriage with someone so despicable. "I understand the gravity of the situation, and I will do everything in my power to help you and your peerage prepare for the Rating Game."

Rias smiled gratefully at Demaris, clearly touched by his commitment to help. "Thank you, Demaris. Your assistance during our confrontation with Raynare was invaluable, which is why we reached out to you for help in this matter. We believe that with your skills and experience, we stand a better chance of emerging victorious."

The rest of the peerage nodded in agreement, their expressions a mix of determination and gratitude. They knew that the upcoming battle would not be easy, but with Demaris on their side, they felt more confident in their ability to face the challenge ahead.

Demaris began the intensive training sessions with each member of Rias's peerage. He started with Kiba, the blond youth who held the position of Knight in the peerage system. Kiba's unique ability, Sword Birth, allowed him to create any sword he desired, except for holy swords.

Demaris, having been a renowned sword saint during his past life as Emperor Andrew Etherton, was the perfect mentor to help Kiba refine his swordsmanship. They began their training in a spacious, open area, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. The crisp mountain air filled their lungs as they prepared to spar.

With a flick of his wrist, Kiba summoned a sharp, gleaming sword, its blade reflecting the sunlight. Demaris, in turn, activated his Starlight Blade, a sword with a blade of golden-yellow solid light. The unique weapon, sourced from his light magic, allowed him to generate an infinite number of blades as needed.

They began to spar, their swords clashing with a metallic ring that echoed through the mountain valley. Demaris moved with fluid grace, effortlessly parrying and dodging Kiba's strikes. Despite Kiba's impressive speed and agility, Demaris's vast experience and expertise gave him the upper hand. As the blades of solid light met Kiba's summoned swords, the sound of their impacts resonated like a symphony of power and skill.

After a series of intense bouts, Demaris took a moment to offer Kiba some advice. "Focus on the flow of your movements, and remember to maintain your balance. Your speed is an advantage, but don't sacrifice precision for the sake of swiftness."

Kiba nodded, taking in Demaris's words, and they resumed their training. As the hours passed, Kiba's movements became more fluid and controlled, his strikes more accurate and powerful.

Demaris soon called an end to their session, satisfied with the progress Kiba had made. He then turned to Laura, who had been watching the training intently.

"Now it's your turn to spar with Kiba," Demaris said, encouraging her to step forward. Laura nodded, a determined look in her eyes as she prepared to face Kiba.

As the two began to spar, Demaris observed their movements, ready to offer guidance when necessary. He could see the improvements in Kiba's swordsmanship already taking effect, and he felt confident that the young devil would become a formidable opponent in the upcoming Rating Game.

The sound of clashing blades filled the air, claws of adamantium against unlimited steel blades. Demaris watched the progress of his protégés. He knew that their journey to becoming stronger was just beginning, and he was eager to help them unlock their full potential. The days ahead would be filled with intense training, but the peerage's determination to triumph in the Rating Game only grew stronger.

Laura was a force to be reckoned with. Her claws were extremely durable and her healing factor cleared up any injuries with incredible speed, even more so, her incredible martial arts skills had been very well developed when she was an experiment of Hydra.

As Kiba and Laura continued to spar, it soon became apparent that Kiba had the upper hand. He was faster, more skilled, and had the added advantage of his unique ability, Sword Birth. Despite this, each time he managed to knock Laura down, he would step back, allowing her to regain her footing. When questioned about his actions, Kiba cited chivalry as the reason behind his restraint.

This explanation caused something within Demaris to snap. His face contorted in rage, and he immediately stopped the sparring session.

"Chivalry?!" Demaris bellowed, his voice echoing through the valley. "Chivalry is for the naive and weak who romanticize combat and war! In a real fight, it's a struggle for survival. You do not give your enemy an opportunity to regain their footing!"

To emphasize his point, Demaris challenged Kiba to a spar. Kiba, caught off guard by Demaris's sudden outburst, hesitantly accepted the challenge. As they began to duel, Demaris displayed a level of ferocity and intensity that had been absent during their earlier training session.

Demaris moved like a whirlwind, employing so-called dirty tricks in his sword fighting that left Kiba reeling. Kiba found himself on the defensive, struggling to parry and dodge Demaris's relentless attacks. It wasn't long before Kiba was knocked to the ground, gasping for breath.

Standing over him, Demaris's expression was cold and unyielding. "Honor and chivalry have no place on the battlefield, Kiba. It's kill or be killed. Your opponents will never show you the same consideration you show them."

Kiba, bruised and battered, looked up at Demaris with a mixture of shock and realization. The rest of the peerage, who had been watching the intense training session, remained silent, absorbing the harsh lesson Demaris had just taught them.

After a tense moment, Demaris extended a hand to help Kiba up. Kiba hesitated, then took the offered hand, rising to his feet. His eyes met Demaris's, and he nodded solemnly, acknowledging the truth in Demaris's words.

The following day, Demaris focused his attention on Issei and Koneko, both of whom had been relying on their raw strength to fight rather than employing a particular martial arts style. Determined to help them refine their skills, Demaris introduced them to the Etherton Royal Army martial arts style, a versatile and effective fighting technique he had mastered during his past life as Andrew Etherton.

Laura and Kiba were tasked to spar and refine their techniques for the remaining days and receive occasional pointers from Demaris.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of this style, Demaris challenged Issei and Koneko to a sparring match. As they attacked him, Demaris skillfully redirected their own strength against them, sending them reeling with a series of well-placed counterattacks. The pair quickly realized the potential of the Etherton Royal Army martial arts style and were eager to learn more.

During a brief respite, Demaris acknowledged Issei's physical improvement since their encounter with the fallen angel. "You've come a long way, Issei. Your efforts to get in shape are commendable."

Issei, panting slightly from the intense training, smiled at the praise. "Thanks, Demaris. I'm doing my best."

With their newfound enthusiasm, Demaris continued to train Issei and Koneko, helping them to hone their skills and integrate the Etherton Royal Army martial arts style into their fighting repertoire. As they progressed, Demaris noticed Issei's untapped potential in energy manipulation and decided to help him develop it further.

Under Demaris's guidance, Issei concentrated on compressing the excess energy from his gauntlet and, after several attempts, successfully unleashed a devastating attack he named Dragon Shot. The powerful beam of energy surged forward in a straight line, obliterating everything in its path.

As Issei reveled in his newfound ability, a sudden surge of power erupted from within his gauntlet. The dragon sealed inside it, Ddraig, awakened, drawn out by the impressive display of strength.

The dragon's deep, booming voice echoed in Issei's mind. "Well done, young one. You have reached a new height in your strength, and I can sense it. I am Ddraig, the Red Dragon Emperor, and I am sealed within your gauntlet."

Issei, shocked by the sudden appearance of the dragon, could barely find his voice. "You... you're the dragon inside my gauntlet?"

"Yes, I am," Ddraig confirmed. "And it seems you have found a worthy mentor in Demaris. Continue to grow stronger, Issei, and together we will achieve great things."

As the training session came to a close, Issei and Koneko stood alongside Demaris, their newfound skills and confidence shining through. The entire peerage had made significant progress under Demaris's tutelage, and as they prepared for the upcoming Rating Game against Riser Phenex, they knew they had a fighting chance.

As the second day of training drew to a close, Rias couldn't help but voice her curiosity regarding Demaris's exceptional skills and knowledge, especially considering his young age. "Demaris, I have to ask... How did you become so skilled and knowledgeable at such a young age?"

Demaris hesitated for a moment before responding, his eyes briefly clouding with a mixture of memories and emotions. "It was necessary to survive," he said simply, not wanting to reveal too much about his past.

The implications of his words struck Rias, causing her to see Demaris in a new light. He had clearly been through a lot, and it had shaped him into the formidable warrior and mentor he was now. Rias decided not to press him further, respecting his privacy.

Before they parted ways for the night, Demaris gave Rias and Akeno some advice on how to improve their magical abilities. "Work on your spell casting until I have the chance to train you both," he instructed. "Focus on accuracy and power, and remember that consistency is key."

Rias and Akeno nodded in agreement, appreciating the guidance and eager to improve.

Meanwhile, Asia was tasked with honing her abilities using her Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing. As the others trained, she focused on increasing the frequency with which she could use her healing ability. As the peerage members sustained minor injuries during their sparring sessions, Asia practiced healing them, growing more proficient with each use of her power.

The third day of training began with Laura and Kiba sparring against Issei and Koneko. The four fighters moved with grace and agility, their skills honed by the intense training they had undergone with Demaris. They attacked and defended, their movements fluid and precise, as they pushed each other to improve further.

After observing their progress, Demaris turned his attention to the magic users of the group, Rias and Akeno. He could see that both of them had great potential, but there were issues that needed to be addressed.

Rias had a natural talent for her power of destruction, but her overconfidence in it left her with little versatility in her magical arsenal. Demaris worked with her to expand her knowledge of other spells and techniques, emphasizing the importance of being adaptable in battle.

Akeno, on the other hand, had been avoiding her heritage and had developed sadistic tendencies during combat. Demaris confronted her about this, stressing that playing with her enemies could put her teammates in danger.

"I don't care if you're a sadist," Demaris said firmly, "but during a battle, your focus should be on supporting your teammates and ensuring their safety."

He then proceeded to teach Rias and Akeno the runic language of his magic circle-based magic system, keeping his knowledge of it from his past life a secret. Since both girls were already familiar with using magic circles, they quickly grasped the concept of incorporating runes into their casting.

As Rias and Akeno practiced the runic language, they found that it enhanced their magical abilities significantly. They marveled at the power and versatility it granted them and were grateful for Demaris's guidance.

However, Demaris made them promise never to teach the runic language to anyone else, emphasizing the importance of keeping this knowledge exclusive. Rias and Akeno agreed, understanding the potential consequences of sharing such powerful knowledge.

As the training days continued, Demaris watched with pride as each member of Rias's peerage grew stronger and more skilled. Their teamwork improved, and they learned to rely on each other in ways they hadn't before. With Demaris's help, they had become a formidable force, ready to face the challenges ahead.

As the day of the Rating Game against Riser Phenex approached, the Gremory peerage knew they had a fighting chance. They were prepared to give it their all, not just for themselves but for each other as well.

With Demaris by their side, they had come a long way, and they were determined to prove themselves in the upcoming battle. And as they stood together, united and strong, they knew that whatever the outcome, they had grown and learned from their time together.

As the ten days of training came to an end, Demaris was pleased with the progress he saw in the devils. Their teamwork and combat effectiveness had increased at least threefold, and even Laura had shown significant improvement. The Gremory peerage was now a force to be reckoned with, and Demaris felt a sense of accomplishment in their achievements.

On the day of the Rating Game, Grayfia, the wife of Sirzechs Lucifer and the Queen of his peerage, arrived to escort the devils to the venue. She extended an invitation to Demaris and Laura to attend the event, which they gladly accepted.

Upon arriving at the venue, Demaris was introduced to Sirzechs, a tall man with long, flowing red hair that matched Rias's. His calm and relaxed demeanor remained unchanged as he greeted Rias's brother, the renowned Sirzechs Lucifer.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Demaris," Sirzechs said, his voice smooth and confident. "I've heard so much about you, and I must say, I'm quite impressed with the progress my sister and her friends have made under your guidance."

Demaris nodded in acknowledgment, maintaining his composed expression. He then gestured to Laura, who stood beside him. "This is my friend, Laura," he introduced her, allowing her to speak for herself.

Laura extended her hand to Sirzechs, offering a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you, Sirzechs. I'm Laura."

Sirzechs shook her hand, his eyes revealing a hint of curiosity. "It's a pleasure, Laura. I hope you enjoy your time here. I'm sure the upcoming Rating Game will be quite the spectacle."

As they settled in and mingled with the others, Demaris couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and curiosity about the upcoming Rating Game. He had done everything he could to prepare Rias and her peerage for this moment, but ultimately, it was up to them to prove their worth in the battle against Riser Phenex.

Laura, too, was looking forward to seeing the fruits of their labor, knowing just how much Demaris had invested in these young devils. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as everyone eagerly awaited the start of the Rating Game, wondering how Rias and her peerage would fare against their formidable opponents.

As the day continued, Demaris maintained his calm and relaxed demeanor, observing the interactions and dynamics between the devils. He knew that his efforts had made a difference in their lives, and he couldn't help but feel proud of what they had accomplished together.

As Demaris moved through the crowd, he found himself face-to-face with Riser Phenex for the first time. Riser, a tall and well-built devil with short blond hair, sharp blue eyes, and a sinister grin, exuded an air of arrogance that seemed to radiate from him.

"So, you're the human who's been training Rias's pathetic little group," Riser sneered, looking Demaris up and down with a mixture of disdain and amusement. "Riser doesn't understand why she'd rely on someone like you."

Demaris, unfazed by Riser's insulting tone, narrowed his eyes and regarded the devil with a calm expression. "And I don't understand why someone like you would be so incapable of recognizing the strength in others. Your lack of social tact is astounding, and your womanizing nature speaks volumes about your character."

Riser's face twisted into a scowl as Demaris continued, tearing him apart with his words. "Your habit of speaking in the third person shows a level of narcissism that borders on mental illness. Your arguments are weak and your inability to think before you speak is a flaw that will undoubtedly lead to your downfall."

The people around them watched the exchange with bated breath, the tension between the two men palpable in the air. Demaris stood his ground, his voice steady and unwavering as he delivered each verbal blow.

"And above all, it's your blindness to the strength of others and your underestimation of strangers that will prove to be your greatest weakness," Demaris concluded, his eyes never leaving Riser's. "You'd do well to remember that."

The devil's face turned red with anger, and he was about to retort when a hand rested on his shoulder. Sirzechs Lucifer, Rias's older brother, stepped between the two, his expression calm but firm. "Riser, this is not the time or the place for such arguments. Save your energy for the Rating Game."

Riser scoffed, shooting a venomous glare at Demaris before turning away. "Fine. But don't think Riser will forget this, human."

As Riser stormed off, Demaris felt a hand on his arm. He looked down to see Laura, her eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay?" she asked softly, searching his face for any sign of distress.

Demaris gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Laura. People like him don't get to me, but it is always fun to tear them down a peg."

With the confrontation over, the crowd began to disperse, the tension gradually dissipating as they returned their focus to the upcoming Rating Game. Demaris knew that the real battle was yet to come, and he couldn't help but hope that Rias and her peerage would be able to overcome their challenges and emerge victorious.

As the time for the Rating Game drew closer, Demaris remained by Laura's side, watching the devils he had trained as they prepared themselves for the fight of their lives. He knew that, in the end, it would come down to their determination, their strength, and their ability to work together as a team.

And as he stood there, ready to witness the culmination of their hard work and determination, Demaris couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the young devils and the growth they had achieved under his guidance.


Issei found himself, along with Rias and the others, in their familiar Occult Research Club (ORC) room. He glanced around, recognizing the place where they had spent so many hours together, and couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort despite the high-stakes battle they were about to face.

Rias addressed the group, her voice steady and confident. "We're currently inside a pocket dimension for the Rating Game, and I chose our school as the location for this battle. What you see around you is a perfect replica of our school, but we must remember that this is still part of the game."

As the others nodded in understanding, Rias laid out her strategy for the upcoming fight. "Spreading ourselves out would only thin our forces and leave us vulnerable to Riser's peerage. Instead, we'll make a beeline straight for Riser. Just like in chess, if we can take out the king, we win."

Issei listened intently, his determination growing as Rias explained their roles. "Kiba, Issei, and Koneko, you three will be at the forefront, using your strength and speed to clear a path for us. Asia, you'll be in the middle, providing support and healing as needed. Akeno and I, as magic casters, will stay at the back, covering you and launching long-range attacks."

The plan made sense to Issei. They would work together as a cohesive unit, each member playing to their strengths to give them the best chance at victory. He clenched his fists, focusing his mind on the upcoming battle and the techniques Demaris had taught them during their training.

As the group began to move out, Issei glanced over at Rias, noticing the determination in her eyes. He knew how much this fight meant to her, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to help her achieve victory and escape the arranged marriage with Riser.

The school's hallways and classrooms were eerily quiet as they ventured further into the pocket dimension. Issei could feel the tension in the air, the anticipation of the battle that was about to unfold.

As they moved, Issei recalled Demaris's words during their training, about the importance of teamwork and looking out for one another. He knew that they had all grown stronger over the past ten days, not just individually, but as a team. And as they pressed on, Issei couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the bond they had forged.

With their formation set and their objective clear, Rias and her peerage marched towards their confrontation with Riser and his team. Each step brought them closer to the decisive battle that would determine their futures, and they were determined to emerge victorious.

The Rating Game was about to begin, and Issei and his friends were prepared to fight with everything they had.

As Rias and her team began to engage with Riser Phenex's peerage, they strategically positioned themselves to maximize their chances of winning. Issei, Kiba, and Koneko led the charge, while Asia, Rias, and Akeno provided support from the rear.

The tip of the formation, issei, and Kiba, found themselves in a replica of their school's cafeteria, where they quickly encountered Ni and Li, Riser's Pawns, who were twin catgirls specializing in hand-to-hand combat. The smell of the familiar school lunches and the sounds of clattering dishes and cutlery filled the air as the four combatants faced off.

The catgirls moved with cat-like agility, leaping onto tables and chairs, their tails whipping behind them as they launched lightning-fast strikes at Issei and Kiba. The twins' fierce attacks were met with equal determination from the two young men, who had been rigorously trained by Demaris.

Throughout the battle, Issei and Kiba managed to utilize the cafeteria's layout to their advantage. They dodged around tables and chairs, occasionally using them as makeshift shields or weapons. The clatter of chairs being knocked over and dishes shattering on the floor only added to the intensity of the fight.

As the twins continued to push their advantage, Issei and Kiba found themselves back to back, working together to counter the catgirls' coordinated attacks. They could feel the strain in each other's movements, but they also felt the bond they had forged through their training, and they knew they could rely on each other.

With a burst of speed, Kiba managed to disarm one of the twins, causing her to stumble back. Seizing the opportunity, Issei landed a solid punch on the other twin, sending her flying across the room and crashing into a stack of trays. The two catgirls, dazed and defeated, slumped to the floor, unable to continue, vanishing in a flurry of white particles to the medical tent.

Issei and Kiba exchanged a glance, both breathing heavily from the exertion of their battle. They knew they had little time to celebrate, as more battles awaited them in the Rating Game. But for now, Issei and Kiba had proven themselves as formidable fighters and their victory over the catgirl twins was a testament to their growth and determination.

In the same cafeteria, Koneko faced off against Xuelan, Riser's Rook, who was dressed in a cheongsam and specialized in Chinese Kung Fu. The air was still thick with the scent of school lunches and the sounds of battle, as the two fighters squared off in the middle of the room.

Xuelan's movements were fluid and graceful, her Kung Fu techniques combining power and finesse in equal measure. She weaved through the chaotic cafeteria landscape, her strikes precise and controlled, forcing Koneko to stay on her toes.

Koneko, however, was no pushover. Her small stature belied her immense strength and agility, honed through Demaris's training. She met Xuelan's attacks head-on, countering with powerful punches and swift kicks, her own fighting style a blend of the techniques Demaris had taught her and her natural instincts.

The battle between them raged on, each fighter pushing the other to their limits. The sounds of their impacts echoed through the room, mingling with the creaks and groans of the tables and chairs they used for cover or leverage. The intensity of their fight only served to heighten the atmosphere, as they each sought to claim victory for their side.

As the battle wore on, Koneko's fierce determination began to gain the upper hand. She used her small size and agility to her advantage, darting in and out of Xuelan's reach, landing powerful blows that left her opponent reeling.

Finally, seizing an opening in Xuelan's defenses, Koneko unleashed a devastating strike, fueled by all the power and technique she had learned from Demaris. The force of the blow sent Xuelan crashing through a nearby table, her body going limp as she succumbed to defeat. She too was teleported to the medical tent.

Koneko stood in the midst of the ruined cafeteria, her breaths coming in ragged gasps as she surveyed the damage around her.

In the midst of the chaotic cafeteria, Rias and Akeno, the two magic casters, found themselves facing off against Riser's Bishops, Ravel Phenex and Mihae. The room was filled with the sounds of battle, as their teammates clashed with Riser's other pieces throughout the large space.

Ravel, Riser's sister, was not fond of pain and seemed apprehensive about engaging in combat. As Rias and Akeno prepared to unleash their powerful spells, the fear in Ravel's eyes was evident. Recognizing her reluctance to fight, Rias and Akeno focused their attention on Mihae, giving Ravel a chance to quickly surrender, which she gratefully took.

Mihae, however, was a different story. The kimono-clad Bishop was a formidable opponent, her grace and agility allowing her to dodge and counter the magic attacks launched by Rias and Akeno. The three women engaged in a mesmerizing dance of spells, their movements fluid and their attacks powerful.

Energy crackled through the air as Rias and Akeno's magical abilities filled the cafeteria with brilliant colors and destructive force. Mihae, however, proved to be a tenacious opponent, her own spellcasting skills keeping her in the battle.

The fight between the Bishops and the magic casters continued, their respective spells weaving intricate patterns in the air as they sought to outmaneuver one another. Each moment was filled with tension, as the balance of power shifted back and forth between the two sides.

Eventually, though, the combined efforts of Rias and Akeno began to wear Mihae down. The two magic casters used their enhanced abilities, thanks to Demaris's training, to coordinate their attacks and find openings in Mihae's defenses. The relentless onslaught of spells slowly but surely chipped away at Mihae's stamina, her movements becoming less graceful and more desperate as the battle progressed.

With a final, devastating combination of spells, Rias and Akeno managed to break through Mihae's defenses, striking her down and rendering her unable to continue the fight. The once-vibrant and energetic Bishop now lay defeated amongst the debris in the cafeteria.

Yuuto found himself in a challenging situation, taking on multiple opponents at once in the chaotic cafeteria. His adversaries included Riser's Pawns Marion, Burent, Shuriya, and Mira, as well as Riser's Knights Karlamine and Siris. Despite being heavily outnumbered, Yuuto's exceptional swordsmanship skills, honed by Demaris's training, allowed him to keep up with his numerous opponents.

Realizing the intensity of the situation, Issei and Koneko quickly joined Yuuto's side, lending their support and strength to help even the odds. Together, the trio fought with renewed vigor, their teamwork shining through as they parried, countered, and attacked their opponents.

As the battle raged on, Karlamine and Siris tried to appeal to Yuuto's sense of chivalry in an attempt to gain an advantage over him. However, Yuuto, wise to their tactics, didn't fall for their ploy. Instead, he remained focused on the fight at hand, keeping his emotions in check and his mind on the task at hand.

With each opponent that Yuuto, Issei, and Koneko defeated, the remaining members of Riser's team grew more desperate and aggressive. Their attacks became more frantic and less coordinated, providing openings for the trio to exploit. Yuuto, in particular, maintained his calm and focused demeanor, methodically analyzing each opponent's movements and striking them down one by one.

The cafeteria echoed with the sounds of clashing swords, powerful blows, and the occasional grunt of effort or pain. The air was charged with tension, as both sides fought with everything they had to secure victory for their respective teams.

As the fight continued, it became clear that Yuuto's steadfastness and the support of Issei and Koneko was turning the tide in their favor. The once-imposing group of opponents was gradually being whittled down, as the trio's teamwork and the skills they had acquired under Demaris's tutelage proved to be too much for Riser's Pawns and Knights.

As the members of Rias's team caught their breath and assessed their situation, they knew that their most challenging opponents still lay ahead: Riser Phenex and his Queen, Yubelluna, known as the "Bomb Queen." Winning the battles up to this point had bolstered their confidence, but they were also acutely aware that the final confrontation would not be easily achieved.

With determination in their eyes, the team regrouped and strategized for the upcoming fight. They knew that Riser and Yubelluna were formidable opponents, and only perfect teamwork would give them a fighting chance.

As they approached the location of the final battle, Rias and her team steeled themselves for what was to come. They could feel the tension in the air, a palpable sense of anticipation as the decisive moment drew nearer. Each member of the team knew that their roles were crucial, and they had to rely on one another to overcome the challenges ahead.

The confrontation began with a fierce exchange of attacks, with Riser and Yubelluna demonstrating their immense power and skill. It quickly became evident that the duo would not go down without a fight, and Rias's team had to push themselves to the limit, drawing on every ounce of strength, skill, and cunning they possessed.

As the battle raged on, the members of Rias's team found themselves tested like never before. They had to coordinate their attacks, anticipate their opponents' moves, and support one another at every turn. The air was filled with the deafening sounds of explosions, magical incantations, and the clash of weapons.

In the midst of the chaos, the team began to find their rhythm. Their training under Demaris had forged a bond between them, and they moved together as a single unit. Each member knew when to attack and when to defend, when to press forward, and when to retreat. Their unspoken understanding and unwavering trust in one another enabled them to face the onslaught head-on, countering Riser and Yubelluna's relentless assaults.

As the battle intensified, Rias's team found themselves drawing on reserves of strength they didn't know they had. The lessons they had learned from Demaris, both in terms of technique and in the importance of trust and teamwork, were now paying off in full. Riser and Yubelluna, formidable as they were, found themselves struggling to keep up with the united force that Rias's team had become.

The battle was brutal, with neither side willing to give an inch. But with each passing moment, Rias's team grew more confident, and their teamwork becoming more seamless and efficient. It was clear that their unbreakable bond and unwavering determination were giving them the edge they needed to overcome the most difficult fight of their lives.

As the final confrontation reached its climax, Rias's team knew that they had to give everything they had, trusting in one another and in the skills they had honed under Demaris's guidance. With their hearts full of resolve, they pushed forward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and determined to emerge victorious.

Issei and his teammates were locked in intense combat with Riser and his remaining peerage members. Amidst the chaotic battle, Riser continued to mock Rias and her team with a haughty laugh, speaking in the third person as if he were untouchable.

"Do you really think you can defeat Riser Phenex?" he taunted. "No matter how hard you try, your efforts are futile! Riser can regenerate from any wound you inflict upon him."

Kiba and Akeno worked together to take down Yubelluna, Riser's powerful Queen. Kiba swiftly closed the distance between them and plunged his sword into her, while Akeno channeled her inherited fallen angel powers, sending a fierce bolt of lightning through the blade. The combined attack proved too much for Yubelluna, and she collapsed in defeat, leaving only Riser to contend with.

Issei, fueled by determination and anger, launched himself at Riser with a relentless barrage of attacks. To everyone's astonishment, Riser's injuries didn't seem to be healing as they should.

"What is this?" Riser snarled, his arrogance giving way to fear. "Why can't Riser heal himself?"

With a triumphant grin, Issei revealed the secret weapon Demaris had given him, a medallion covered in mysterious runes. "You see this? It's a special object designed to be particularly deadly to devils and demons. I can only use it because I sold my arm to the dragon inside my Sacred Gear."

As Issei continued to pummel Riser, the other members of Rias's team joined in, their combined efforts overwhelming the arrogant devil. Riser's confidence waned, and panic began to set in as he realized that his regeneration abilities were no longer a guarantee of victory.

"Impossible!" Riser spat, his voice trembling with rage and disbelief. "How could a mere human devise something like this?"

Issei smirked, feeling the tide of the battle turning in their favor. "Never underestimate the power of human ingenuity, Riser. And never underestimate the bonds we've formed and the strength we've gained from our training with Demaris."

The battle continued, with Rias and her team fighting with renewed vigor, knowing that they finally had a chance to defeat Riser Phenex. As they pressed their advantage, Riser's once-smug expression turned to one of desperation, as he realized that he might not be able to escape this confrontation unscathed.

The outcome of the Rating Game was far from decided, but with Riser's regeneration ability neutralized, Rias's team was ready to give everything they had in the hopes of achieving victory against all odds.

Riser's desperation reached a boiling point. With a roar of fury, he shouted, "Enough!" and unleashed a massive explosion of flames, intending to incinerate Rias and her team in one fell swoop.

The intense heat and blinding light enveloped the battlefield, threatening to consume everything in its path. But Issei, his resolve unwavering, acted quickly. Harnessing the power of the dragon within his Sacred Gear, he compressed his energy into a single, concentrated attack.

"Dragon Shot!" Issei roared, releasing a powerful red beam that pierced through the raging inferno of Riser's flames. The energy collided with Riser, the sheer force and potency of the attack far exceeding anything he had anticipated.

A look of shock and disbelief crossed Riser's face as he realized he couldn't escape the overwhelming power of Issei's attack. In an instant, the red beam eliminated him from the Rating Game, signaling a decisive victory for Rias and her team.

As the flames dissipated, Rias and her team stood victorious, their bodies battered and bruised but their spirits soaring. They had defied the odds and proven their strength and determination, successfully defeating Riser Phenex and his powerful peerage.

Issei, still catching his breath from the intense final confrontation, looked around at his teammates with pride. They had come so far and grown stronger through their training with Demaris, and now they had achieved a remarkable victory.

Rias approached Issei, her eyes glistening with gratitude and admiration. "Thank you, Issei," she said softly. "Without your bravery and the power Demaris helped you unlock, we might not have been able to win this Rating Game."

Issei smiled back at her, his heart swelling with pride. "We all fought together and gave it our all, Rias. That's what really made the difference."

As they stood together, surrounded by their teammates and the remnants of the battle, Rias and her team knew that this victory was a testament to the power of their bonds and their unyielding determination to grow stronger together.

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