
Reincarnated Realist In Another World

"They say that no man is an island, but an island can be conquered by man." Grant Maximilian, a wealthy man who owned the wealthiest corporate giant in the present world had died. And as he thought it was the end, he had woken up in a small run-down mansion, waking up from a fever, surrounded by maids. He had been reborn, however his name remained the same. As the heir to the doomed-land of Hellsburg, he will now begin to create his kingdom from scratch. [ Hello there! I'll be now update this novel st least twice a week due to my other book "Daily Life Of A Third Wheeler". Check it out as well! Thank you!]

Sokiiro · Fantasy
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168 Chs

Piqued Interest

Far from the rumbling sounds of battle, the peaceful city of Hestia was enveloped in glorious rays of moonlight.

The people were unaware of the battle that happened forefront of the northern city, Hellsburg.

Those who were aware and sat with power could only contemplate the events that happened there.

They decided to stay put, not providing support to the city that may be conspiring with the other Kingdom.

Maya: [I'm not letting my liege fight all by himself. Why do you insist on keeping me here!]

Franklin: [My suspicions about that city are still uncleared. The previous King treated the previous lord of that city poorly. I doubt that his son would just forget that and wouldn't want to take some form of revenge.]

Scrambling documents after documents once again, Franklin was taking care of the King's work.

It had always been like this ever since the Bezalel became the King of Hestia, spending his time wasting away from alcohol and women.