
Reincarnated Mando(SW SI)

An average OC gets the chance to reincarnate in the very universe he is fan of but doesn't want to live there. Lets see how he fares in his adventures to come with a system and Lil perks he gets in his journey to the unknown. Disclaimer: All characters in this novel ,except my OC's do not belong to me. If the original owner would like me remove it, please contact me. English isn't my mother tongue, Please accept my apology for any grammatical or any vernacular errors.

donut_obsessed · TV
Not enough ratings
3 Chs




[] - system

"" - dialogue


40 BBY

In a medical chamber, a woman writhed in labor, her cries echoing off the sterile walls. "Ah... get this done with!" she pleaded, her voice strained with pain. The medical droid by her side offered reassurance, "Don't worry Madam, it's almost finished. Just keep pushing."

"Congratulations it's a healthy boy" said the droid while cleaning the baby, "Give him to me i wanna see my child" replied the woman. 

Uh....finally its over, I feel sorry for Loki when strange cast a infinite loop for 30 minutes. Mine felt like ages, I remember the system shutting down; then, everything went black except that insane back tug like sucking into a blackhole. Now, I'm surrounded by cold air, unable to open my eyes. It's scary, and I can't help but cry. What's that screeching cry? Am I a baby? Well would have preferred a teenage body, At least I'll have a head start. Where am I? When is this? I really hope I'm not some weird creature, like a Hutt. Yuck. I feel so tired, like I'm being pulled into sleep. This annoying baby body. Feels like it's winning, making me want to just give up and doze off. Just like that, our MC drifted to sleep. 

As the tensed room became peaceful, an old man burst in, his presence adding another layer of urgency. "Zenith, where is my husband?" the woman demanded, her voice trembling with fear.

Zenith delivered the grim news, "I'm sorry, we lost him. He was mistaken for a true Mandalorian and was massacred with the rebels by the Jedi."

The women's grief poured out in anguished sobs. "I warned him about that kriffing bounty hunter, Jango Fett. Nothing good comes from associating with imbeciles," she lamented, her gaze shifting to the sleeping baby.

"Zenith, you must take care of my child. Don't let him go down the wrong path," the woman implored, her voice filled with urgency.

"Selena, what are you saying? You'll live long enough to see this brat grow old, Look at him feisty the moment he's born. Just like you" Zenith countered, trying to offer comfort.

Selena's response was tinged with resignation. "You know you're a shitty father-in-law," she teased weakly, a hint of humor despite the circumstances.

The old man chuckled softly. "Humph... never tried to be a good one."

But Selena's demeanor shifted, her voice now laced with desperation. "I can feel my life draining. Promise me you'll take care of him, and don't let him end up like his idiot father."

Zenith hesitated, unsure how to respond. "Even if you don't promise me, I know you'll take good care of him. Look at him, he's going to be a pain in the ass for many in the future," Selena concluded, closing her eyes, Smiling and clutching the baby tightly.

"Selena, wake up! I promised I'll take care of him. Wake up... droid, do something!" the old man pleaded, but Zenith's response was somber. "Sorry, master. She is no more." replied the droid. In the stillness that followed, the weight of Selena's final request hung heavy in the air, a solemn vow to be fulfilled in her absence.

Zenith gently laid his late daughter-in-law in a comfortable position and took the baby into his hands "I won't let anything happen to you youngling, from now own you will inherit both our ancestor and your father's legacy. You shall be named Gustav Aranar Zenlav. Selar!!". "Yes director" replied his assistant Selar Ordo.

"Prepare a proper burial for my children and announce a new heir to clan Zenlav has been born". "Roger that, Director" said Selar and left the room.

40 BBY

3 Months Later

Mandalore, Mandalore System

Gustav Aranar Zenlav POV

Early in the morning, the constant mechanical sounds and speedsters whizzing woke me up from my nightmare. Moff Gideon was experimenting on me in my dream—uh... it felt gross. It's been a while since I was born in this universe, and I'm lucky to be human, but my luck took a turn for the worse regarding my location. I'm in fricking Sundari, the capital of Mandalore. Ah, to think I have to face an intergalactic war—not one, but two civil wars before it. The Great Purge and the Empire.

Damn, there goes my laid-back, peaceful life. The list doesn't stop there. The Yuuzhan Vong. It's as if this universe is rigged to make its inhabitants suffer in their lifetime. I don't know if it's a boon or not. I'm born into a pretty famous family in the system. So it's going to be tough to grow up without getting noticed by the evil forces lurking around. But I can't deny that the view outside my window is epic.

Both my parents have passed away. Since I don't know Galactic Basic or Mando'a, I guess my mother is either a member or associated with Clan Kryze, since I saw the two red-headed sisters at the funeral crying near my mother's tombstone. Adonai also gifted me a baby hover pod made out of beskar. From the conversation between him and my grandfather, I could pick up some words like Jango, Jetti, and according to the timeline, I guess my dad(Aranar Zenlav) died in the Battle of Galidraan.

Now, onto the important stuff. In my first few days, I tried every possible way to get my system to show. I called out "Open Sesame," "Abracadabra," Harry Potter spells, Green Lantern's dialogue, and all the GTA cheat codes. Finally, it showed up when I thought, "Open system." What a cliche.

[00:02:00 / 2200:00:00] 

All i get is this hourly countdown, Ah...all this waiting is killing me.

[00:00:01 / 2200:00:00] 

[Congratulations host for successfully reincarnating]

[Initializing System]

[Error: Restrictions Found]

[Initiating Complete Diagnosis]


[World Draws: 1]

[Status: Unlocked]

[Missions: Partial Functionality]

[Inventory: Locked]

[Sub System: Food Menu - Unlocked]

[Tutorial: Incomplete]

[Novice Package: Unclaimed]

[Diagnostics Done]


[Estimated Recovery: 7 years]

Well can't do anything about that, World draw? Oh yeah those humongous wheels. Now I remember there were four and i only drew three. Huh....Looks like I ain't having a good start compared to reincarnators from novels read in my past.

[Host Tutorial Incomplete]

[To Initiate Tutorial]

[YES] [NO]

yes, I thought. Suddenly I felt drowsy, closed my eyes and a video started playing in my mind. When i woke up it was night time, Wow having a day long tutorial is strange and totally unexpected. Well my system is pretty well defined and basic, But i think i can manage myself with this. On the plus side there are no penalties for Main missions. System open status.

[Host]: [Gustav Aranar Zenlav]

[Race]: [Human]

[Health]: [100/100]

[Midi-Chilorian]: [1]

[Status]: [Exhausted]


[Skills]: [Force Immunity] [Cell Regeneration]


[Main Missions] [Locked]


[Template Missions]

[Template Integration(0/100)]

[Mission 1(0/100)]

[Synchronous Breathing: Breath continuously in a regular pattern]

[Rewards]: [Larger Lung Volume, Meditation(Upgradable)]


[Food Menu(Lvl 0)]


[Inventory] [Locked]


[Novice Package] [Unclaimed]

Right. From what I understood from the tutorial, my constitution was changed to be recognized as one midichlorian micro-organism by the universe. As such, I get free will, reduce the butterfly effect caused by my actions, and also get to use my skills without breaking the world order. What else... Major functions are still disabled. I can't open the novice package since I have no inventory, and I don't want the old man to be freaked out with them materializing and be sent to the Coruscant. Uh... that's way worse. Going there means falling into a death trap. Plus food menu is pretty dope I get to buy food from earth in exchange for currencies and few minerals from this universe and it has a tiny inventory but it works only one way i can only store stuff i bought and take it out.

Onto goals, Since i'm still a baby the best option for me would be to learn galaxy basic and Mando'A. yep since i always stay near my grandfather accompanied by a Nanny/Assassin droid either sleeping in his library/Tea room or beside him in the office while his boring meetings go on. No matter the world work is always the same.

Zenith zenlav POV 

This kid is pretty sleepy today, Huh....I don't know what to do with him, He is nothing like his father Well I didn't knew him much since I neglecting him after my wife's death, Actually with everyone I suppose. But this one, my hunch tells me he's dangerous its like he's got intelligence right after birth and sometimes when he looks at me i feel like being watched by a monster. Just like his mom said pain the ass, Especially my ass first. While I was wondering what to do with him I was interrupted by a knock at the door, "Come in".

My assistant and friend Selar Ordro came in saying "Director you have gues...." before he could finish his words the doors flung open revealing Adonai Kryze and his daughters. "Bo-Katan Kryze impatience in never a good trait, especially for us mandalorians!!" I said. "Hum....You are no fun old man I just came to meet my cute cousin, Its dad who has work with you" replied Bo pouting and having her tongue out.

Adonai gives a first bump on the head and shouted "Is that how you talk to your elders?". Bo covered her head and ran towards Gus to play with him followed by Satine.

"so Adonai how's the war going" asked zenith. "Director its the same, we are losing lives on both sides for their contradictory beliefs and its gonna bite us in the back for yet to come in the future. That's why i am sending Satine to coruscant to learn politics and peace negotiations there and I need an extra pair on eyes on her to keep her safe" replied Adonai.

"Granted, I will inform my smiths and company members stationed there to keep a look out on her, anything else" asked Zenith. "That's it director, I know your situation of staying neutral and out of war its more than enough you considering my request. Thank you I am in your debt and satine wanted to see gustav before she left so I brought them here" said Adonai. "Taking care of younglings no matter they friend or foe has always been our customs since the first Mandalore" replied Zenith.



Hey guys I released a long one this time, Compensation for the previous small chapter. My upcoming chapters would have 1000 words approx and would release 1 chapter every week(mostly weekends), I will start uploading pictures after in later stages(I.e don't have subscriptions to generate pictures yet).Instead of dumping all about the system at a time i will explain about it little by little over time.

Hope you like this chapter.

