
Reincarnated Into TWD With Three Wishes

Sam, is in special forces for the US military and he and his squad got wiped out during a mission now he is sitting in front of this God telling him he has three wishes and he is going to get reincarnated in the World of The Walking Dead. ============================================================== Hi NickTheBeast first-time writing will probably be trash ohh well if you like it good. Upload schedules, don't ask will be inconsistent.

nick_the_beast · TV
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Ch 1 Meeting The Omni God

My name is Sam and now I'm an orb of light floating in the darkness. Wondering how I Got like this well let's just say me and my Navy Seal buddies got ambushed by a bunch of Taliban terrorists in a village, there must have been hundreds of them. Well, I and my buddies took out about half of them, and before I knew it I was the only one left alive.

Then I took a bullet in the neck blood started pouring out, my vision was getting blurry and I was sitting down trying to put pressure on the wound, then I heard a thunk and looked to my right and saw a grenade there then boom.

That's all I remember, now I'm floating in the void wondering what will happen. Then the next thing I know, I'm in front of this good-looking guy with white hair and gold eyes wearing a black suit, black pants, and black dress shoes, looking at me with this serious look.

"Who are you I ask", "I am the god of the omniverse", he says with a smug look. "cool I guess, why are you Here with little insignificant me" I ask back casually not caring he is a god.

He looks at me for a second shrugs then says "Well I just picked you cuz I am going to reincarnate someone in the universe of The Walking Dead to see what kind of changes happen there", he says with a happy, smug look on his face.

"Well, I decline your offer to go to that messed up shit zombie world"! "Why would I go there to that shit hole of a world where there are possibly hundreds of millions of zombies and everybody is fighting for survival"?

Then the Omni god looks at me for a second, then he scoffs and says "Too bad Mortal you have no say in this you will go, but not all is bad I will grant you three reasonable wishes, and you will have five days to prepare before the apocalypse starts".

FUCK! "Fine when you say reasonable what do you mean"? "It means you can't wish for something super overpowered, I don't want your life in that world to be too easy where it is boring for me to watch".

Ok, so I have three wishes let's see, "My first wish is going to be Peak Human Condition", so I don't have to worry about taking care of my body as much in a zombie apocalypse and worry about surviving."Your first wish is granted," the Omni God said.

My second wish should have something to do with weapons and fighting. "For my second wish, I want to have peak mastery in all forms of weaponry and martial arts ". The Omni God stands there and looks at me for a couple of minutes then he says, "No can do too powerful what I can do is give you expert mastery in all weaponry and intermediate mastery in all types of martial arts, what do you think? "I'll take it". Not what I wanted but I guess it was too overpowered for this Omni God to give me, what a cheap fucking God.

"As for my third wish, Hmm let's see", Sam stands there closes his eyes, and starts thinking about what he wants as his third wish. He's been thinking for about ten minutes about what he wants as his third wish, and the Omni God has been waiting then his expression has started to get an irritating look until he's waited long enough and says "Will you hurry it up Mortal I got places to be bitches to fuck, and want to watch The Walking Dead Alternate Universe". What is he talking about TDW AU there is no such thing, as "What the hell are you talking about". "I'm talking about the world you're going to be in you are my new TV show I will watch when I'm not doing other things". Are you fucking kidding me I'm his entertainment for a TV show when he is not fucking some bitches or messing up other worlds. Dammit, there's nothing I can do I need to calm down he's a god can't do anything to him he sees me as an ant ok let's think of my third wish, ok I think I know what I want.

"Alright, I know what my third wish is". Finally took you long enough so what is it going to be"." I want to be the Ultimate Sexual Being". (Omni God)...ahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahHahha.

"Are you serious what did you have trouble pleasing your women or something because if that's the case that is some funny shit". "Fuck you dude I had no trouble pleasing any women I was with they thought I was great in bed". The Omni God looks at me for a second smirks and says, "Let's see if that is the case then". He closes his eyes for about thirty seconds then opens them to look at me and smiles at me then I start to sweat wait did those women lie and say I was great in bed when I wasn't shit shit shit shit please don't be the case I swear I made them orgasm I even felt it on my cock when they came. "You were not lying I looked through your life and all the women you've been with had great times with you sexually, you were pretty good in bed, why do you want that wish".

"Well does it matter, if I'm going to TDW world I'm going to build a large harem, have some side chicks and cuck some beta boys and impregnate lots of women doesn't matter if they are even ugly or chunky, I'm going to spread my seed worldwide and help repopulate the world with my superior seed". "Wow man respect it's going to be fun observing what happens sure I'll grant your third wish, I'll even add some extra stuff in that wish since you made me laugh".

"Ok, what are you going to give me". "With that wish you just made I'm also going to give you big balls, going to need a big sack for what you plan to do, I'm also going to give you twelve-inch cock, that's for the ladies you're going to please and impregnate, also you can create what you will look like was just going to make you a random body but you can make one now".

A screen pops up in front of me to think of what I want to look like so let's see, I want to be 6'2 tall, tanish white skin, brown hair short to medium, green eyes, lean muscular body, also black dragon tattoos on both arms and a tiger tattoo on my chest. I look at myself on the screen and I look fucking great ladies are going to love me.

I finished and the screen vanished l looked at the Omni God and he looked at me smiled and waved at me and the next thing I knew I was waking up in my new body.

Well the first chapter of writing my first book let's see if you guys like it if not oh well can't please everyone enjoy bye bye.

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