
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs


During our time on the cruise ship, Milotic Mastered all her moves and the ones I taught her recently. Now it was just a matter of increasing her stats and leveling her up. As for Ralts she was slowly mastering her moves, but was a younger Pokémon so it would take her longer. However, I was in no rush, so I let her take her time learning her moves. 

We finally arrived in Canalave City, which is a port city that is bisected by a canal that is crossed by a drawbridge. Large ships are moored at the piers as the port is a hub of cargo transportation. This is the largest trade port city in the region along with one of the largest in the world currently. 

Normally people are only allowed to have no more than two Pokémon out in a city. But with my status and rank, I could have my whole team out if I wanted to. Though in crowded places like this city, I keep Mamoswine and Milotic inside their Poké balls due to their size. That leaves Ralts who I usually hold in my arms or let sit on my shoulder, while Leo walks beside me and Annihilape like usual stays in my shadow. 

"This region has a lot to explore. We are going to be here longer than the other regions," I say to my team as we find a hotel to stay in for the day. 

I know the league isn't aware that Giratina even exists since he doesn't appear due to being locked in his dimension. Dialga and Palkia are just myths, even to the league since the last time they supposedly appeared was over several thousand years ago. The only legendaries in this region the league knows about are the trio, Uxie, Azlef, and Mesprit. However, they are extremely shy and only appear very rarely when someone is around the lakes they stay at. 

Not only those, but other legendaries litter this region as this was the 'first' place that Arceus created according to the legends. There should also be Shaymin hiding somewhere in this region, along with Heatran and Cresselia. Plus Manaphy and Phione should be in this region's oceans. However, I'm unsure how to go about finding Regigigas or Darkrai. 

"We have a lot cut out for us here," I say mostly to myself as my whole team is relaxing in the best hotel room in the city. 

The next morning we explored the city and I stopped at the Canalave City Library as this is the best library in the region. The clerk stopped me asking for my ID since citizens get to use it for free, while visitors have to pay a small fee. However, after seeing my Trainer Rank and Exploration Unit Rank the clerk let me in for free. 

Inside I browsed the many books available though looked for the one about the region's history and legends. Once I read through a few confirming that I know about the same I would get from the books we take our leave. Then we started to head to Jubilife City, after a couple of hours we arrived at another huge city with a population of over ten million. 

Jubilife is the most modernized city in the region and the largest city in Sinnoh. It is the sixth-largest city in the world. The city can be accessed from four directions, with a large fancy gate occupying the west entrance. There are many distinctive buildings in the city, including the headquarters for the regional Newcast station, the Pokétch Company, one of the largest Trainers' Schools, and the Global Trade Station, which allows people to trade Pokémon with anyone across the entire world.

We spent the next few days here exploring the city, we then headed toward Sandgem Town, which was the hometown of Professor Rowan. Professor Rowan, like Professor Oak, is a very famous Pokémon researcher. Though he is not as well known as Professor Oak or as strong as a trainer like Oak. However, the two are friends who share information and research with one another. I've met Professor Rowan a couple of times over calls with Professor Oak. 

Once we reached the town, it was relatively small with maybe only a few dozen thousand total for the population. Though at the south end of the town a beach that many people frequented. Along with many small 'mom and pop' shops littering the town. I then walked over to the large Pokémon Research Center in the Northwest of town boarding the forest to the west of town. 

Walking inside I see dozens of researchers going about their duties none pay me much mind other than giving me a confused look before going back to their work. Then a middle-aged woman walks over to me. 

"Excuse me, sir. Can I help you?" the middle-aged woman who appears to be a clerk of some kind says to me stopping me from walking further inside. 

"Yes, I'm Trainer Lucas Brinton. I know Professor Rowan through Professor Oak. I just wanted to talk with him for a bit," I say while showing her my ID making her eyes widen a bit but she nods her head. 

"One second sir," the woman says before calling someone who I assume is Professor Rowan. 

"Follow me please," the woman says after hanging up the phone and bringing me to the elevator. 

We then ascend to the top floor inside this place reminds me of Professor Oak's personal lab. Though this one appears to be much more organized along with two other researchers besides Professor Rowan. The woman then takes her leave once Professor Rowan waves at me while walking over leaving the two researchers to their devices. 

"Lucas. Nice to finally meet you in person. I've heard more and more about your accomplishments from Oak. Glad I can finally put a face to your name," Professor Rowan says offering his hand to me with I shake smiling back at him. 

"I can say the same," I say shaking his hand back since he is one of the few people Professor Oak ever spoke highly one. 

"So what brings you here?" Professor Rowan says as we sit at his desk and he offers me a glass of water. 

"I have a few questions about the region and the places currently being researched. I'm planning on trying to explore some of the places others haven't here. I have a feeling there are some things here in this region that are yet found," I say since I want to be the one to discover some of these legendary Pokémon. 

"Hmm… Not much here that hasn't been looked into and led to a dead end… What are you thinking about?" Professor Rowan as it makes sense this place has been scoured over the years, but no one has found a breakthrough yet. 

"Can I look at your research and then maybe I can think of where to go from there? Plus I'll call you should I find anything of interest by using your research and we can split the discoveries," I say to him since I know being a researcher is really down to your contributions to the league, which gives you more funds to continue your research. 

"Sure… there you go," Professor Rowan says and I get an alert that someone sent me confidential attachments. 

"Thanks… I'll call you once I believe I found something," I say while looking through his hundreds of papers on the important places of this region. 

"I'd appreciate that," Professor Rowan says nodding his head. 

"I do have one more question," I say putting down my phone since I'll look through them later. 

"Ask away," Professor Rowan says gesturing for me to continue. 

"It is true this region has underground tunnels which trainers can enter to explore?" I say this since digging underground was a thing in the games in my past life. 

"What?... There are many caves that lead underground in the region. Plus archeological sites that can lead to underground too. Though I've never heard of underground tunnels for trainers," Professor Rowan says giving me a confused look as I sheepishly smile a him. 

"Yeah, I figured it was a made-up rumor," I say nodding my head as he stares at me with an unsure look. 

"Anyway, I'll be on my way… Like I said I'll call you should I find anything," I say quickly taking my leave after that embarrassing question. 

"Right…" Professor Rowan says shaking my hand before I leave. 

We then spend a few days in town letting Milotic enjoy the beach and my other Pokémon too. While I read through all the hundreds of papers Professor Rowan wrote. Then once I finished them, we made our way to Oreburgh City. As that is a huge mine nearby and one large Archeological site for the region. 

Arriving I see a large city compared to my past life, but small for this world. Though everyone who lives here appears to either work in the several large mines nearby or in the Archeological building. I wanted us to stop here to gather as many supplies as we could since we'd be heading to the huge mountain range in the center of this region for the next several months if not longer. 

After gathering everything I could along with buying several items for Milotic and Ralts to increase their stats we headed to the Mountains in the distance. It took us several weeks just to get near the mountain's base. However, that was only so Milotic could absorb her items and Ralts could continue to master her moves, along with Milotic leveling up a few more times. 

I then climbed onto Mamoswine with Ralts sitting in front of me, Annihilape in my shadow. Leo and Milotic were in their Poké balls, Mamoswine slowly took us up the mountain as he was an expert Moutain climber due to his ground type even for his size. After a several hour-long journey we arrived at the midpoint on the mountain. 

There we made camp and with the special gear I bought I could easily survive the cold here. While Mamoswine loved this climate enjoying his natural space while Ralts wore the small outfits I bought her. Leo was completely fine also, while Annihilape was unaffected too. Though Milotic remained her in Poké ball for now. 

The next morning I woke up made some hot food for everyone and then we climbed back onto Mamoswine where I'd be riding around as we explored the mountain. No wild Pokémon would bother us unless they were the same Rank as Mamoswine or higher. The others stayed clear of us, I told Mamoswine where we needed to head since there was a cave entrance nearby that should offer us some more insight about the legends here. 

For the next couple hours, we walked along the mountainside that if not for Mamoswine we'd have fallen off of. At some points, it felt like we were walking at a 90° angle. Then we finally approached the cave. I hopped off of Mamoswine and saw that there was a camp made here around the same time we made camp yesterday. 

"Someone is here still possibly," I say to my team as I light the specially made lantern and we walk inside the cave.