
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs


"Charmeleon charge up a pulse!" Lance says with Charmeleon gathering a very distinct energy in his mouth, a dark blue/ purple energy that only Dragon Types or those that can use Dragon Type moves can gather.

"Torkoal, bring down Charmeleon!" Dad says right as Lance commands Charmeleon. Torkoal then begins gathering light brown energy around himself, which is for Rock Type moves. 

The Torkoal finishes first due to being more experienced, plus Charmeleon is injured making it harder for him to gather energy faster. Then some smaller rocks around the battlefield rise up and fly towards Charmeleon like they were shot from a cannon. Charmeleon seeing them jumps out of the way dodging the first few rocks, but gets struck in the back by the last few. 

Charmeleon cries from the pain and stumbles forward a few feet, before finally succumbing to his anger and hatred for Torkoal. Charmeleon instead of using what first appeared like Dragon Pulse, charged Torkoal with a heavy amount of Dragon Engery surrounding himself. Charmeleon then crashed into Torkoal while using his one good arm, tail, and even his head to batter Torkoal relentlessly. 

'Either Charmeleon just learned 'Outrage' or knew it and just lost to his rage,' I think seeing this, either way, Charmeleon's change surprised Torkoal allowing a few hits to land on him before withdrawing into his shell. 

"Charmeleon, get a hold of yourself!" Lance says seeing Charmeleon lose control, but still not listening to him. 

Charmeleon in a blind rage, much like Primeape, sends strike after strike onto Torkoal. Though Torkoal has already withdrawn into his shell, leaving the following attacks useless. After another minute or two of Lance trying to yell at Charmeleon, Charmeleon finally stops his onslaught but falls to his knees absolutely exhausted. 

Torkoal not waiting for my Dad's command takes this chance to body slam the exhausted Charmeleon. Charmeleon doesn't even move just takes the hit being sent back a few feet sliding on the ground a few feet before coming to a stop. We can all see that Charmeleon is unconscious and completely knocked out. 

"Charmeleon is unable to battle! Winners are Gym Leader Blaine and Torkoal!" the referee says seeing this happen. 

Lance withdraws Charmeleon with a well-hidden annoyance, though he stabilizes Charmeleon he appears to want to have a serious talk with his Pokémon later. Meanwhile, Torkoal slowly made his way back over to his starting area, even though he hadn't moved much since the battle started. Lance then sends out his next Pokémon, which bipedal prehistoric Pokémon that resembles a pterosaur with several draconic features.

It has small sharply pointed ears, narrow dark green eyes, a ridged snout, a gaping mouth, and a strong lower jaw full of serrated fangs. Its body is covered in light blue-gray skin and it has large, violet membranous wings. The clawed hands at the end of each wing allow it to grasp objects. There is a hump-like ridge with a spike on its back, and it has a strong tail with an arrow-shaped tip. This Pokémon is called Aerodactyl and is an extremely rare Pokémon as only a handful can use the ancient Pokémon. 

"Begin!" the referee says seeing everyone ready. 

"Torkoal, make yourself even hardier!" Dad says buffing Torkoal to the max. As Torkoal once again uses Iron Defense and Amnesia. 

"Aerodactyl, change the environment!" Lance says as Aerodactyl gathers his rock type energy. Then a huge sandstorm bursts out from him and it covers the whole arena, through the sandstorm we can see Aerodactyl send out small rocks towards where my Dad sends in his Pokémon. 

"Torkoal burn the flying lizard!" Dad says as Torkoal gathers his fire type energy. 

"Aerodactyl, power up and then use the old power!" Lance says to Aerodactyl. 

First, though Aerodactyl does an aerial dance that looks like a real Dragons Dance. This buffed him up greatly, and then Torkoal made the Lava around the arena rise and launch towards Aerodactyl. However, with the combination of the sandstorm making it hard to see, plus Aerodactyl's speed, Aerodactyl easily dodged the attacks. 

Just after Torkoal used his move, Aerodactyl then gathered rocks around the arena using a psychic like energy to lift them. 

All the rocks launch toward Torkoal who is too slow to dodge them. Instead, Torkoal withdrew himself back into his shell. However, the power behind Aerodactyl's attack still slammed into Torkoal whose shell actually cracked after the third strike. Everyone was surprised seeing this showing just how strong Aerodactyl is. 

"Torkoal, melt this place!" Dad says telling Torkoal to use his strongest move. Torkoal then begins gathering most of his energy in the fire type form. 

"Drill a hole into that shell!" Lance says to Aerodactyl who quickly gathers his energy too. 

Aerodactyl was the first to finish gathering his energy with the sandstorm still raging and slowly ticking away at Torkoal too. Aerodactyl then used his energy to pick up a decent-sized rock forming it into a very compact and pointy-looking lance head. Then the rock at Torkoal. With a sonic boom, the rock flew towards Torkoal making everyone, even my Dad surprised at the sheer power behind that strike. 

The rock smashed into Torkoal who angled his shell for the rock to strike center mass. The rock exploded in a huge cloud of dust in the already sandstorm with fragments of rock smashing into the invisible barrier. It looked like a box of frag grenades went off right where Torkoal was standing. 

Just before the dust settled Torkoal finished his attack as all the lava around the arena exploded in what seemed like a small volcanic eruption. The lava burst from the mot and flew into the air covering the entire arena in lava that came quickly crashing down. However, as the lava crashed into the ground we see Aerodactyl used protect to keep itself from receiving any damage. 

Torkoal looked extremely hurt with a part of his shell missing and exposing his soft fleshy body underneath. Though Torkoal still remained standing with a defiant look in his eyes, we could all see just how hurt and exhausted he is. My Dad then withdrew Torkoal before Lance could command Aerodactyl for his next move, as he already knew Torkoal was done. 

"Gym Leader Blaine withdrew Torkoal! The winners are Lance and Aerodactyl! Please send out your next Pokémon!" the referee says seeing this happen. 

My Dad then gestures to Charizard who is standing with my Pokémon to go into the arena. Charizard with a yawn stands up and flies into the arena standing in his spot. Then the small rocks placed earlier go flying towards Charizard who uses his wings to cover his body. The rocks crash into him, causing small cuts to form on his wings, but other than that not much other damage. 

"Begin!" the referee says right after this happens, though we can see Charizard is now extremely pissed off having been attacked right at entering the arena. 

"Charizard show them who is the master of the sky," Dad says as Charizard charges up three moves, as right under my Dad's ace Magmar is Charizard in the next ranking for his team. 

"Aerodactyl, change the speed of you two!" Lance says as Aerodactyl gathers his energy. 

Aerodactyl then quickly makes an angry face, but I can see the invisible energy strike Charizard making him flinch. Seems Aerodactyl used Scary Face, making Charizard slightly slower and then Aerodactyl used another invisible energy to make himself faster. 

Just after Aerodactyl used Scary Face, Charizard spit out a black smoke that almost covered the whole battlefield. This was his smokescreen making it next to impossible to see what else Charizard was doing currently, though I could sense what he was doing. 

Just after the smokescreen, Charizard used Sunny Day as we could feel the sandstorm disappear and in its place, the temperature rose inside the arena. Then right after that Charizard disappeared completely though I could see the real him which was a few feet behind the fake Charizard. Charizard used a substitute so the next strike would hit the fake while the real one could charge up a different move than the fake. 

"Aerodactyl, cut him!" Lance says right after the smokescreen finally dissipated once Charizard completed his three moves. With Aerodactyl finishing his two moves. 

"Charizard do the same!" Dad says seeing Aerodactyl charge up dragon type energy.

Aerodactyl then rushes Charizard or the fake one in this case, with him meeting the fake one head on. However, Aerodactyl's attack passes right through the fake one causing it to disappear making everyone except for my Dad, Charizard, and me surprised at what just happened. Right as the fake disappeared the real Charizard appeared before Aerodactyl landing a heavy electrical punch on his head. 

Aerodactyl screeched in pain as Charizard smashed into the head of Aerodactyl with electrical currents going through his body. The hit appeared critical as Aerodactyl smashed into the ground below while also appearing to be paralyzed from the electrical energy coursing through his body. 

"End this quickly!" Dad says as Charizard spits out another smoke screen. 

"Aerodactyl, make the smoke screen disappear!" Lance says with slight desperation in his voice seeing battle quickly change back to my Dad's favor. 

Once again Charizard uses Substitute making a fake him. Then we see the electrical currents flash across Aerodactyl's body showing he couldn't do anything currently. Right after see a flash of fire as Charizard sends a Flamethrower Aerodactyl's way. Aerodactyl screeches in pain as the flames wash over him. 

Right after the flames wash over Aerodactyl, he is sent flying out of the smoke screen once Charizard lands another Thunder Punch on Aerodactyl. Aerodactyl crashes into the invisible barrier and slides down, but right before Aerodactyl lands into the lava, Lance recalls him. Charizard easily won the match only receiving damage from the hidden stones Aerodactyl sent out earlier. 

"Lance withdrew Aerodactyl! The winners are Gym Leader Blaine and Charizard!" the referee says as Charizard sends out a puff of smoke from his nose and flies back to his starting area. 

"Challenger Lance, please send out your last Pokémon!" the referee says right after. 

Lance then pats Dragonair's head and the large light blue snake-like Pokémon uses its wings on the side of its head to glide into the arena. The long Pokémon then sits up with the standard proud look of all dragon type Pokémon while staring down Charizard who looks back at it with a disinterested look. 

Lance appears slightly worried as even if Dragonair somehow beats Charizard he will still have to face another of my Dad's Pokémon. The probability that Dragonair will win without damage is next to nothing, and even with minimal damage is extremely low. So Lance steels himself for a defeat, which his last one was against Giovani who he first tried fighting on his journey as a trainer. 

My Dad seemed like his normal calm and collected self, as his years of experience made him used to battles. Plus Charizard was extremely strong, one of the strongest Charizards only falling behind Professor Oak and Red Ketchum. Blue Oak has the strongest Blastoise. 

"Begin!" the referee says seeing everyone ready for the potential last battle of the match.