
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs


'Primeape's buffs are still there from the last round, but if I buff him again he will be even stronger' I think just as the referee says to begin. 

"Primeape, buff up again!" I say right after as Koga begins whispering his commands. 

Right as Primeape buffs up, Nidoking uses what appears like Leer and Focus Energy, the same moves as Primeape. This buffs Primeape's base attack to even higher levels. Now if Primeape can land even one hit it should deal decent damage to Nidoking. 

'Primeape, avoid the ground using the trees and acrobatics. Then charge up a Focus Punch and try to land it without touching the ground,' I that to Primeape completely avoiding shouting my commands at this point. 

Primeape then immediately jumps into the tree tops making his way to Nidoking who is just staring at Primeape unmoving. Just as Primeape begins closing the distance, Nidoking stomps the ground once causing an earthquake right as Primeape jumps from the tree to the next causing the tree to shake. This makes Primeape miss the tree branch he aimed for and begin falling to the ground. 

Nidoking didn't waste any time and sent chunks of earth at Primeape which looked like 'Earth Power'. Primeape tried to angle his body, dodging the first several chunks of earth but was hit by the last one sending him smashing into a tree. Primeape cried out in pain with the one arm that he used to block the attack appeared broken. The Earth Power was a critical hit, though now his base attack is extremely high. 

'Primeape, we both know you are going down in this fight… Use Final Gambit, try to help Leo as much as you can before going down' I say to Primeape who looks very pissed from the last attack but nods his head not taking his eyes off Nidoking. 

Nidoking then begins taking more chunks of earth out of the ground to send at Primeape. Primeape then begins jumping from tree trunk to tree trunk avoiding the ground and chunks of earth. At the same time, Primeape is charging up all of his remaining energy into his last attack. 

Primeape quickly gathered all of his energy, but just as he did another chunk of earth smashed into him making him cry in pain again. With a limp Primeape stood up and charged head-first at Nidoking who just stared down Primeape with the same indifferent look. 

Nidoking then stomped the ground again causing another earthquake, though Primeape jumped into the air as soon as he saw Nidoking go to stomp. Primeape just narrowly avoided the earthquake, but Nidoking was prepared for that. Nidoking aimed his head at the incoming Primeape using Megahorn and launched himself at Primeape. 

The two attacks collided as Primeape's fist smashed into the large horn atop Nidoking's head. With a huge explosion of energy, dust, and smoke blocking our view, it finally dissipated. We all saw Primeape collapsed at the base of a tree with a heavily bleeding arm that was used to attack Nidoking. Then I saw Nidoking who appeared completely fine and walked back to his starting area not sparing another look at Primeape. 

"Primeape is unable to battle! The winners are Gym Leader Koga and Nidoking!" the referee says seeing the outcome of the battle. 

I then quickly withdraw Primeape and stabilize him before I look to Leo nodding my head to him. The referee then asks me to send out my last Pokémon and right after Leo jumps down into the arena. 

"Begin!" the referee says seeing everyone ready for the last battle of this match. 

"Leo, you know what to do," I say as Leo immediately uses Leer, Howl and then quickly charges Nidoking using Flame Charge right after. His mastery of his moves allows him to use three back-to-back while most Pokémon can only do two back-to-back. 

However, at the same time, Nidoking used Leer and Focus Energy again then tossed Toxic Spikes around himself right as Leo began charging at him. Leo seeing this cancled his charge and jumped into a tree nearby to avoid the ground-type moves. The two Duke Ranked Pokémon stared down one another now waiting for their next commands. 

'Avoid the ground at all costs and keep your distance while charging up a Fire Blast,' I say to Leo who then begins charging up his fire. 

Nidoking then grabs chunks of earth again and sends them flying at Leo, though Leo is much faster than Primeape, easily dodging the attacks. Nidoking and Koga show some surprise seeing Leo's speed, though they expect him to be fast, just as fast as he is. 

Nidoking then begins charging up his energy just as Leo finishes charing his. Leo sends out a small firebolt toward Nidoking who sidesteps the attack just avoiding it. However, the attack doesn't need a direct hit, as a huge explosion occurs right next to Nidoking who is knocked down. This makes Nidoking cancel his latest move being shocked by the explosion that occurred right next to him. 

Nidoking then pushes himself up with slight scorched marks on his thick armor, but he does not that hurt. While Leo is already charging up another attack, Leo is preparing a Flamethrower. Nidoking then begins charging his move again, though this time staring at Leo with annoyance. 

Leo then finishes charging his move first sending a stream of extremely hot flames at Nidoking who just tanks the hit. Then just after the flames cover Nidoking, Nidoking sends out a huge wave of water from himself in all directions. Leo seeing this then jumps into the air just as the wave passes underneath him taking down some of the trees in the area. 

Leo lands on the ground avoiding the toxic spikes that are now littered everywhere. However, right after Leo lands, Nidoking then stomps the ground again sending out an earthquake. Leo then sends bolts of electricity into his legs before jumping into the air towards a tree that is closest nearby. However, the distance is too much for any of Leo's moves to be effective. Even with two heavy fire-type moves, Nidoking looks unaffected and not even burned. 

'Leo charge up a V-create,' I say to Leo who immediately begins charging his strongest move. 

Nidoking however, once again begins sending chunks of earth toward Leo. Leo is doing his best to dodge them as there are fewer and fewer trees now. Since Nidoking is taking the trees that Leo is using to avoid the ground. Just as Leo finishes charging up his latest move, he pushes himself off the tree toward Nidoking. 

Nidoking, just like with Primeape uses Megahorn to meet Leo head-on. Another huge explosion of energy, dust, and smoke appears clouding our vision. Before the smoke can even clear, Leo seems to be using another move as we all hear Nidoking cry out in pain for the first time. 

As the area clears up, Leo is standing a few feet from Nidoking whose horn is broken and whose chest armor is cracked. Nidoking even appears to have actual burns across his body now. Though Leo appears to be getting tired quickly having used several strong moves back to back. 

Koga for the first time this match appears surprised too, not expecting Leo to be in the same rank as his Ace Pokémon. Especially since Leo isn't damaged but just tired from using his moves. While Nidoking is heavily damaged now, Leo just needs to land a few more moves and we can win this. 

Koga then seems to say something with annoyance on his face very visible. Nidoking then begins charging up a lot of energy which appears to be fighting type energy. 

'This won't be good,' I think seeing this. 

'Leo create distance, then charge up one more V-create. That should be able to end this,' I say to Leo who immediately jumps away from Nidoking back onto a nearby tree. 

Nidoking however, for the first time, charges after Leo but is much slower than him, letting Leo keep the distance easily. Then Nidoking stops moving while staring at Leo waiting for him to use his next move. 

'Leo, try to fake out Nidoking. Rush towards him once you are done charging up your move, but jump over him at the last second to avoid whatever move they are planning. Then turn around and land the V-create,' I say to Leo who then uses the tree he is one to catapult himself towards Nidoking once again. 

Seems Nidoking and Koga are waiting for this, as Nidoking releases his charged energy launching himself at Leo. Though just as it appeared Leo was going to meet the charging head-on, he jumped over Nidoking who landed the hit on the ground causing a huge crater to form on the ground and dust to cloud the area. 

Then we see a fiery explosion inside the cloud of dust and a cry of Nidoking, as Leo successfully lands his second V-create on Nidoking. Leo can do one more V-create before he completely exhausts himself, so hopefully this is the end. After a few tense seconds, the dust finally settles. 

As the dust finally settles, we Leo standing over a collapsed Nidoking who is extremely burned, and his armor looks completely broken on his back. Koga looks very surprised seeing this, even I'm surprised Leo somehow pulled a win without taking any damage from a Pokémon of the same rank and at a type disadvantage. 

"Nidoking is unable to battle! The winners are Trainer Lucas and Leo!" the referee says seeing the outcome of the battle. Leo then howls in triumph as everyone in the crowd cheers seeing this. 

'Seems Leo is much stronger than his rank suggests… Maybe there is something different about him too, that I am not seeing yet,' I think, the god who gave him to me, did say my starter was going to be special, but I just thought it was just because of Leo's potential was high. But there seems to be more to it, something that I am missing. 

Leo then runs over to me with a happy look on his face, as I praise him for a job well done and give him his treats. Then we see Koga make his way over to us as Leo eats his treats. I see the face of Koga as one of surprise and respect for me and Leo. He appears to be looking at Leo with a new light. 

"Congratulations on your win, you are as strong as the rumors stated. You deserve the Soul Badge and a small gift from me," Koga says handing me my newest gym badge and a TM.

"Thanks, but it is really because Leo here is crazy strong. I am just lucky he is my partner," I say patting Leo who is smiling at the praise I am giving him, while Koga just nods his head hearing me. 

"That is the life of us trainers. Our Pokémon are our strength, but at the same time, even the strongest Pokémon wouldn't be that great without a good trainer. It takes teamwork for a trainer and a Pokémon to be strong, not just one of them being 'strong'," Koga says to me as I just nod my head at his 'wisdom'. 

"Well thank you for the badge and TM," I say to Koga who nods his head to me. 

"The TM is Poison Jab, a great move for Primeape to learn," Koga says to me before shaking my hand and leaving us. 

"Well, let's bring our team to the Pokémon Center, then celebrate our win. Tomorrow I will let Primeape learn the move and then we can make our way home. There we will see if we can finally beat Dad in a fair fight," I say to Leo who barks in agreement. 

Just like I planned, we healed up our team. I let Primeape learn Poison Jab and then we got onto a ship headed to Cinnabar Island. During that time I saw everyone leveled up, with Leo reaching the top of Duke Rank, almost breaking into King Ranked. Though I know it will take something very powerful to help him break into that rank. Primeape and Piloswine are excited to see my hometown. While Leo and I are excited to see it too, but also just to be back in our home.