
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs


"Vaporeon, use Water Gun!" Acqua says right after the referee starts the battle, seems she wants to take out Mankey ASAP. This would happen if Mankey gets hit again, as he is on his last leg, but his anger is keeping him going. 

"Mankey, dodge the attacks while closing the distance!" I say with Mankey immediately dodging the Water Gun while jumping to get closer to Vaporeon.

"Vaporeon, dive! Then do your specialty!" Acqua says right before Mankey reaches Vaporeon as it jumps into the water to avoid Mankey. 

"Mankey, use Focus Energy!" 'Then use Focus Punch when Vaporeon shows itself,' I say to Mankey who uses his moves while concentrating on Focus Punch while watching the water closely. 

Seems Focus Engery helped him regain some control from his insane anger. The next few seconds were very tense, then Vaporeon showed up from behind Mankey with a charged Hydro Pump. 

"Mankey behind you!" I say just as he jumps up dodging the Hydro Pump by a hair's width and then lands his Focus Punch which was another critical hit. 

The resounding boom from the hit and the lack of noise from Vaporeon, had me worried he killed it with one punch. Though from the looks of it, Vaporeon was just unconscious as Mankey once again celebrated his victory with a victory screech. 

"Vaporeon is unable to battle! Lucas and Mankey are the winners of this round!" the referee says seeing Vaporeon not moving and Acqua removes Vaporeon with a worried look. She then gives Mankey a look of pure respect and surprise seeing how strong Mankey is. 

"Gym Leader Acqua please send out your last Pokémon," the referee says seeing Acqua just giving a look at Mankey for a few seconds. 

Acqua then takes out a Pokéball and throws it, with a Gyarados taking the stage in the center of the pool. It gives out an intimidating battle cry, which Acqua thinks lowers Mankey's attack stat slightly, though instead raises it by another level. Mankey in response screeches back at it while punching his fists together. 

"You know Mankey is probably the craziest fucker we will ever meet," I say to Leo as we watch Mankey look completely unfazed at Gyarados while returning its challenge. 

"Growlithe," Leo says nodding his head while Mankey looks very excited for the battle to start. 

"Begin!" the referee says seeing everyone ready for the potential last round. 

"Gyarados, dive and bring rain!" Acqua says as soon as the referee tells us to start. 

"Mankey use Focus Energy!" 'Then keep moving from place to place, so Gyarados can't sneak attack you as easily. When Gyarados pops out use Acrobatics,' I say since the pool is very deep and dark making seeing even a huge Pokémon like Gyarados extremely hard to spot. Plus Mankey will need to wait another minute or two before he can use another Focus Punch. 

Mankey then begins to jump from land plot to land plot while watching the surrounding water very closely. Gyarados then pops out of the water at Mankey as he is mid-jump using an Aqua Tail. Mankey mid-jump can't dodge this so he uses his Acrosbatics to counter the move. 

The two moves clash with a loud boom coming from the hit, as both Pokémon as sent back. With Gyarados only moving a few feet, Mankey is sent flying to the other side of the arena. Mankey lands with a crash on a plot of land in the corner of the arena. 

'Shit,' I think as I look at Mankey who is unconscious while Leo looks at Gyarados with anger. 

"M–Man–Mankey!!!" Mankey says struggling to stand but still gets up and looks even more pissed off. This takes everyone by surprise, as we all thought he was down for the count. 

"Mankey! Are you sure?" I say since Acqua is holding back right now as she doesn't want to kill Mankey since he appears extremely hurt. As his one arm is hanging limply to his side. 

"Mankey!" Mankey says giving me a look that says to let him battle until he can not anymore. 

"...Fine, but take another hit like that and I'm pulling you regardless if you still want to battle," I say as Mankey nods his head while giving Gyarados a battle-crazed look. 

"Then, let's continue," Acqua says seeing Mankey still not out of the battle. 

"Gyarados, finish this with a Hydro Pump," Acqua says seeing the distance between the two Pokémon. 

"Mankey use Acrobatics again!" 'Then land a Focus Punch when you get close enough,' I say to Mankey who begins jumping from place to place to close the distance. 

Gyarados lets his Hydro Pump lose just as Mankey is almost upon him, the attack hits the piece of land Mankey was just on as Mankey dodges it. With the piece of land being destroyed by the hit. Mankey then lands his Focus Punch on Gyarados, with it hitting him right on the head. 

Gyarados cries in pain as his head slaps the water from the force of the punch. While Mankey jumps back onto a nearby piece of land. Gyarados is still standing, though that Focus Punch did severe damage to him. It seems to be another critical hit from Mankey, as now Gyarados is almost as pissed off as Mankey from that hit. 

"Gyarados, use Hurricane!" Acqua says as I feel slight panic since this will surely take Mankey out and possibly permanently injure him. 

"Mankey, use Cross Chop!" I say to Mankey who jumps toward Gyarados landing another hit on him, right before a Hurricane starts to form around Gyarados. 

The hit from Mankey did some more damage as both Pokémon appear to be on their last leg. Mankey was able to get out of the range from the Hurricane around Gyarados, but now he won't be able to get close without being hit either. 

"Mankey keep a distance from Gyarados!" 'Then as soon as the Hurricane drops try to land another Focus Punch,' I say to Mankey as I hope he can keep away from Gyarados, plus by the time the Hurricane disappears Mankey should be able to use Focus Punch again. 

"Gyarados, chase down Mankey and use Aqua Tail!" Acqua says as Gyarados swims after Mankey who is jumping from place to place. 

With the rain dance from earlier and the fact that Gyarados is in water, with a Hurricane around him. He is easily able to close the distance between him and Mankey. Mankey seeing that he is going to be taken out, uses a new move on Gyarados. The move was Final Gambit and Mankey put all that he had in it. Landing a hit on Gyarados just as the Hurricane hit Mankey. 

Gyarados flew back from the hit crashing into a piece of land with a cry as it smashed into the ground. There it remained unmoving, at the same time Mankey flew back crashing into the invisible wall of the arena before sliding down onto a piece of land. Mankey fell to the ground on his feet giving one last look at Gyarados and saw he won the final hit. With a proud look, he finally collapsed onto the ground unconscious. 

"Gyarados was first to be unable to battle! Lucas and Mankey won!!" the referee says with excitement seeing the intense battle between the two Pokémon. Acqua and I were even more extremely impressed with Mankey and his insane determination to win. 

I stabilized Mankey and then returned him to his Pokéball. Once I receive my second gym badge I would then immediately bring him to the Pokémon Center. Acqua walked over to me while handing me the Cascade gym badge. 

"You are an amazing Trainer and I can see why your Dad is so proud and excited about you. Plus from your battle with Flint and now me, you are going to be getting a lot of attention," Acqua says to me handing me the gym badge. 

"I'll have the money transferred to you, but here take this too," Acqua says giving me a TM for Scald. 

"Thanks," I say to her as I now notice her young daughter watching me from the stands, the oldest sister of Misty, Ash's second companion in his first journey. 

I then rush over to the Pokémon Center handing over Mankey's Pokéball. After waiting for an hour, I was told Mankey was fine and just needed rest. I was then handed Mankey's Pokéball back. The three of us then go to a local restaurant to celebrate our victory. 

Though like Acqua said I am now noticing more people talking about me and pointing at me from a distance. Later I got another phone call from my Dad congratulating me on my second victory and after checking up I went to bed. 

We then spent a few days in the city relaxing and sightseeing, as I figured we could use a few days of reprieve between training and battling. Once I felt we were ready, I headed towards Route Five which would take us to Saffron City for our next gym battle. 

Once again I decided we would be spending a month or more in the wilderness near Route Five before going to the next city. Almost two weeks into our journey through the woods, Leo smelled the scent of a Human. We decided to take a closer look and as we traveled to this scene, the closer we got we could hear the sounds of battle. 

Arriving there I see Brock fighting two Arbok and six Ekans, with his Onix and Graveler. The two Pokémon were easily handling the wild snake Pokémon, as Brock was instructing them on what to do. We watched this battle, and as I was curious to see how well Brock would do, it would give me insight into his abilities in person rather than watching his fights. 

I was not very impressed by his abilities, then again he was facing wild Pokémon and not a trainer or gym battle. Though his personality did seem to match the anime from my past life, as he seemed to take this battle very seriously like any other I've seen him in. 

"Hello, I am Lucas. You must be Brock," I say once he finishes the battle as he and his Pokémon turn to us in surprise before his two Pokémon get into battle stances again. 

"Hello…How do you know my name?" Brock says it seems he wasn't paying attention to his fellow trainers of his generation. 

"I met your Dad a few months ago when I battled him and he told me he had a son my age who just started his journey too," I say to Brock who nods his head relaxing a bit seeing we mean him no harm. 

"Well, nice to meet you too Lucas!... Wait! I remember now where I recognize you from! My Dad did tell me about you! You were the guy who beat him with just a Growlithe!" Brock says now seeming to know me at noticing Leo who is staring at his Pokémon with a challenging gaze, alongside Mankey who is always itching for a fight. 

"Yeah, that was me," I say to Brock nodding my head. 

"That's awesome! Want to join me for some lunch? I was about to cook it before those snakes showed up. We can battle afterward," Brock says to me and I nod my head. 

"Sure," I say since Brock seemed to be a fantastic cook from the anime and I was curious if that was true in this world. Plus it didn't to become acquainted with someone as important as Brock if his life follows the one from my past life. 

"Want me to help cook?" I ask him being polite. 

"Nah, it's fine. Instead, you can tell me about yourself," Brock says as my Pokémon and his Pokémon relax while talking to each other. With Brock and I sharing stories about our life as he cooks our lunch.