
Reincarnated into the world of Oshi no ko

This is the story of a man named Jiro who died and now is reincarnated into the world of Oshi no ko how will he shake things up in this world and will he be the one to save Ai Hoshino’s smile.

Tjsmith1202 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

End Of An Era

[Tanaka Penthouse]

(Ai's POV)

So it has been a couple of days since Aqua had his first TV debut and the meeting between Jiro and Hikaru at the moment I am in the room alone while the kids are at school and Jiro is at the studio it has been a bit tense between me and Jiro over the course of the past few days the reason why is that what he told me on the day Hikaru came to the school of his past with Hikaru and why he hasn't pulled the trigger on taking Hikaru down.



(Third Person POV)

Ai:"Jiro what did you do?"

Jiro:"Haaaaa well I guess you deserve to know of why I haven't been able to release any of the evidence that I have gathered on Hikaru and that is because he has some dirt on me more specifically that I killed someone in the past."

Ai:"Wait? What! What do you mean you killed someone Jiro what happened!"

Jiro:"Well this was back when I was first starting out in the entertainment industry I was getting small roles you know same as Hikaru. And that is when me and Hikaru first met each other and started to hang out like friends and for a while I thought that we would stay friends until."

Ai:"Until what Jiro?

Jiro:"Until the day that Hikaru told me about the day that he was raped by a women and was the father of a child of that said women he told me this because he wanted to get some type of revenge on her and wanted my help in doing so. So in my stupid young mind of mine I thought that it was a good idea to help him in his quest of revenge so I helped him out.

Ai:"Jiro I don't like where this is going what did you do when you and Hikaru finally got your revenge of this woman.

Jiro:"Airi Himekawa was the woman and once we found out where she was after some months we headed over to her and.

Ai:"And what Jiro? Did you."

Jiro:"Haaaaaaaa yes after some time Hikaru talked to her mostly yelling saying how she messed with his life and how she will pay for it while she said nothing so before Hikaru could do anything to her I took it upon myself to strike the finishing blow so he wouldn't have to deal with the guilt of it all I thought I was doing the right thing but clearly I was wrong."

Ai:"So what happened after that Jiro?

Jiro:"After that incident I started seeing the cracks in Hikaru and that he wasn't a friend. No he was a person that would destroy anything in his way to success. Hell even told me that he wanted to kill his own son so that he doesn't get any backlash in the future if his son ever found out about him so after that I cut all ties with him and was gonna turn him in but."

Ai:"You realized that if you were to turn him in then you would also go down for his crimes is that right."

Jiro:"Yes so I thought of a plan to get as much evidence I can on him so that his crimes would outweigh the crimes I did but I don't know if that will even save me Ai to be honest I am out of ideas and I don't know what the hell to do next."


Flashback end


(Ai's POV)

After what Jiro told me He wanted everything to go back to normal saying that he will figure all of that stuff out but I knew that this was taking it's toll on him and that Hikaru was reaping all of the benefits from this and it was making me even more and more angry. So what I went ahead and did was get in contact with the investigator that Jiro has been in contact with to ask if he could do anything to help out with Jiro's case.

Investigator:"Hello Mr. Jiro what is it I can do for you."

Ai:"Hello is this Detective Itachi I would like to ask you some questions if it's not any trouble.

Detective Itachi:"Huh if I am not mistaken you are the famous Ai Tanaka am I right?"

Ai:"Yes I am I assume Jiro has mentioned me and the situation that he is in with Hikaru Kamiki am I right."

Detective Itachi:"Yes so I ask you this what is it that you want to know Mrs. Tanaka?"


Once I said that detective Itachi told me all that him and Jiro have been doing over the years of taking down Hikaru but ultimately had to stop a few weeks ago since the evidence they gained felt wouldn't be enough since Jiro was involved in the murder of Airi Himekawa which would still land Jiro in prison for however long since he was involved in the murder of someone. But that is when the detective said this to me.

Detective Itachi:"Well that is all and Jiro is still in a tough spot Mrs. Tanaka so there is not much I can do I am very sorry."

Ai:"No it is alright I just wish there was a way for only Hikaru to be involved in Airi Himekawa death instead of both Jiro and Hikaru."

Detective Itachi:"Well there may be a way if you hack into Hikaru phone and get all of his personal information on that night and removed Jiro then it would only be Hikaru going down for Airi Himekawa murder and all of the other crimes on top of that one."

Ai:"That's perfect and I think I might have a friend that can help on the hacking part. But a question for you detective why do you want to take down Hikaru so bad if I may ask?"

Detective Itachi:"Hahahaha let's just say that Hikaru needs to be put down for all of the things that he did or was going to do that would be one less scum on the streets."

Ai:"I see well thank you detective for all the help and info talk to you later."

Detective Itachi:"Alright Mrs. Tanaka talk to you later."

After our conversation on the phone I contacted everyone except for Jiro to come to the penthouse to discuss the situation and how we can save Jiro and take down Hikaru. And as I told everyone of the situation their were varied of reactions such as anger form Hina, Miayko, Aqua, and Ruby and their were either sadness or confusion from Sumi, Aki, and Takashi.

But after their reactions I then told them that we needed to get Hikaru's phone to hack into it and get the information from that night to save Jiro and take down Hikaru once and for all and be free from this era of the entertainment industry once and for all.


(Third Person POV)

After that meeting at the Tanaka penthouse Ai and the rest of the family except Jiro put their plan into motion on getting Hikaru's phone which heavily involved Ai going in and talking to Hikaru with everyone else on standby to secure Hikaru's phone while he is distracted by Ai.

While all of this is happening Jiro was at the movie studio finishing the edits to the movie with the director while he was in the middle of edits he had a suspicion that something bad is happening more over that something involved Hikaru so he turns to the director and says.

Jiro:"Hey director do you know where Hikaru is by any chance?"

Director:"Oh well he said something about meeting an old friend why do you ask?"

Jiro:"Oh just curious..... Will you wait here for a moment I need to make a call okay."

Director:"Okay Jiro take your time."

After a few minutes later Jiro was in the lounge room and picked up his phone and made a call to Ai.

Ai:"Hello Jiro what is it?"

Jiro:"Hey Ai I was just wondering where were you right now?"

Ai:"Oh I um.... I am going to meet up with a friend that's all."

Jiro:"Oh and pray tell who is this friend Ai?"

Ai:"It's someone that I met recently that's all you don't need to worry my dear husband hehe."


Ai:"Don't worry it's a women I met a the market and we really hit it off and decided to hang out with her that's all okay and don't worry about the kids there at home safe and sound."

Jiro:"Uh huh okay Ai well just be safe and come back home safe alright."

Ai:"Haha yes dear I will love you bye!"

Jiro:"Love you too bye."

After the conversation of the two ended Jiro knew that Ai was lying about the so called friend so in an instant he rushed to the director to tell him that he would be going home early which the director agreed to and would finish the editing himself which Jiro appreciated but right now he needed to save his wife from something she was doing.



(Ai's POV)

So today was the day that we were going to implement our plan on getting rid of the evidence that Hikaru has on Jiro I was waiting inside the restaurant at a table waiting on Hikaru to show up since this is part of the plan we cooked up with me distracting him while detective Itachi and his team sneak into Hikaru's place and erase all evidence and trace of Jiro helping Hikaru and save him.

But what I am more worried about right now is Jiro not to long ago I got off the phone with him and I am sure that he knows that I am up to something since for some strange reason he could always tell when I am lying and not so I have to by time in this meeting with Hikaru and the same goes for the kids and the rest of our family to distract Jiro.

And it was at that moment after my thoughts were put to rest for now is when Hikaru came into the restaurant being escorted by the waiter to the table I was sitting at and as soon as he was at the table the conversation began.

Hikaru:"Oh Ai Tanaka as I live and breath it is so nice to finally meet the woman that stole my best friends heart hahaha."

Ai:"Yeah and same goes for me seeing the man that is using my dear husband for his sick and twisted game hehe."

As we spoke the air became tense around us until the waiter cut through asking us.

Waiter:"Uh would either of you like a drink for tonight?"

Hikaru:"Ah yes give us some wine please."

Ai:"Really going to use that tactic Hikaru my how you are so you."

Hikaru:"And what does that mean?"

Ai:"Well simple you tried doing the same with me getting me drunk enough to sleep with me and use me but not this time Hikaru. For me kind waiter just water."

Waiter:"Uh yes right away wine and water coming up."

After the waiter left to get our drinks the real battle began.