
Reincarnated into the world of Oshi no ko

This is the story of a man named Jiro who died and now is reincarnated into the world of Oshi no ko how will he shake things up in this world and will he be the one to save Ai Hoshino’s smile.

Tjsmith1202 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

A New Level In Life

[Few months ago Tanaka's penthouse]

(Jiro's POV)

I awoke from my sleep I went to the bathroom to do my morning rituals I hear Ai waking up and I say.

Jiro:"Hey Ai good morning."

Ai:"Morning Jiro *Yawnnnn*".

Jiro:"You had a tough night huh."

Ai:"Yeah I had to stay at the studio for a few editing scenes."

Jiro:"Oh okay well I bet that your movie is gonna be amazing."

Ai:"I hope so this is my first lead role in a movie."

Jiro:"Yeah it is what's the movie again."

Ai:"Oh uh ah it's called The Knightly Order.

Jiro:"The knightly order uhhh ohhh yeah I heard of that the director wanted me on that project but I had to reprise my role for Fast and Drifty."

Ai:"Hahaha how many are their now about 10 hahaha."

Jiro:"No not 10 we are on 9 but it's still good and broke a ton of box office records so I say that it's been doing well."

Ai:"Hahaha whatever what time do you have go to the studio."

Jiro:"Ah about 10am and after I get done from the studio I got to take Aqua to director Taishi Gotanda to learn more behind the scenes stuff what about you."

Ai:"Ah well after I get done with the studio Ruby wants to go and work on her dance moves and her singing voice she is still so passionate about becoming an idol even after that day."

Jiro:"I know and trust me I have been getting all potential productions that want Ruby to back off even if this breaks her heart every time they reject her."

Ai:"Huh I just wish this world wasn't so cruel Jiro. I just want our kids to be safe and happy why can't we have that? why? *Sob Sob*."

Jiro:"*Comes closer and hugs Ai* Hey don't worry no matter what I will make sure our kids are ready and prepared for the world no matter what."

Ai:"Thank you Jiro."

As me and Ai were embracing in the bathroom Aqua who was looking into our room heard and saw this which made Aqua realize that he needs to be better and protect his family same as Jiro has been doing.


[Few hours later-Movie studio]

(Ai's POV)

It has been a couple of hours of editing the last scene I had for the day and I was in my dressing room with Miayko with me I suddenly hear my phone ringing I pick it up the phone and looking at the caller ID it was Ruby so I picked up saying.

Ai:"Hey Ruby what's going on are you at home right now."

Ruby:"Yeah I'm at home right now but I wanted to get your insight on something mom."

Ai:"Oh okay what is it?"

Ruby:"Well today I got scouted by an idol production that wants me to join them."

Ai:"Oh and what is the name of the idol production."

Ruby:"Umm well they gave me a card the production studio is called Pixie."

At that moment I froze up immediately once she said that I started to have flashbacks of going into a underground idol production where I thought that this was the big break that I needed but ultimately it was a scam thankfully Jiro came to my rescue and got me out of the contract with the underground idol production and it was named Pixie so knowing that they are shady I say to Ruby.

Ai:"Hey Ruby are you sure you want to go into that idol production what if you try a more legit production instead."

Ruby:"But mom I've been trying what if this is my only chance to become an idol I want to make you proud. I know dad doesn't want me too but this is my dream mom so I have to do this."

As Ruby said that I knew that Jiro and I couldn't stop Ruby from becoming an idol for long so I tell her this.

Ai:"Okay Ruby I want you to hold off from joining that idol production."

Ruby:"But mom I!"

Ai:"Just listen I will talk to your father about getting you into an idol production that we trust."

Ruby:"But won't he just refuse I mean he says that becoming an idol is more dangerous and doesn't want that for us."

Ai:"I know and I will talk to him about I will get you to your dreams Ruby and your father will come around trust me."

Ruby:"Thank you mom I love you see you at home."

Ai:"Love you too see you at home Ruby."

Once the phone call was done Miayko comes from behind saying to me.

Miayko:"Are you sure about this Jiro won't be happy."

Ai:"Don't worry he will come around he always does especially if it's for the kids."

Miayko:"I hope your right I don't want to be on the receiving end of Jiro anger."

Ai:"You and me both."

Once Miayko and my conversation was done the director and the cast did a few more editing to the scenes then I went back home to help Ruby with her dance and singing while we waited for Jiro and Aqua to come home.


[Tanaka Residence few hours later]

(Third person POV)

After a few hours Ai and Ruby were done with their practice when they heard the door opening revealing it to be Aqua and Jiro walking through the door when Jiro speaks out.

Jiro:"Hey were home."

Which at that moment Ai and Ruby popped out from the corner and greeted them after they greeted them Ai speaks up saying.

Ai:"Jiro we need to have a family meeting now."

Jiro:"Oh okay then everybody in the living room then."

Once everyone was in the living room Ai starts off by saying.

Ai:"Why I called this family meeting is to discuss Ruby becoming an idol."

Jiro & Aqua:"WHAT!"

As expected the two men were both shocked by this when Jiro spoke up saying.

Jiro:"Ai you know what we talked about it is too dangerous especially for a 15 year old girl like Ruby."

Ai:"Jiro I was at that age as well and--."

Jiro:"And I almost lost you to and idol production that scammed you Ai!"

As Jiro shouted that out Aqua speaks up saying.

Aqua:"Wait what do you mean you almost lost mom?

Then Ruby speaks up.

Ruby:"Yeah what do you mean by that dad?

As the twins wanted to know Jiro looks at Ai with Ai shaking her head to go ahead and tell the twins the story.

Jiro:"Well it happened when your mother was 14 and I was 15 before you two were even conceived. I had started getting minor roles in movies and tv shows while your mom didn't break into the idol business yet."

Ruby:"It was that rough for mom to get into the idol business?"

Ai:"Yes and Strawberry productions didn't scout me out yet it was a tough time for me."

Aqua:"So what happened after that dad?"

Jiro:"Well some shady idol production saw their opportunity to get their hands on her and use her and not in a good way I think they were called? Pixie productions.

Once Jiro said that Ruby froze up and silently spoke saying.

Ruby:"W-wait w-what Pixie are you sure dad?!"

Jiro:"Yep I'm sure Ruby why do you ask you don-."

And at that moment Jiro stopped talking abruptly and gets up and ask Ruby.

Jiro:"Ruby please tell that I am wrong in thinking this? Did Pixie try and get you to sign with them? No more importantly did you sign with them?!"

As Jiro's voice was getting louder with each question Ai steps in sating to him.

Ai:"Jiro calm down I talked to her on the phone before coming home I told her not to sign it! That is why I wanted to talk to you because Jiro our baby girl has been set on becoming an idol since she was young you and I know that. And I know that you are afraid of what the entertainment industry has become and don't want either Ruby or Aqua to get hurt or worse.

Jiro:"So what you want Ruby to be an idol."


At that Jiro looks at Ruby and ask.

Jiro:"Ruby do you want to be an idol truly? Is that your dream? Is that your desire in life?"

Ruby:"Yes dad and I would like it if you, Aqua, and mom can support my dreams."

For a few seconds Jiro sighs and then say to Ruby.

Jiro:"Fine I will allow it."

At that both Ruby and Ai came up and hugged each other excited but before they could go on celebrating Jiro cuts back in saying.

Jiro:"But their will be some rules involved so you can be safe okay."

Ruby:"Okay dad!"

Jiro:"Okay rule number 1 you will have a bodyguard of my choosing by your side at all times when you do any idol shows or rehearsals okay."


Jiro:"Rule 2 you will be either at home or school and if you want to hang out with friends let me or your mother know before hand and tell us were you will be at so we don't go crazy thinking something bad happened to you okay."

Ruby:"Okay dad."

Jiro:"And rule 3 do not over any circumstances date a crazy fan boy or any creeper I don't want a repeat of what happen last time okay Ruby."

Ruby:"...Yeah dad got it."

Jiro:"Okay since we are clear on that Ai why don't you contact Miayko and ask her to reopen the idol branch for a new formation of B-Komachi."

Ai:"Already on it your getting your wish Ruby!"

As Ai went off to make the call Jiro brought both kids close and said to them.

Jiro:"As addition to this do you two know what high school you are going to yet?"


Ruby:"Ah to be honest I haven't had time haha."

Aqua:"Liar you just didn't want to look for one because you were doing auditions for idol productions."

Ruby:"AQUA why would you tell on me like that!"


Ruby:"I'm sorry daddy!"

Jiro:"Haaa okay well I want you two to consider this school it's called Yoto High School it's a school for kids that want to go into the entertainment world sharpening their skills and all that."

Ruby:"Ohhh really that's perfect for us right Aqua!!"

Aqua:"Yeah I guess but why do you want us to sharpen our skills for dad."

Jiro:"Well you two will find out sooner of later so is it a yes or no to the school?"

Aqua & Ruby:"Yes."

Jiro:"Good well you two will need to get registered so I'll get Hina to get all that set up for you two okay."

Aqua & Ruby:"Okay."

After that Jiro walks out and the twins talk about what happens next for them and their future of moving up a new level in life enrolling at a new high school.


[Present day]

(Jiro's POV)

As I was looking out the window over the city thinking of how much had changed and happen when Ai comes from behind and hugs me saying.

Ai:"So what are you thinking about?"

Jiro:"Oh how I have a beautiful wife and children."

Ai:"Ah really then why do you have that 'something mysterious is gonna happen' face on then."

Jiro:"Haha I can never hide it from you huh?"

Ai:"Not even if you tried what going on worried about the kids overprotective dad."

Jiro:"Hey I am not overprotective I just want my kids to be as safe as possible that's all."


Jiro:"Okay fine I am overprotective!"

Ai:"There we go look Jiro honey they will be fine we did everything we could for them and we will continue to do so but we need to let them experience some hardships in life you know that."

Jiro:"I know I just--."

Ai:"Worry I know I do too isn't that why we hired bodyguards to protect them."

Jiro:"Yeah well I did that more for Ruby then Aqua he can handle himself well so I don't worry so much with him but Ruby I can't stop worrying about her."

Ai:"Hahaha well I can say Ruby is a daddy's girl hahaha."

Jiro:"Yeah and Aqua is a momma's boy."

Ai:"Of course he is my little baby after all!"

Jiro:"He's taller than you Ai he's not a baby."

Ai:"Well he is to me Jiro hmm!"

Jiro:"Okay okay let's go get ready we got work to do baby."

Ai:"Yeah yeah. Oh hey are you coming to the premier tonight!"

Jiro:"Of course and the kids are coming too but Hina and Miayko will escort them obviously."

Ai:"Okay well bye I'm heading out!"

Jiro:"Bye sweetie."

As soon as the door closed I immediately pull out my phone and call a number waiting for the pick up I say to the person on the other line.

Jiro:"Hey is everything ready tonight."

???:"Yeah we will see what we can find in his house sir."

Jiro:"Good call me back once you find something."

???:Will do."

After that the conversation was over and my plan to bring Kamiki Hikaru down once and for all was underway.