
Chapter 7: The First Day Part 1

After each finding our own rooms and talking a bit more, the events of the day caught up with us. One by one, we all yawned and called it a night. I found the door with my name on it and entered through it. The room was spacious but cozy. Far larger than my room in my orphanage but not ostentatious. The room was decorated the same as the common room, with blue walls and trims of bronze. There was a bed, a desk, an empty bookshelf, a mirror, and a closet. Much better than the Gryffindor dorms from what I had seen in the movies. I don't think I'd last long if I had to stay in the same room as five other guys for years on end.

Between all that happened today, eating myself beyond full at the feast, practicing magic and actually getting to Hogwarts, I was beat. I lowered myself into my bed, falling into a deep sleep the moment my eyes closed. That night I dreamed of pumpkin pies dancing and laughing.

I woke up shortly before five. I went to sleep at around eight pm the night before so I was more than well rested. I laid in my bed a bit more before getting up and practicing some wandless magic.

At five, I dressed in some sweat pants and a tee shirt and left the common room. Yesterday's exhausting climb up the stairs opened my eyes to my less than stellar physical condition. I went for a run, jogging down through the halls until I hit the main doors. Without my excellent memory there would be no way I could navigate the winding halls. There were so many passages and rooms that it was almost impossible to fill it all with just students. After leaving the castle I started running towards the Black Lake. By the time I got there I was already panting and sweating so I took a little break. Instead of just hanging out though, I pushed myself to do some pushups.

After only twenty half decent pushups I fell to the ground, my arms numb. My body was still eleven after all and could only handle so much. All I wanted to do was take a break, but I got onto my back and started sit ups. After more of those, then some squats, I was sore all over. I finally got up and started running again, back to my room. By now it was six in the morning and I wanted nothing more than to take a nice, long shower before any of my dorm mates would wake up. My body felt like it was falling apart and I struggled up the stairs, faltering at times.

Finally, I made it back to my dorm. I went to the communal bathroom and stripped, falling into the shower in a panting mess. Sweat pooled under me as the shower cleansed my skin. I stayed like that for at least thirty minutes, simply catching my breath and giving my muscles a break. Perhaps I went too hard, but a healthy body means a healthy mind, and a healthy mind meant better magic. Exercising was just another way to improve my magic.

Suddenly a grumble came from my stomach, revealing how hungry my morning exercise left me. Leaving the bathroom with a towel around my waist, I almost bumped into Tony. It was probably around 6:45 am right now, so it seems he's an early riser too.

"Oh, hey Tony. I didn't expect you to be up so early." I said to him,

"I could say the same about you. I was always an early riser but dang, to get a whole shower in you must've woken up way earlier than me. Anyways, I'll let you get dressed. Once I'm out of the shower do you think you can teach me a spell while the other guys get ready? I've heard the first few days are nothing but lectures and I can't wait to use real magic!"

His request surprised me a bit, but I accepted nonetheless. "Yeah, no problem. I'll be waiting for you in the common room on the study side."

After getting dressed I went down to the common room and grabbed another book from the library. This one was called Transfiguration for Toddlers. I had no idea what was up with wizards and alliteration, but I had to admit it was catchy. Not long after I started reading, Tony came down. For the next half an hour I attempted to teach him the lighting charm, Lumos. All he managed was a soft glow, but he was happy nonetheless. It was frustrating to find out that others couldn't sense magic like I could. Whether it was because I've experienced life without magic or my innate talent, I had a much better perception of it.

Soon, Michael and Terry got down and we set off. As we got down to the great hall we sat together at the end of the Ravenclaw table next to the girls who had already gotten there. My stomach made itself known again so I quickly loaded my plate with scrambled eggs, toast, and enough bacon and sausage to kill a man. While I scarfed down my food just slow enough to keep some decorum, Professor Flitwick came to our table.

"Hello," he said with his trademark squeaky voice and a smile on his face, "I'm Professor Flitwick, the Charms Professor and your Head of House. If you first years ever have any problems, just come to me. I can't wait to have you all in my class later today, you seem so bright. I hope you will like Charms as much as I do! Anyways, I have your time tables here. Mr Wright, would you mind passing these out to your friends for me? I can't quite reach them from down here." He laughed a little.

"Of course, Professor." I said with a smile at his antics. Professor Flitwick was one of those people who never failed to put a smile on your face. Always positive and quite funny, he carried a feeling of joy wherever he went. I quickly passed the time tables to my friends and checked them out as Flitwick went to the other students.

"Monday we start with a free period then have double Charms with Gryffindor. After that it's lunch, then History of Magic. Tuesday we have Defense with Gryffindor, double Potions with Hufflepuff, then Herbology with Slytherin and finally Flying with Hufflepuff. Wednesday is Transfiguration which we have with the snakes, Charms and History of Magic. Thursday has double Defense, then Potions then Flying, and Friday has double Transfiguration, then Herbology and Astronomy at midnight." I read out loud for the table. "That's not bad. Starting Monday with a free period will be nice. Plus we get Charms right off the bat! I can tell Flitwick will be fun."

"Yeah!" Said Tony. "Since we have a free period, who wants to go explore the castle? It's such a huge building there's sure to be loads of hidden passageways." The others quickly agreed to his proposition, but I decided to forgo the little adventure. While I wanted to make friends, I wasn't eleven. Not truly, anyways. They were a little immature for now, so instead of going with them I headed to the library. Not knowing where it was I had to ask an older student on the way. After wandering around for a bit I managed to find it based on the third year's vague instructions. The entrance of the library was guarded by two giant wooden doors tall enough for two Hagrids and wide enough for all of my friends and I to go through shoulder to shoulder.

Because it was during the day, the doors were wide open. What laid inside almost dropped my jaw to the floor.

This chapter is quite a bit shorter than the others so sorry about that. I originally had this chapter and the next as one, but it ended up being too long. Now this is a Part 1 and Part 2. If this happens again in the future I’ll try to release both in the same day. Love you all!

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