
Reincarnated Into The Walking Dead

A young man transmigrated into the world of The Walking Dead. Author note: THE START IS WITH AI, BUT AFTER RECEIVING COMPLAINTS, I STARTED WRITING IT MYSELF. JUST TO MAKE THAT CLEAR. Tbh, I don't know where I will take this. I will just go with the flow, take some inspiration from other novels (if I can find a good one...). What you have to know that there won't be any NTR or incest, but there will be R-18; R-18 includes sex scene and some gore; there won't be yui or yaoi, you can call me homophobic I don't care I won't write gay sex scenes. I don't know about harem yet, at the moment I'm only thinking about giving MC only one girl, but it may change. Don't except regular updates, as even writing the first chapter took me a long time. Also, the world of Telltale's Walking Dead and the TV series will be merged together.

Sore_Eros · TV
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38 Chs

Chapter 7

[Warning! Plot Holes!]

Since they couldn't find anything else of value, they hastily left the 24/7 store. Realizing that walking among the walkers was too risky, they decided to search for a car as they continued their journey. However, despite their efforts, they came up empty-handed in finding a usable vehicle.

As they turned a corner, their unfortunate luck continued as they encountered three walkers. Clementine let out a frightened shriek, catching the attention of the undead creatures who started shuffling towards them. Frustrated, Poul cursed under his breath, immediately grabbing his sturdy steel pipe.

"Don't let them get to her!" Poul urgently instructed Lee, taking a defensive stance.

With a swift swing, Poul bashed the pipe against the head of a female walker, crushing her skull. Not wasting any time, he swung again, this time merely breaking the jaw of another walker. The injured creature stubbornly clung to Poul's arm, inching closer to taking a bite. Poul struggled to free himself, desperately attempting to strike the walker with his pipe, but his awkward position hindered his accuracy. Resorting to desperate measures, he resorted to using his bare knuckles, relentlessly punching the undead creature. Yet, the walker felt no pain and persisted in its relentless pursuit of Poul's arm.

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Lee intervened, quickly locating a nearby plank under a window. Without hesitation, he swung the plank with all his strength, connecting with the walker's head and causing it to stumble backwards, finally releasing Poul's arm. "You're welcome," Lee panted, his heart racing from the adrenaline-fueled encounter.

Poul turned his attention to the incapacitated walker, taking one final swing with his pipe to ensure its demise, resulting in the sickening splatter of decaying blood on his hands. Not wanting to waste any more time, Lee swiftly dispatched the last remaining walker with a forceful blow from the plank, sending it tumbling to the ground. Taking initiative, Poul rushed over and mercilessly stomped on the fallen walker's head, delivering the final blow.

Poul and Lee exchanged a knowing glance, their silent communication confirming their unity and readiness to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

After the encounter with the walkers, Poul, Lee, and Clementine found themselves stranded on the road, unable to find a usable car. With the sun slowly setting, casting long shadows over the desolate landscape, they knew they had to find shelter for the night.

"I can't see anything in this darkness," Lee muttered, frustration etched on his face.

Poul sighed, wiping his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand. "We need to find somewhere we can barricade ourselves in, at least until morning."

Their eyes fell upon a nearby 24/7 store, its bright neon sign flickering weakly in the gloom. With no other viable options, they decided to take their chances and head back to the store where they were before their unfortunate encounter with the walkers.

As they approached the store, the oppressive silence weighed heavily upon them. It was an eerie sight to see the once bustling place now deserted and abandoned. Poul and Lee knew they had to act fast.

Quickly, they set to work, barricading the doors and windows with shelves and anything else they could find. Poul, his heart heavy with a mix of exhaustion and fear, also took it upon himself to drag out the lifeless body of a worker from behind the counter. It was a somber reminder of the world they were now living in.

Once they had secured their temporary sanctuary, Poul sank down onto a dusty stack of magazines, his body trembling from the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Clementine curled up beside him, her eyelids heavy with the weight of the day's events.

"God, I'm thirsty," Poul croaked, voicing the thoughts that had been plaguing them all.

Lee nodded in agreement, his throat parched and dry. He took out a bottle of water for each of them, from his duffle bag. He hastily uncapped it, downing the contents in a few gulp. Poul followed suit, greedily gulping down his bottle.

The cool water revitalized them, momentarily leaving the weariness behind. But they couldn't ignore the gnawing hunger that persisted in their stomachs.

Poul glanced around the dimly lit store, his eyes scanning the rows of shelves. "I remember seeing some aluminum foil somewhere in here. Can you find it, Lee? I'll cook us something."

Lee nodded, appreciative of Poul taking charge in such dire times. "Yeah, sure. Let me see what I can find."

As Lee rummaged through the store, Poul gathered a few cans of corn, beans, peaches, and peas. He laid them out on a dusty countertop, his mind racing with ideas on how to combine these ingredients into a makeshift meal. A small glimmer of hope flickered within him as he anticipated a much-needed nourishment for the group.

Finally, Lee returned with the aluminum foil, a small victory in their quest for survival. Poul's tired eyes brightened, and a grateful smile crept onto his lips. "Perfect timing, Lee. We're going to make a makeshift bowl out of it."

Together, they fashioned a simple bowl out of the foil, making sure to crimp and fold the edges to prevent any leaks. Poul gingerly placed the bowl on top of a portable camping stove they had found earlier and started the flame.

The gentle warmth of the fire brought a sense of comfort, a flicker of normality in their bleak world. Poul carefully combined the cans of corn, beans, peaches, and peas into the makeshift bowl, stirring them together with a wooden spoon.

As the mixture simmered and the aroma of cooked food filled the air, their exhaustion and hunger seemed to momentarily fade into the background. Poul's eyes briefly met Lee's, a silent understanding passing between them. In their darkest moments, they had found a glimmer of hope, of unity, in the simplest of acts.

After what seemed like an eternity, Poul deemed their meager meal cooked and dished out small portions into three separate bowls. With shaky hands, they each took a spoonful, savoring the warmth and sustenance that it brought.

And in that humble meal, they found solace. They found strength amidst the chaos, reminding themselves that no matter how dire their circumstances, they would fight to survive, for themselves and for each other.