
Reincarnated Into The Walking Dead

A young man transmigrated into the world of The Walking Dead. Author note: THE START IS WITH AI, BUT AFTER RECEIVING COMPLAINTS, I STARTED WRITING IT MYSELF. JUST TO MAKE THAT CLEAR. Tbh, I don't know where I will take this. I will just go with the flow, take some inspiration from other novels (if I can find a good one...). What you have to know that there won't be any NTR or incest, but there will be R-18; R-18 includes sex scene and some gore; there won't be yui or yaoi, you can call me homophobic I don't care I won't write gay sex scenes. I don't know about harem yet, at the moment I'm only thinking about giving MC only one girl, but it may change. Don't except regular updates, as even writing the first chapter took me a long time. Also, the world of Telltale's Walking Dead and the TV series will be merged together.

Sore_Eros · TV
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38 Chs

Chapter 2

As he slowly backs up, his heart pounding in his chest, he turns around to escape from the monstrous creature he had encountered. Step by cautious step, he retreats from the terrifying presence, his right hand instinctively finding solace in running through his now long hair, unlike his previous appearance. Thoughts of his transmigration consume his mind, causing him to question the unbelievable reality he finds himself in.

"How can this be?" he muses, his inner thoughts echoing in his head. Despite the initial shock, he starts to acknowledge that perhaps it isn't as terrible as it initially seemed. However, a nagging doubt lingers in the back of his mind. What if he hadn't been transported into the world of The Walking Dead, but rather the chaos-ridden reality of World War Z? Just the thought of it sends shivers down his spine. The zombies in that world are ruthless, known for their horrifying speed and relentless pursuit.

Shaking off these haunting thoughts, he desperately hopes that he has indeed found himself in the realm of The Walking Dead. After all, he reasons, he possesses a deeper knowledge of that particular world and its intricacies. Determined to survive and navigate this unfamiliar environment, he sets off down the desolate streets, only to come face to face with more walkers, threatening to shatter his newfound confidence.

Swiftly changing his route, he navigates through dimly lit alleys, hoping to evade the relentless horde of walkers. However, his efforts prove fruitless as he encounters more and more of the undead around every corner. Panic sets in, and before he knows it, he finds himself completely surrounded.

In a moment of frustration, he can no longer contain his fear, his exclamation thundering through the air, "What the fuck? Where did these sons of bitches come from?" Desperation and confusion fuel his every movement as he frantically surveys his perilous situation, searching for an escape route.

His adrenaline surges as his eyes dart across his surroundings, spotting a metal trash bin nearby and a fire escape ladder cascading down the adjacent building. In a split second, a plan materializes in his mind, though doubt creeps in. Could he physically execute such an extraordinary feat in this unfamiliar body? If only he were in his previous world, where his physical capabilities were more certain. Nevertheless, he resolves to give it a try.

With unwavering determination, he takes a deep breath, retracing his steps slightly before propelling himself toward the metal garbage bin. Leaping onto it without breaking stride, he musters every ounce of momentum to swing himself backward, defying gravity as he reaches out to grasp the awaiting ladder.

The intensity of the moment brings both triumph and apprehension, as his right hand successfully latches onto the ladder while his left slips precariously. Yet, through sheer willpower, he maintains his grasp, narrowly averting disaster. Eyes widened with a mix of fear and exhilaration, he glimpses a walker attempting to seize his feet, prompting him to swing his body with a swift kick, sending the undead creature tumbling to the ground.

Balancing precariously, he clings steadfastly to the ladder with both hands, mustering every ounce of strength to pull himself up. With great effort, he manages to ascend, steadily climbing toward the distant rooftop. Each rung becomes a stepping stone to survival, as he defies the relentless pursuit of the walkers below.

Finally reaching the rooftop, he collapses with exhaustion, relieved yet still cautious of the dangers that lie ahead. As he recuperates, the chaotic world around him serves as a stark reminder of the fight for survival that awaits him in this new reality. With renewed determination and a steely resolve, he embraces the uncertainty of his transmigrated existence, ready to face whatever challenges come his way in the world of The Walking Dead.

He slowly shut his eyes, allowing the weight of the day's events to settle. With a deep breath, he hoped to tame the wild rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. As his eyelids parted once more, an ethereal sight greeted him: the sun beginning its majestic descent towards the horizon. The vibrant hues of orange and pink painted the sky, casting a warm glow over his weary face. Fatigue hung heavily on his shoulders, whispering sweet lullabies in his ear, beckoning him to surrender to the realm of slumber.

Yet, a nagging uncertainty gnawed at the back of his mind. Would it be prudent to succumb to the intoxicating allure of rest? After all, who knew if the relentless walkers, yearning for fresh flesh, would materialize in the darkness of the night. With a disheartened sigh, he reluctantly stirred, rousing himself from his sedentary position. Minutes slipped away like sand through his fingers as he contemplated his next move.

Finally, a resolute determination sparked within him. He ascended to his feet, grasping onto the remnants of fortitude that remained. Meandering towards the edge of the rooftop, he found solace in surveying the desolate surroundings below. The world beyond the roof embraced an air of eerie stillness, a haunting reminder of the chaos that ensued. His instincts beckoned him to seek shelter within those four walls, to retreat to the safety of the unknown. After a few fleeting moments, mulling over the dimly lit expanse before him, he resolved to make this rooftop his sanctuary for the night.

Settling down onto the cool surface, he nestled himself against the ancient stones, seeking solace in their stability. The night sky enshrouded him, stars silently blinking as if providing an unseen guard over his vulnerable form. The weariness seeped further into his bones, a gentle lullaby coaxing him closer to the realm of dreams. In the embrace of the night, he unknowingly surrendered to rest, drifting into oblivion.