
Chapter 2

In the middle of a somewhat secluded area

There was a group of people surrounding three other figures

All the figures in the group had masks covering their faces and were wearing tactical gear

On the otherhand, the three other figures consisted up of what looked like a man, women, and a small infant

Suddenly one of the masked men spoke

"Hand us the child Julian, we don't wanna hurt you or your wife" he said but his emotionless voice betrayed that thought

"As if I would hand over my child to the likes of that corrupted village The man named Julian spoke through eyes that only showed coldness

The women on the side was no different

"Then you leave us no choice, attack and kill everyone except the child" The masked man said

And every one of the masked men started to circle the group of three

The man immediately turned to his wife

"Honey, I need you to escape with our son, we can't let that horrible village get thier hands on him" he said

The women could only look at the man, sadness evident in her eyes

"Don't die" was all she said before she took her child and disappeared

The masked men then tried to give chase but before they even moved they felt a powerful fire heading their way

Them being experienced Shinobi jumped back on instinct

"You won't be going anywhere near my child and wife" the man said appearing a good distance away from them

The masked man, still no emotion in his voice spoke

"You were a powerful Shinobu Julien, you could have helped the village prosper, to bad you couldn't see the bigger picture"

The man just snorted

"I saw the picture all right, the picture of you trying to take my son and have him brain washed into the ROOT"

The masked man stayed silent but started weaving hands

"We've wasted enough time Julian, Wind Release:Great breakthrough"

And then a big force of wind chakra rushed forth with the power of a freight train

The man though stood there with no worry as he somehow disappeared and reapered a decent distance away

He then started molding his Chakra and all six of the masked men started to mold thiers as well

Then the man shouted with all his heart

"Fire style:Majestic Destroyer Flame"

Instantly a big blast of fire and heat exuded from the man's mouth and instantly the masked shinobi started to release a powerful water style jutsu

The flames and water collided for a good while but then suddenly the fire stopped and the man body flickered away

The water that was just fighting the fire collided with the ground creating a forest of steam and the masked Shinobi immediately ran into the forest after the man





Child Pov

What in the actual fuck is going on

Thought the child panicked

"How did I end up as a child, wasn't I just talking to a pers-"

Oh no

"I'm dead, well I was, how did I get here"

The child(obviously being our mc) thought long and hard recollecting the events that had unfolded

------------(swap to first person)

Okay, I don't remember much but I do remember something said about the shinobi world. YEAH, that's right that weird systematic voice, after informing me of my death just randomly said something about me being reincarnated then I saw black. However I do remember hearing the voice after that say shinobi world.

The issakie notebook


Here we will be helping our beloved main character figure out what the fuck happened. Let's look at the cards, right now the best conclusion our main character has was that he was reincarnated into the Naruto verse, let's find out if it's true. So

He died, CHECK

So he did the most essential thing required to be issakied... he died

After that we have

Hearing a voice or meeting God to get all the juciy deets on the reincarnation, DEFINITELY A CHECK

So that means we have heard the news and been informed that we will be reincarnated.

So now we know we were reincarnated, let's figure out where.

As of now the most important clue we have is Shinobi World. Now If know anything, it would be that the first thing that comes to mind with the words shinobi world is NARUTO,but we still need more facts.

The other piece is pretty much multiple pieces of evidence so.....Checklist time

Weird, shady, emotionless people, CHECK

Talk about a corrupted village, CHECK

And most importantly, someone screaming a jutsu and lots of fire and explosions, CHECK

So I think we have deduced that our mc, has infact been reincarnated into the world of shinobi

-----------inner thoughts end

No fucking way, The world of shinobi. WHAT A DRAG








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Okay, now I need rates on this story so far. Because I seriously don't know if it's good. Also now I didn't put this in the synopsis which I will in due time but the mc will have a kekkie genkai I made up.The issue is I haven't thought of one. I can take suggestions.