
Reincarnated into the Naruto Universe as Akame Uchiha

A soul that loved anime dies. She had a tragic life. She was abused by her parents for as long as she can remember and at the age of 18, she enlisted in the military to escape the torture. And she was forced to kill herself as she had valuable intel that the French Soldiers wanted. She spent billions of years in the void as a punishment for taking her own life. Her willpower was the only thing that let her keep her memories and prevent herself from going insane. And along came a goddess of Chaos that gave her a second chance. If the artist wants me to take down the cover please email me at lumine.stan@yahoo.com and I will take it down. As usual, All song's characters, naruto, and stories are not mine except the OCs

Crimson1997 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Creating a New Jutsu

"...So what are her Mangekyou abilities? They are always active... She clearly has enough chakra to keep the legendary eyes open at all times... This makes it certain that her eyes are either less costly regarding chakra consumption or... She is too strong for us now..." An Uchiha elder asks for the report from each Uchiha that has seen her use her eyes.

"... Such strong Genjutsu... Zukaku... You have Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu... Would you be able to harm her in any way?" Zukaku who is Fugaku's father grimaces.

"No... I tried using Tsukuyomi on her once... She directly overrides it with her own mental strength... she was not pleased... I highly doubt Amaterasu would do much either... seeing as how she can just cut off pieces of herself and regenerate..." Zukaku shakes his head.

'My Queen was correct! Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu are genetic abilities! This means Fugaku will have them and his sons and daughters will have these Mangekyou abilities too!' Naomi became a Shadow Demon which is a master of stealth that humans can't compare to so all of these Powerful Uchiha don't even sense her in any shape or form.

(A.N: I know Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu aren't genetic as all Mangekyou are reflections of an Uchiha's sense of self and are awakened through suffering... This is a basic explanation of Mangekyou; frankly, I don't have enough time to explain these eyes... But I figured why not right? So it's genetic... Deal with it >.>)


'Anko and the other adult characters have been born or will be born... But that doesn't make sense... The second shinobi war hasn't even begun yet... So what is going on here? They shouldn't have even been born yet! Snap out of it Akame... This is reality, not a TV show or Manga... Things are bound to be different... All I know is the timeline isn't like it's supposed to be...But that just makes things more interesting and fun!' Akame has a feral grin.

Akame tries to master the Rasengan again and manages to pop the balloon...

"Fuck finally! The first step is done! Now on to the rubber balls... Kami... I am starting to get exhausted from trying to create this damn ninjutsu! Why was it that I could master Chidori and Raikiri within a week but it is taking months just to master creating a damn orb out of chakra! It's bullshit!" Akame huffs.

"Hey, what are you doing with those Balloons and rubber balls?" a Yellow haired youth walks toward Akame.

'Minato?' Akame widens her eyes then grins.

"Trying to create a Jutsu that doesn't rely on any elements but relies solely on Chakra control... I had this idea ever since I saw a jinchuriki create a tailed beast bomb on the battlefield... I figured why not create a Jutsu similar to it?" Akame grins.

"Hmm, It reminds me of a toilet when it's flushed..." Akame jaw drops then palms her face.

'Father like son indeed... They both came to that damn conclusion...' Akame sighs.

"I've been trying to make it do that... But I gotta do it in all directions" Akame sighs.

"Why not gather the chakra in one hand and shape the jutsu with your other?" Minato says this like it's the most natural thing ever.

"You're a fucking Genius!" Akame does just that and finally creates the Rasengan making Minato widen his eyes.

"Uh... I am?" Minato is focusing on the Jutsu that was just created and couldn't give a proper response.

Akame slams it into a dummy made of steel and Rasengan twists the steel till it broke. Akame starts cackling like a mad woman before focusing her attention on the 14-year-old Minato.

"Since you helped create this Jutsu you're coming with me!" Akame grabs Minato by the scruff of his shirt dragging him along with her.

'It's not like I can deny the Sword Goddess... She outranks me and is a War Hero who single-handedly won the entirety of Suna for us... It wouldn't surprise me if she was next in line to become Hokage...' Minato's lips twitch.

"Kid why did you suddenly get all gloomy" Akame brings Minato up to eye level making him feel like a misbehaving kitten that was grabbed by the scruff of his neck.

"My dream is to be Hokage but you seem to be next in line... How could I not be discouraged?" Minato gives a self-deprecating chuckle.

"I will never be Hokage... It's just not for me..." Akame scoffs and resumes dragging Minato across the ground on her way to the Hokage building.


"Ohhhh Hiruzen!" Akame walks in on the meeting making the Clan heads either chuckle or grimace.

"What do you want you!" Hiruzen looks super defensive now.

"This kid helped me create a new jutsu so I figured I'd donate it to Konoha... It's A-Rank and the kid gets most of the credit since without him it wouldn't have been possible!" Akame smirks.

'Ugh... Damn you Akame! You make it sound like a good thing but knowing you it would be a difficult Jutsu that not just anyone can do! Damn, you!' Hiruzen roars in his mind.

Akame makes the Rasengan and aims it at the wall and it utterly destroys it.

"DAMN, YOU AKAME!" Hiruzen starts throwing things at Akame who just dodges everything with body flicker.

"MWAHAHAHA! Here's the scroll! See ya!" Akame throws the scroll at Hiruzen right in his face and jumps out of the opening.

Hiruzen grabs the table and throws it out of the hole in the wall...

"I'LL GET YOU ONE DAY! AKAAAME!" Hiruzen's roar is heard by the entire village.

Minato looks like his soul is about to leave his mouth from all the bloodlust that the Hokage is emitting.

To be continued...