
New Krypton & Kidnapping

I began the terraforming process, luckily everything was automated. It took less than a week for everything to finish. Now I just needed to find lifeforms to populate New Krypton. I sent out my robots and ships to world's without intelligent life. It was there I found life for my new world.

It took a month for them to return with the lifeforms and begin setting them up in places that suited their needs. Since there were no large carnivores for now, there would be plenty of meat available for when the Kryptonians came...if they came. Worst case scenario, under everyone's approval, it would become a reserve for dying species.

After this month, it was time for us to go witness Karas progress in the art of war. As soon as we landed, Diana walked up to greet us.

"She has made amazing progress. Are you ready to observe it?" Diana asked Batman, Superman and myself.

"Of course. I hope my cousin wasn't too much trouble for you" Superman said.

"None at all. She's actually one of the fastest learners we have ever had the pleasure to teach" Diana said

"Has she managed to control her strength? That's the most important thing for now" I asker

"Yes. She hasn't broken anything since her second week here. But she's been very open when talking about you, Se-An" she told me

"What do you mean?" I asked

"She has been telling us storied of your exploits, during your time together in your youth" Diana said with a slight smirk

"Oh come on. I was a child at that time. All that happened before my training even began" I said defensively

"What happened?" Batman asked. I couldn't tell if he was digging for dirt or genuinely curious

"Se-An, apparently, designed that ship orbiting Earth. That's not the surprising part though. He stole all the parts to make it" Diana said, eying me

"I was 7...and my parents refused my request for the parts" I said, hoping they wouldn't ask more

"You designed and built that ship at 7 years old?!" Batman was trying to keep his calm

"I have power over everything tech, Batman. My parents were worried I would hurt myself making the largest ship they had ever seen. It's 3 times the size of the next largest ship ever made on Krypton" I told him as they started looking at me like I was a monster.

"Why would you need such a massive ship at 7 years old?" Diana asked

"I wanted to explore the stars. I wanted everything available to me, even in the farthest reaches of space. It han hold about 1 thousand people on board and can self pilot if they are all in stasis. I made the largest, most powerful and most extravagant ship I could. Just because I could" I said

"But what's this about you stealing the parts?" Batman asked while Diana and Kal-El waited for my answer

Sigh "I asked for close to a year, for the parts I needed. Eventually asking for the raw materials, so I could make everything myself. Of course they refused. I didn't care anymore after that. I got the raw materials and began creating the parts i needed and assembling them as quickly as I could. Kara was there and wanted to join me on the first trip around Krypton. I succeeded. We flew around Krypton three times before the military caught up to us and were trying to destroy my ship, thinking it was an invasion. Luckily, my shields were more than powerful enough to handle the energy blasts. Having had our fun, we returned to my home with ALL of Kryptons military following us closely. As we landed, I could see my parents being taken away, for their own protection. They managed to catch a glimpse of the ship before they could get to far away and recognized it from my drawings and diagrams I had been showing them for almost a year. They immediately stopped and everyone was told what was really going on. Before I could even land, all military vessels dispersed and returned to their posts. I wasn't in trouble, per se, but I did have to share my new shielding tech with the rest of Krypton. And my ship became the royal transport. Everything else, like my parents minds, came much later" I finished my story

"I have a question. If there were so many people against having a king, did they argue against only receiving just your shield tech? Did they try asking for more?" Batman was now out of his paranoia mode, and was fully enthralled by one of the stories on my youth

"Oh they tried alright. But you have to understand, I was able to make a shield that wasn't even struggling agenst the full might of the Krypton military arsenal. They followed me for almost 2 hours, just trying to take down an unknown vessel. And that vessel JUST so happened to have the future king AND the only daughter of one of Kryptons most respected scientists. It was a shit show for them after that. The idea of a king, with my powers especially, was starting to sound good to alot of people that respected tech. And while I could improve everything they had, their political party wanted nothing more than to alienate me from them? I was still young. What could I make when I grew up. That was the only thought needed to make me the future king in the minds of 95 percent of Kryptons population" I answered kissed question

"That was one of the stories she told us. You had a very interesting life before coming to Earth" Diana said

"Maybe I'll tell more later. We're not here to hear about me today" I said, ending the conversation

"You're right, Kara is by the beach waiting for us to arrive" Diana said as we resumed our faster pace

Just as we arrived at the beach we noticed a portal, that we all recognized, closing. On the beach were the bodies of 3 young Amazon girls about the same age as Kara.

"NO!" was all Diana could say as we took off to check on them

None of them were Kara. She was apparently taken alive.

"Looks like we're going to visit Darkseid" I said with murder in my voice

"I know someone who knows where he is, and how to get there." Diana said as we took off back to the ship

'We are going to Apocalypse, it seems' was all I could think