
Apocalypse & Revenge

"Looks like we're going to visit Darkseid" I said with murder in my voice

"I know someone who knows where he is, and how to get there." Diana said as we took off back to the ship

'We are going to Apocalypse, it seems' was all I could think "There's no need. I can reopen the portal from here using magic."

"Very good. Just let me inform everyone else and see if they're available to help" Batman said

"Make it fast" was all I said

"What are those things on your wrists?" Diana asked, noticing Batman started to hit some buttons on the watch on his wrist before noticing we all had 1

"Communication devices I built for everyone. You've been here training Kara all this time, so I never had the chance to give you yours" I stated bluntly before pulling a watch out of my personal space (as a Magi, this is an ability he had learned)

She immediately grabbed it and put it on while i gave her the basics on how to use it, while we were waiting on Batman to finish

"G L is the only one available. Everyone else is either busy, or don't feel comfortable going off planet" Batman said

"That's fine, how long until he arives?" I asked

"He said about 2 minutes. He is at his job and has to talk his way out of work early" Batman answered me

As soon as he arrived, I told them an important piece of information "I will have to stay here and hold the portal open. As soon as I go through, it would close behind me and we don't have a just closed portal back."

"Can we do this without you?" Superman asked

"You have been training with me under the SRBs. You are stronger than Darkseid now and can tank his Omega beams without much harm. They will slow you down, nothing more" I assured him

"Alright, let's go" Batman said

I walked up to the spot the portal closed and stuck out my hands. Using my magic, I found the portal and its opening points. It took me 10 seconds to open the portal to a stable point "Go, I can hold this for days, but I can not defend myself if anything else comes through...not that they could hurt me."

Hearing this, Diana turned around and commanded the Amazon's around to defend me. They, of course, listened to the orders of their princess.

As soon as there was a small army around the portal, they all jumped through. All u could do was stand here and wait. Luckily, it didn't take hours like it did in the movie. They managed to rescue Kara before any brainwashing could take place. It was still a brutal battle with G L returning through with a broken arm.

As I closed the portal, I turned to G L "I have some new tech I've been working on that w can fix your arm in a couple hours, if you want it."

"What is it exactly?" G L asked, with everyone else listening in

"Bio Nanos. They go in and repair the body internally without invasive surgery. It's a simple injection that I designed to cure all kinds of damage and diseases. It will even fix any old injuries you may have. You had a broken bone years ago? You can still see it was broken previously. Now it will be as good as it was never broken in the first place" I told them all

Before anyone could say anything "I'LL TAKE IT" G L said impatiently, he was obviously in pain

Reaching through a portal I made, this 1 went to my ships med bay where I stored my finished product, I pulled out a syringe filled with what looked like liquid metal. Walking up to him, I stuck it into his arm and injected the Nanos.

"Here" I said as I pulled out a flask of what would equate to a nutritional shake "drink this."

"What is it?" G L asked

"A nutritional supplement. The Nanos will use what's in your body to speed up the healing. You need to supplement your bodies nutrients for them to work efficiently" I informed him

Grabbing the flask without a second thought, he began to down the entire thing. After he finished it, he handed the flask back to me. "Will I feel any pain?"

"No, just try to keep your arm straight. This will help your arm to heal faster and with less effort on the Nanos part" I told him

At this point, Kara threw herself on me like a Koala "Thank you Se-An. If they has been any later, Darkseid would have been able to brainwash me."

I wrapped my arms around her in a hug before saying "We still need to witness your progress after all this time. If your training is complete here, you can come back with us after."

So we witnessed her proficiency with her powers. She passed with flying colors and we all left fir the ship, while I was diagnosing G Ls, now healed, arm "The break has healed, but I would give it the night to finish. Any small problems with it will take longer. The worse the injury, the faster the Nanos work. Damage to your skin from sunlight, for example, will take days since it's not an immediate danger to your well being."

We finally made it back to the ship, where they began to tell me if their trip to Apocalypse.


After the day was over, everyone returned to Earth with Kara going with Kal-El to his parents home in Kansas so she could get an understanding of life as a human.

Everything was going fine until I heard Karas voice, from Earth "SEEEEEE-AAANNNNNNNNN!"

It was only now that I remembered that Darkseid took his revenge on Kal-El and Kara after they returned to the house.

I immediately flew out of the ship and took off at a speed that turned me into a fireball, towards Smallville.