
Ch 1- New Beginnings

My day started around average, I got up, got ready and left the house for school. I was seventeen and happy with my life, I loved watching anime and reading manga, I was about to catch up to the manga Hajime No Ippo, a boxing manga and I re watched Naruto, Naruto being my favorite anime. The day was normal I was on the way to school via a bus which I normally take, then the bus was turning into a place called Ocean Keys then the bus got struck into by a truck, there was a kid on the bus with me, I noticed the truck and shielded him from the impact, I hope he survived.

"W-where am I?" my head was ringing, and I couldn't remember what happened.

"You were killed in your previous life, this Is a chance for you to reincarnate or move on to the after-life, this is a special occasion as you were not meant to die this early and because of your nature and courage in protecting that child were you given this chance" The strange, disembodied voice rang through my entire being.

"T-that's right, I'm dead I don't have my family anymore and I have lost my older brother, I have nothing left" my mind was shattered, and the shock of my death overwhelmed me, I wanted to cry, I needed to, but I couldn't.

"You do have something and that something is a chance to go live in another world which you know very well" the voice stated reigning in my attention.

"What do you mean and, who are you?" was all I could say to the strange voice

"I am God per say, there are many God's who keep watch over many worlds and I oversee your world, well your old world, I have been given the permission to reincarnate you into another world which you thought was fiction but is real" The voice stated shocking me.

"A world which I thought to be fiction?" my mind wondered to shows I watched like Naruto, One Piece, Erased, Boku No Hero acadamia but I couldn't believe what was happening, I read many FanFiction's of reincarnations but I just couldn't believe this to be real, I thought that maybe I was in a coma and this was just a dream.

"The world of Naruto, you will be born in a village or place at random and your lineage will be random" This statement blew my mind.

"The w-world of Naruto, it's going to be a bloody world I hope I can prepare myself and hopefully the place I am born into is a good one" I seemed calm on the outside but mentally I was screaming, I was going into Naruto, I knew the show was censored but I also knew it was going to be bloody and gruesome.

"Your reincarnation will begin, good luck and don't visit the god of your next world so soon" with that everything went dark and the next thing I hear are the cries of a baby and as my eyes opened, I was in the arms of a doctor as a baby, and I was the one crying. Looking around the room I saw ninja and the headbands were the symbol for the 'oh God no' Mist village AKA the bloody mist village.

The first four years of my life were boring but the pressure of knowing the story of the village I was born into scared me but made me determined to be stronger and survive. When I hit the age of four my training started with the use of wooden shuriken and kunai as well as a wooden tanto which I loved the feel of the hilt and all the images of me being in the seven swordsmen of the mist made me excited, that was my goal, being a part of the seven swordsmen. For three years my proficiency with the tanto now a metal one and not a wooden one was classed as a prodigy and my chakra control was considered high chunin and for my age that was incredible, I learnt tree and water walking which my parents drilled into me so for not letting a future kiri nin be 'soft' and 'weak'. My Parents were named Nanako and Raito Suiryu and my name was Arashi Suiryu, (Arashi meaning storm and Suiryu meaning water stream) when I was seven I entered the academy three grades ahead meaning I graduate at the age of nine which was crazy but put me closer to my goal as a swordsmen. The first year of the academy and I found out who had just become the Mizukage and that was Yagura the Yondaime Mizukage which frightened me a lot luckily for me I did not have a Kekkei Genkei so no matter what I will be loyal to the mist no matter the mission, even if I must kill the MC of this world.

"Arashi you are to head to the Head Instructor's office, there is someone who wants to see you" My instructor instructed me.

"Yes sensei, right away" I replied, as I leave the class, I hear snickers and comments from the other students.

"The prodigy Is in trouble"

"He gets what he deserves"

"He always gets special treatment, I bet his parents pay the Mizukage off for him to get special treatment"

I leave the class with my hands in my pockets and as I get to the door, I wink at the class which caused them to yell in anger towards me. I wasn't there for friends, only glory. I make it towards the Head Instructors office as I knock.

"Come in" is all that came from inside

As I enter the room my eyes widen as I see the Seven Swordsmen and the Mizukage in the office with the Head Instructor as well as a student with white hair, probably from this year's graduating class.

"L-lord Mizukage" I say as I bow and knee to our kage.

"You are Arashi? He seems weak are you sure he's this so-called prodigy your stating he is?" one of the swordsmen spoke up the one that holds Zabuza's blade the Kubikiribōchō.

"Yes, he is Juzo, he is mid Chunin altogether, in speed he is high Chunin, in kenjutsu he is low Jonin and shuriken Jutsu he is mid Chunin, Taijutsu he is low to mid Chunin but other than the basic water clone Jutsu, Substitution, henge and tree and water walking he doesn't know ninjutsu even though he wants to learn his parents are telling him to wait." The Head Instructor spoke which left the members of the swordsmen quiet as I was only eight and I was mid Chunin.

"Lord Mizukage, may I have him as my student and train him to be the next wielder of Kubikiribōchō?" Juzo asked the Mizukage who sat in the Head Instructors chair all quiet eying me up and down.

"Maybe, brat me and you are going to have a spar, if you land a single finger on me you will be trained by Juzo until you have your Genin exam, if you don't land a finger on me you will be killed, same with you Mangetsu but you will alternate between the swordsmen". The air in the room got colder as killer intent was leaked from Yagura the Three tails Jinchuriki. The swordsmen tried to protest but found themselves pinned on the floor by Yagura's staff.

Mangetsu and I looked at each other with smirks on our faces, we seemed cocky but we both knew we were terrified and just wanting to kill ourselves then and there from the pressure the Mizukage was emitting.

The next day rolled around and we entered the designated training ground which had an audience of the academy students and the instructors and luckily or unluckily me and Mangetsu got to face Yagura together, we did not know of each other's skills or abilities, so we had to run them by each other which we did, I knew about his Kekkei Genkei which I had to play off as I didn't but I knew nothing else.

"Alright you to will start fighting me when the bell rings, remember just land a touch on me and only one person is allowed to touch me be it by blade, weapon or hand, there is a trick to this test, if you fail the one who didn't touch me dies but if you figure it out you both live." This statement had us shocked and my mind went into overdrive, only one can touch him, how can we pass, what is the secret, this is all so frustrating, then it hit me it is like the bell test only harder, deadlier and with a Kage not a Jonin and there was only two of us not three.

The Bell rang and me and Mangetsu jumped backwards.

"Mangetsu lets work together on this, it is about teamwork only reason he said he'd kill the one not touching him if we didn't figure it out is so that we fight against each other for the touch on him" I say hoping that Mangetsu is better than the Duck-Butt from Konoha was.

"Y-yeah you have to be right, we will work together, I will probe his defense and you will look for openings, make sure the opening aren't there on purpose so be careful, don't want you dying now" is the reply I got from Mangetsu which I thanked Jashin he wasn't like the emo from the soft leaf village.

Mangetsu ran towards the short Kage who had his staff resting on his back and used his tanto to try to get Yagura to open his guard with a diagonal slash from the top right which led to a spinning back kick with his left foot supposedly pushing the Kage back who jumped back with a summersault landing in a low stance with his left hand on the ground and right hand on his staff.

"It is time to take this up a notch" is all Yagura said as he disappeared in a blinding speed and the only indication of where he was about to strike was the change in the wind behind my neck which on instinct I dropped down to my hands and pushed into a handstand kick which was blocked by Yagura's staff which the hook of it ensnared my foot as he flung me into Mangetsu who caught me which sent us crashing towards the floor.

"D-damn t-that was something, I barely dodged that hit, if it got me I would of probably died or been knocked out." I say as I get up lifting Mangetsu up off the ground.

"Y-yeah for a second I considered turning into water and letting you fall" Mangetsu let out a small chuckle.

"If you did that I would of killed you myself" I said with a small chuckle, turning towards where Yagura was. "We'll attack together I will take the lead and when I say or you say 'switch' we will swap from long to short range or short to long and when me or you shout 'kai' we both go into a taijutsu fight and 'scramble' means to back off and recover, got it?" was the plan I came up with to win this without dying.

"Roger that" was all he said with a smirk showing his razor-sharp teeth, the electrifying feeling of a deadly fight coursing through us.

I dash towards the small Jinchuriki as I discretely grab two kunai attached together with ninja wire out to plan a tarpon the Jinchuriki if only for a moment, all we need is one touch. Just one.

"Smoke it up Mangetsu" I issue a command to get my plan started.

"Got it" Mangetsu says as he pulls out two smoke bombs and throws them making it so Yagura can't see, though it works both ways I hope he doesn't expect this. I attach some paper bombs to the wire and throw one kunai to the right and one to the left and repeated the same step of wired kunai and surrounding Yagura from all angles.

"Mangetsu, before the smoke disperses send a water clone in so that he sees it and swings at it hitting one of the wires" I state hoping this works.

"No Problem, Water style: Water Clone Jutsu" Mangetsu stated sending the clone in and all we could do was wait.




The chain of explosions rang leaving the audience stunned as the smoke cleared to see a 'hurt' Yagura which then turns into water which surprise me and Mangetsu as we go back-to-back looking around the arena for the young kage.

"Where is he, there is no way he can just disappear from us we're in an arena there's limited places he could be" Mangetsu stated as I stayed quiet observing our surroundings. We looked everywhere around us the only placed we haven't looked is.

"ABOVE" I shout pushing Mangetsu out of the way then leaping forward as Yagura slams down with his staff on where we were standing then swinging the staff that was the size of him around his body like it was an extension of himself.

"KAI" I shout confusing the crowd and Yagura slightly which marked our cue to rush at Yagura, Mangetsu jumps up and goes for an axe kick as I for the first time pull out my Tanto and strike for the back of Yagura's knee to end the fight, Yagura jumps above the swing of my blade and pushes Mangetsu off his staff and before he lands delivers a kick to my face knocking me back. I land on my feet and start my rush again as Mangetsu does the same, I wrap the hilt of my tanto in ninja wire and tighten it as I attach the other end of the wire to my kunai, I keep my rush at Yagura as Mangetsu pulls out his Tanto and swings his blade horizontally from his left to the right which is blocked as they enter into a stalemate of weapon against weapon. I throw my blade and yell "SWITCH" which makes Mangetsu jump back causing Yagura to stumble forward and my blade goes past the Kage, and I tug on my kunai attached to the wire which forces the blade to change direction shocking Yagura and with no time to react the blade slices Yagura's chest and the test was over.

"I-its over" Me and Mangetsu say in unison as we both fall to the ground tired; we weren't really hurt and our chakra wasn't drained we were just mentally tired, hopefully we both live. The world went dark.

I would love feedback as i am new to writing i hope you enjoy :)

Ura_Chancreators' thoughts