
chapter 2 baby life

I was now a year old and was now training my armament haki and I already got it to hardening but it seems I'm in a block hold and will need to battle to level it to the next one and so has my observation so I guess I'll start with physical training

1st I'm gonna do 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 10 km run for my exercise and eventually I'll start to do harder things oh and I forgot to mention Garp saw me doing the haki so he started to train me in fighting by making me fight against the animals and other bullcrap that luffy went through except this time I was a baby

But I will still do it and one of the first animals I fought was the monkeys and I threw some punches but that didn't work and they aimed for my head and I got hit but I tried to counter attack and tried to hit their stomach however their body were still stronger then my but I can feel it getting stronger

I also forgot to mention I was doing this blind folded like gojo satoru however I still continued to fight and finally after hitting their head multiple times they passed out and I started to cut their hair off and started a fire to cook them and I added some spices and other stuff and soon it looked good and I started to eat it

Now I can kill the monkeys one hit now without even getting hit and I'm proud of myself I also started shadow boxing using my imagination and fought a T-Rex it almost killed me but I dodged it and used my haki to punch it however it still didn't die

But I kept on trying and soon my haki leveled up and now it was stronger and my observation haki can now see a mili second into the future which is better then nothing I guess but I attacked it shoulders and legs then I jumped and did a kick to its head

And I kept on hitting its head with my armament haki and soon it died after lots of hits then I started to cook it with some salt and pepper and compound butter and some herbs and I cooked it till it was medium rare and it looks so juicy and delicious

I ate it then I started to fight other dinosaurs using my shadow boxing and 8 killed them all and saved them to eat later and now im finally 4 years old and was going to meet monkey d luffy after all these times

So me and Garp went to where luffy is to stay there and soon we went into a bar and there I saw making then Garp introduced me to luffy and he told me that he was gonna become the pirate king earning a fist of love from Garp

Garp said your gonna be a great marine and not some damn pirate, pirates are evil and kill people and if you become a pirate I won't be able to protect you forever so if you really want to become a pirate first you would have to get stronger

And after saying that Garp left so it was me and luffy and Makino and me and luffy became great friend and now I'm 6 years old and luffy is 5 years old then I heard people yelling pirates are coming but I wasn't scared of crap because I have the most potential ever and I'll become someone as strong as my father rocks d xebec and make people know who he is

After saying that my conqueror's haki finally awakened and it made everyone pass out in the bar and I waited for the pirates to come and I saw that it was shanks and soon I told him who you were and he said he was shanks and he asked who I was and I said

I'm the greatest most powerful pirate you will ever see my name is rocks d Azrael son of the greatest pirate to exist who was as strong as prime Garp and the pirate king in their prime and almost won

Shanks said whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat and asked how are you even alive and I said I was sent to the future that's how then said I'll get my revenge eventually and revealing the world government's biggest secret ever then shanks asked what's the world government's biggest secret

And I answered the world government is controlled by a person called IMU and in the void century there was a great kingdom in which Nika ruled over however 20 different kingdoms and one of the persons in the kingdom attack against the great kingdom was Queen Imu

And they then managed to defeat the great kingdom using cheats and Nika made a prophecy that he will return in 800 years and bring back the great kingdom which already came by and his reincarnation is also the one gold d roger was looking for he's monkey d luffy the other passed out next to me

That's his reincarnation???? Yes and all he's missing is his devil fruit which will come to him so you need to make sure he doesn't eat a devil fruit until he gets the correct one which is the gomu gomu no mi the rubber rubber fruit or it's actual name the human model Nika no mi a zoan type devil fruit

Shanks then asked how I know this and I said it is in the will of d which is also the reason why people with the d in their name are natural enemies of celestial dragons and that is because celestial dragons are descendants of the kingdoms that attacked the rest kingdom

And I'm gonna train until I reunite the family of D and recreate the great kingdom and now I'm gonna create a devil fruit and shanks asked how I'm I gonna do that and I said the great kingdoms created the devil fruits which is how it was the most powerful kingdom

Bring me to the red line and so we went to the red line and I went to the middle of it and jumped down and down until I found it the tree of devil fruits and I proceeded to gave it the soul of rocks d xebec, gold d roger, piece of soul of white beard, shiki, kaido and big mom and I then gave a piece of my soul and then I used all my haki on it and I even added a piece of soul of luffy which is like Nika and I added shanks to it as well

Creating the devil fruit chaos chaos no mi a logia type devil fruit which can copy every devil fruit possible and can only be used by lunarians and people with the will of d then I swam back up to the ship where shanks was and I showed him the devil fruit

I said it's called the chaos chaos no mi a logia devil fruit and most powerful one because I added the souls of the strongest people possible and this devil fruit can only be used by lunarians and the d family and any other people that tried will get a demon side and this will control them to cause chaos

And this fruit is also resistant to the waters because I added a piece of soul of Poseidon the ancient weapon and also controls sea kings and this person is also a fish man so the fpdevil fruit is resistant to the oceans can't get a weakness you know

Now I'm gonna train the devil fruit to be stronger and shanks asked what do you mean and I said this devil fruit can be used as a sword and I'll upgrade it to the black version and this sword is already a supreme grade and upgrading it will cause it to upgrade to the god swords and be the first of its kind

And I transformed it into a sword and I started to train in using it and shanks brought me to mihawk to be trained by him and so I met mihawk and he started to train me and the first thing he told me to do was a thousand swings of the sword which I did after an hour

Then he said to start fighting these monkeys on the island and I started to fight them and I defeated them all quickly and then he said it's time to train your haki for the rest of the time and first we are gonna start conqueror's coating which I started to try and eventually got it and coated it over the armament haki onto the sword

Then he said to fight him so I fought him and we were evenly matched due to my talents of the six eyes which helps analyze everything and I analyzed how to fight and I also quickly started to adapt and get better and eventually I got as good as mihawk and the sword turned black

Then I said it's time to eat it so I transformed it back into its original form and ate the devil fruit causing a huge light to appear

that’s all for today and 100 views for each another chapter and I won’t always update it even if it’s a hundred views cya and thank you for reading this currently bored right now also the updates are gonna be very slow because I got school to do

Rip_KarmaKingcreators' thoughts