
Reincarnated into Naruto with breathing techniques.

Yui died and was reincarnated in Naruto's world as a baby, however she didn't come with nothing but the Demon breathing techniques were in her head and she could use them with Chakra!

patinhoDEUSVULT · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Aika the demon of the hidden mist!

"YOU FIGHTED WITH WHAT!" Aika screamed when as she looked at Hiroki and Aika who were with their heads pressed to the ground, veins were coming out of her forehead and they could even notice the air in the room freezing.

"I'm really sorry, I should have paid more attention!" Hiroki screamed in fear as he curled up on the ground, "Mommy please don't blame Uncle Hiroki he's not to blame!" Yui tried to protect her Uncle from her but she froze when her mother's once gentle but now angry look turned to her.

"It's your fault then for training outside the village and coming back late!!!" Aika yelled at Yui who started shaking like a scared little mouse and lowered her head, "Look here and listen to me!" Aika with just the power of thought made Hiroki and Yui lift their heads and look at her.

What followed was a 5 hour sermon expressing Aika's concerns and how Yui couldn't do these dangerous things because it wasn't her role, "But mom I want to go to the ninja academy!" Yui tried to counter but her mother's anger got even more intense and she looked at Hiroki who almost shit in fear.

"I think this was your idea, wasn't it?" She spoke slowly with her eyes glowing red, "I have nothing to do with this I swear!" Hiroki yelled as he tried to look for a place to protect himself.

But in the end Aika did nothing and just sighed as she sat down, she was tired of all the emotion she felt today, when Hiroki brought Aika home covered in blood earlier and motionless she almost had a heart attack and only when Hiroki explained the situation and Yui started to move again, she calmed down.

"Now Yui, do you have something to tell us?" Aika looked deep into Yui's eyes and Hiroki also turned his attention to her demanding an explanation too, "Am I can manipulate my Crakra through a sword?" Yui said lightly with uncertainties in her voice, she didn't think she'd be discovered anytime soon and didn't come up with a good excuse.

"Don't lie to me young lady, even I know that any ninja can wrap your Crakra blade but from what Hiroki told you already had techniques and could use ninjutsu, tell me is someone teaching you?" About the look of her mother Yui knew not I could lie but I couldn't tell the whole truth either because I would be suspicious.

"There's no one teaching me I invented these moves myself!" Yui said trying to keep her voice calm, it was somehow true that she created these moves in this world and no one taught her so her words were indeed true.

Aika was silent looking at her daughter for a while trying to find some trace of lie and finally looked away, "It's ok I'll let you pass this time but if you ever come back late and not accompanied by your Uncle I'll never leave you again train!" Aika said firmly in her voice.

Yui was very happy with her mother's answer and nodded strongly but Hiroki on the other side was looking surprised, "Wait, you created this technique of yours all by yourself!" He practically screamed as he grabbed Yui who just nodded. instinctively.

"By the great Buddha, my niece is a genius!" Hiroki said lightly and he was already ready to tell his superiors about the news but Yui grabbed his sleeve, "Don't tell anyone Uncle!" .

" Why?"

" Do not tell anyone!"

No matter how much Hiroki asked he got the same answer from his niece and can only sigh and be silent about it, for a moment he thought his niece was going to get tutelage from someone strong and he would be promoted everyone would win.

But Yui's words broke his dream and he could only bow his head sadly, with the matter practically resolved he also took a deep breath of relief and got up to go to her bed but halfway through she felt dizzy.

"Eh?" She said before falling on her face sleepily and falling asleep before she even hit him, " YUI!!" Aika screamed and her heart leapt as she picked up her daughter only to realize she was sleeping.

When Aika's heart calmed down she too fell to the floor and fell asleep because of the emotional stress, Hiroki was the last one left and looked at the two on the floor before scratching his head and taking them to their room.

He also needed a good night's sleep.

------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

A few months later.

In lake Yui moved like the wind and faced imaginary opponents, "Breath of the second flower form: MIKAGE UME!" Yui shook the katana she had taken from the dead Genin months ago and executed the form.

Her sword performed circular movements around her and where she passed it left a pink streak behind, the water and stones on her feet were cut off leaving trails of blows behind.

"It's still not good, again!" Yui muttered and performed the technique again trying to achieve perfection with it, but what she didn't know is that close to her position a ninja that many know but few remember was running away.

Sakuma Hatake was fleeing the village at full speed from the fog while, he jumped over the village wall and ran quickly in an attempt to escape into the forest, soon after he jumped several Kirigakure ninjas will jump after him with one led by 2 Jounin.

"Get him!" The squad leader yelled and a chase began, Sakuma jumped to the side as several blades of water passed through his previous position and cut the ground he turned and covered his blade in Crakra before cutting a ninja who tried ambush him.

"Shit, I didn't think they would find me so quickly!" Sakumo cursed and jumped to the side dodging several spikes of earth, when he was in the air one of the Jounin jumped towards him carrying a sword.

"Die!" The jounin swung his sword towards Sakuno who blocked it with his own and was sent flying to the ground, "Suiton: Big water ball!" Another Jounin yelled and threw a big water ball towards Sakuno that was on the floor.


A huge explosion of water rose up from the ground and the various ninjas surrounded the crater that was left behind, "Is he dead?" The swordsman Jounin muttered to his companions but at that moment a large explosion of smoke occurred.

"Stay alert!" The Jounin who used the Jutsu screamed and got ready however the ground on his feet gave way and several dogs jumped and bit him, paralyzing his movements, "Coff!" The ninja couldn't even scream when a blade came out of his. chest and he lost his life.

Sakuno nailed an explosive leaf to the Jounin and kicked him at his comrades who grabbed him by instinct, "BOOM!" the explosion caused the surrounding smoke to come out and show only the bodies of several scorched ninjas.

"Fuck, find him!" The squad leader jounin yelled and they ran after Sakuma who was heading towards Yui's position who turned towards the explosion, "What was that?" Yui immediately got on guard and walked out of the lake with your sword.

As she was about to leave the place Sakuma came out of the forest with her sword drawn, the two fell silent at that moment, Sakuma who froze as she didn't expect to find a child here and Yui who froze as she didn't expect to meet Konoha's legendary white fangs.

"Well then, bye!" Sakuma said and got ready to run again but he felt his senses alert him behind him and turned only to see the leader of the enemy jounin forming hand seals.

(Suiton: Technique of the great waterfall!)

The Joinin spat out a large amount of water which swept towards them, "Those bastards can't see there's a child behind me!" Sakuma mentally yelled and went into a state of indecision for a moment.

If he stayed and protected the little girl behind him he wouldn't be able to run away but if he just ran away the little girl would die from the jutsu, "Fuck it!" Sakuma gritted her teeth and positioned herself in front of Yui and made hand seals .

( Earth Release: Earth Wall Jutsu!)

A large earth wall appeared in front of the two and the water crashed into it, Sakuma didn't even wait for the Jutsu to run out before jumping and trying to run away but the swordsman Jounin attacked him and forced him back to his original position.

Yui who watched the whole exchange since the moment she was saved until now was angry that the ninjas of her own village ignored her presence and attacked her with everything but she couldn't do anything for now and jumped to the side trying to back down.

Of course her movement caught the attention of Captain Jounin who remembered when Sakuma protected her and had an idea, "Let's see what you do now!" Captain Jounin said and threw several shuriken towards Yui who widened her eyes when she realized she was becoming a target.

"How did it end like this!" She mentally yelled and prepared to defend from the shurikens but Sakuma got in front of her and blocked the shurikens, at which time Captain Jounin smiled when he found a possible weakness in his opponent.

Sakuma also realized that by protecting the girl she would now be the target of most attacks," Hey Seiji, focus your attacks on the girl!" Captain Jounin said to the swordsman O jounin Seiji who gave a cruel smile as he realized the plan of your leader.

"I'll let you!" Seiji smiled and attacked, moving forward to attack Yui without hesitation with his captain launching a flurry of jutsus at Sakuma who found himself again in a situation where he had to choose between himself and the girl gritted her teeth.

Seiji smiled as he saw Sakuma step in front of the girl to block his blade and with that his captain's Jutsus would hit him, "Water breath second way: Mizu guruma!" At that moment Seiji's senses screamed but he was unable to understand what issued that threat until Yui swung his sword.

A spinning slash of water scraped over Sakuma's head surprising him and Seiji who tried to change his blade to block the cut but as he was in the air he didn't have a good position and this just put his arms in front of the attack.


"AHHH!" The jounin screamed when his arms were cut off and Sakuma despite being surprised didn't miss the opportunity and grabbed the jounin and threw him in front of the jutsus coming towards him, Seiji's body shuddered as the various jutsus hit his back.

Captain Jounin was the most surprised by the whole situation and he looked deeply at Yui before turning and running, however how Sakuma could let the enemy escape under these circumstances and ran after him soon after.

Yui, seeing the conflict practically over, didn't hesitate and immediately ran to another gate in the village, she knew that in a moment several ninjas will be here and will observe what happened in the battle.

However she also cursed on the way, "Why the hell the first opponents I defeated were all in sneak attacks!" She cried mentally, she expected her first battles to be full of emotion and twists but they were not only short-lived, they were also easy for their opponents to underestimate so much that they ended up dead.

But at that time Yui also recognized the need to get stronger, if not for Sakuma protecting her she would have died in the first enemy attack, on the other side Sakuma just pierced Captain Jounin's chest with her sword and retreated soon after.

"I wonder who that girl was." Sakuma wondered and decided to go after her after handing the information to his village associate, his dog has already caught her scent all he needs to do is find the right time to go after her her.