
Reincarnated into Naruto with breathing techniques.

Yui died and was reincarnated in Naruto's world as a baby, however she didn't come with nothing but the Demon breathing techniques were in her head and she could use them with Chakra!

patinhoDEUSVULT · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs


In the valley of death.

"So what do I have to do?" Yui asked Yami as she crossed her legs and sat on the floor, "Relax, close your eyes and try to feel thick black energy in the room." Yami said as she circled around her master and began to recount her experiences with the Dark Nature Chakra.

"Don't try to feel with the body, but the spirit!" He spoke and seeing her making a face of doubt, he decided to continue giving hints, "The Yin Chakra present is very thick, this makes anyone who tries to feel it using their body ends up having their body taken over by the Chakra and losing their minds and acting only on instinct...." Yami continued to talk about how to access the Dark Chakra Senjutsu but Yui was no longer listening.

She took a long breath, exhaling thick steam and tried to amplify her senses as much as possible, then sharp, minimal sensations that we normally overlook in our lives began to appear.

She felt the change in temperature in the air, the movement in the ground below her, the breeze passing through her clothes and leaving, the gravity acting on her body and keeping her on the ground, she felt one more and more.

When she finally heightened her senses to the limit she began to force her brains to ignore information she didn't need, the world around her slowly fading from her mental space as she took it out of her senses.

The ground, the air, the gravity everything she slowly pushed aside and diminished the amount of things she could feel until there was only a blank space around her, clean and full of peace.

Upon reaching this state of consciousness Yui's body began to react to other things that were always there but most of the time we don't see or know how it is, in her blank space small Chakra spots began to expand and form lines and shapes .

" I'm almost there." She muttered under her breath and opened her eyes, before her a white sea full of different colors showed itself, infinite and beautiful but there was one color that was bigger than all the others because of its current location.

The black Chakra showed itself below her and in almost every corner, it writhed and moved as if it expected to be used and Yui slowly reached out to touch it, the Chakra as if it felt her hand approaching began to move towards you too.

" You know it took me several years to even feel the existence of the black chakra, it was on a certain clear day " Back to Yami he continued to tell his story of how he accessed the dark chakra, but at that moment his senses sent warnings of danger intense and he immediately jumped to the side and looked at Yui.

"Master?" He muttered and seeing that she was still meditating without any problems Yami almost relaxed but in the next moment Yui came out of her meditative state as she let out a scream and dug her hands into the ground.

"You have already come into contact with the Dark Chakra!" At first he was excited to see his master being able to access the Chakra without even using the technique he uses to absorb Chakra Yin, however he soon noticed something wrong.

"AAAHHH!" Yui gave a bloodcurdling scream and Yami saw her veins pop out of her body in a frightening way as her master's fangs grew, the ground above her snapped for a moment before breaking.

"It can't be, can it? She absorbed the Yin Chakra directly without any technique or anything to filter?!" Yami said fearfully and realized that the situation at the moment could be several times more serious than he had thought, "I need to get out of here." It was his first thought when he learned that perhaps Yui had lost her mind and taken over by violence.

Just as Yami was about to run and warn her puppies that they would have to look for a new home he saw Yui stretching his hand towards her forcefully and her now sharp-fanged mouth opened, "SAIKEN HOLD ME DOWN!" She screamed very loudly as she tried to keep control of her body.

"Understood!" Saiken's voice sounded shortly afterwards and several tentacles of Chakra came out of Yui's body and held her to the ground preventing her from moving, "Yami tell me how to control the Yin Chakra!" She said forcefully to Yami scaring him.

At that moment petrous lines began to rise through Yui's veins and her body began to shake uncontrollably as she tried to free herself, "Quick, tell me!" She yelled at Yami who was frozen and came to understand the gravity of the situation before running towards her.

"Breathe! In wolves we control the Yin Chakra through our breath!" He said desperately and showed an example to Yui as she absorbed some Chakra Yin through her nostrils.

Yui at that time was with her body senses running wild, she didn't have time to control her senses when the Chakra Yin entered her body, it is clear with the extreme control of Chakra she has hardly he would enter her body without any control of her. .

The real problem is that the moment the Chakra first entered her it released another batch of memories and abilities she didn't know she had and caused a brain overload that was already at her limit.

This caused her to briefly lose control of her body allowing the Chakra to enter her uncontrollably and even when she was able to regain awareness of what was happening she was not able to stop the Chakra Yin from spreading through her body.

The moment Yami used her technique to absorb and expel Yui immediately analyzed it and used it on herself, she took a deep breath before spitting out her breath and a large amount of black mist bounced from her mouth as she did so.

"Coff! Coff!" She coughed several times and fell to the ground as Saiken released her allowing her body to move freely again, "Master you are alright!" Yami emerged from the fog in front of her and started circling her while poking her with her paws trying to get a reaction.

"Stop pestering me, Coff, I'm fine!" Yui said over sobs and with an effort forced herself to sit down again, "Master, are you different?" The moment Yami saw her as she sat down he cocked his head to her side as he saw her new master form.

"Huh?" Yui muttered not understanding Yami's words and saw him looking at her head strangely as she wagging her tail, feeling something in her head Yui slowly reached up and touched whatever she was up there.

"That's…." She paused as she took in the information before swallowing hard, "Wolf Ears?" her mutter of disbelief and before she could send Saiken it projected a part of her body and formed a kind of mirror.

There in the reflection was Yui, with wolf ears, red marks around her eyes and nose and the most drastic change was a large chest mark with red chest flowers that extended all over her body.

(Anyone who has doubts is how the Brand Nezuko gained from fighting Daki, and that some superior moons have as well.)

The moment she saw these marks Yui remembered the new flush of memories and knowledge she had received in the midst of the transformation and muttered in disbelief, "Can I use kekkijutsu?!!" her words sounded incredulous even to the readers at the time.


Hey guys here is the author and what do you think about this new power-up she received kekekeke.