
Reincarnated into Naruto with breathing techniques.

Yui died and was reincarnated in Naruto's world as a baby, however she didn't come with nothing but the Demon breathing techniques were in her head and she could use them with Chakra!

patinhoDEUSVULT · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs


I'm listening to Yoriichi's Theme song.

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The school days went by slowly, we learned everything from normal subjects like languages, history and math to other subjects like ninjutsu, academy taijutsu, tracking and torture.

And of course besides Kenjutsu that not being taught Yui's grades in all subjects were crap, the only one that saved her was her modern knowledge which allowed her to pass the written subjects without problems.

However her performance led to unfounded rumors that her talent was a lie and several students after learning some basic Jutsus came to challenge her as if that was enough.

But they all ended up the same way, lying on the floor with big bruises on the body, even so the rumors that I caressed the talent to be a village ninja didn't stop, they said things like.

"You can be strong with the sword now, but when we learn higher rank jutsus you will be nothing!" or things like, "You think you're the best just because you can beat us now, let's see who gets the last laugh!" and things like that whenever they were defeated.

Yui could only sigh at that and accept the insults behind her back, after all it was just a waste of time to argue with them, surprising her the person who challenged her the most was Kenji and a girl from the Hōzuki clan named Fumiko.

Unlike Kenji who was respectful and appreciative every game she turned around and said something like, "I may have lost to you today but I proved next time who is the most capable female ninja in school!" And no wonder, she had high marks in all subjects second only to Kenji himself, her ninja arts were also impeccable and combined with her Kekkei genkai of turning her body into water made her one of the most promising ninja of the generation.

She had gray and a very childish face that made her look cute, but thanks to her keeping a straight face at all times it spoiled her image.

Besides the fact that she thinks that someone like me who has no talent in the ninja arts being the strongest in the room is something that hurts the pride of the village, other than that the only friend Yui really had in the end was Pakura.

At that time the two were in a class to discover their jutsu affinities.

"Hey Yui help me!" Pakura said as he nudged her, "What's talk!" The two were already great friends and Pakura clung to her like a bunny most of the time, "What do you think my affinities are?" Pakura nudged her asking.

"Your affinities huh?" Yui frowned trying to remember, but as Pakura was a supporting character there wasn't much she remembered, "I think fire and wind?" Yui said with a little doubt in her voice.

Pakura who got Yui's answer smiled and inserted his Chakra into the paper, half of the paper caught fire and the other half split, "Ohhh you were right I really do have these two affinities, now show me yours!" Her eyes lit up when Yui got it right and she focused on the paper in Yui's hand hoping to discover her affinities.

"Ehh, I'm not sure if I should show you here..." Yui said, and it's true she had never tested her affinity before after all Sakumo knew she could wield almost every element, as long as she adjusted her breathing.

"Let's show it!" Pakura insisted leaving Yui a little doubtful but she gave up when she saw her friend's hopeful look, "Alright I'll show you." She then passed her Chakra onto paper, but nothing happened.

"Let Yui show!" Pakura said thinking Yui was teasing her, "Uhm, do I only gain the nature of this Chakra when I breathe?" Yui questioned himself and used the sun's breath for just a moment.


The Chakra paper in her hand exploded and red flames as hot as lava began to melt the table, Yui and Pakura's faces were covered in black from the explosion and their hair stood on end.

Of course this got the class's attention, "Hey look at her hahaha, she managed to explode from her Chakra role hahaha!" Toru pointed and laughed and soon a good part of the class laughed too, but the teacher who sat at the table didn't laugh instead he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Yui what was your Chakra affinity?" He asked looking calm, but a few seconds before he felt a fierce and powerful Chakra emanating from that girl, and the worst thing is that he's not even a ninja sense.

"I think it's fire sensei, hehehe." Yui said laughing as she wiped her dust covered face, "Damn Yui, mine caught fire too but it wasn't something that violent!" Pakura started to wipe his face and spoke with a tone of pride on his face.

"Oh it really is hahaha." Yui started to laugh to disguise and what she wanted most was to shut her big mouth friend, looking at her table there was a big hole that extended to the floor below and probably went down a little more to the ground.

This was probably the second time Yui had used Sun Breath, and the effects were a little more exaggerated than she expected, however she knew she couldn't hold that breath for long.

"I still lack training." Yui mentally muttered, she hasn't been able to train hard lately because of classes but there would be a raid next month for training purposes.

She should be able to train a little there.