
Reincarnated into Naruto Universe: Kage of the Deep

*****Creative Release***** Trevor gets reincarnated, as Yusuke Uzumaki, into the Naruto Universe, in the same year Orochimaru is born. "Huh, what's that? Orochimaru is the same age as me? Hey, let's be friendly rivals!" "Huh, what's that? I can't kill this person because then person 'x' from the canon won't be born? Ummm...what's wrong with you? You're talking about a corpse." "Huh, what's that? Fuinjutsu isn't a combat viable justsu and redditors think that it's overused and not implemented properly? True it isn't implemented properly but, then again, you can't even hear me because my Fuinjutsu just killed you." *does best imitation of a teenager who voices Nikelodeon show intros* "Hey, guys! It's me Trev...ahem...Yusuke Uzumaki! "Come with me, on an fun and exciting adventure, as I pal up with Orochimaru, hunt down loads of interesting specimens and minions, become absurdly OP, and bend the canon over my operating table and fu..." "We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special announcement..." Right, so this is just a little bit of a disclaimer. I'm not entirely sure whether I can actually make this story interesting or not but it's the story I want to tell. I know after around chapter ten our MC is going become almost invulnerable to most damage and later on he only become even more absurd. It won't be easy keeping things interesting with such an absurdly overpowered MC but I'll give it my best shot, even if I end up having to pull some Overlord type stuff. *I do not own Naruto or any of its associated Trademarks or Copyrights. Also the image is not mine.*

ChaosSlimeGod · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

What To Do, What To Do

     Trevor, after concluding that his entire world for the next nine months would be nothing but mind numbing boredom, made training his mind his one and only mission. It wasn't that easy, for who knows how long, but he eventually entered a serene and placid-like mental state, where he stayed for who knows how long.

     As Trevor was focusing on maintaining his serene state of mind, he suddenly felt the world around him beginning to constrict. His roomy and comfortable meditation space had instantly become cramped and seemed to be assaulting him from all sides.

     Trevor finally ended his meditation and began to analyze his changing situation. Now that he was paying attention it wasn't just his environment closing in on him there were also muffled sounds, some of which sounded like voices. Although, one voice seemed to be much louder than the others. 

     As Trevor continued to monitor what he assumed was his long awaited second birth, his head was enduring the majority of the constriction and an entirely too bright light appeared for the first time since his death.

     As he endured the uncomfortable experience of being squeezed through a fleshy tube that was smaller than he was, he also eagerly greeted the new sensations of his second life and excitedly began attempting to gather information about this new world.

     'Wait...what if it's not a new world. What if I just got reincarnated back to Earth?! Damn, that would be really disappointing! 

     'To have such an amazing and magical event occur only to end up back in ordinary and mundane Earth! Fuck! Please don't be Earth? Please don't be Earth? Please don't be Earth?'

     Trevor continued to chant to himself, until he had been fully born and wiped down. He was now resting in his mother's arms and he was looking around for any clues to his current whereabouts.

     'Phwew! Alright, I think it's okay! Wherever this is, I'm pretty sure it's not Earth. Now let's see, everyone seems to look fairly normal, with the exception of their unnaturally red hair. My mother has red hair and blue eyes. Who I think might be my father also has red hair and black eyes. They both have sharp angular features and seem to be around thirty-ish years old.

     Trevor's tiny little heart nearly skipped a beat when he realized just who this redheaded mother of his resembled. 

     'No freaking way! Can I really be that lucky!? Is this the Naruto world? Am I an Uzumaki? No, no, no, Trevor, just calm down! Just because your parents have red hair doesn't mean that you're in the Naruto world. Don't go jumping to conclusions on such little information. Just calm down and take in your surroundings. If this really is the Naruto world, it shouldn't take too long to find evidence of it.'


     "That's it, dear, keep pushing!" Kiroshi Said.

     Akira glared evilly at Kiroshi and screamed, "SHUUUTT UUP!!!"

     Kiroshi was somehow able to deduce from this outburst that his 'assistance' was not very welcome. He decided to just stand back and wait for the pushing, screaming, and breathing to be done with.

     Nearly an hour later, Akira was taking her new born baby boy into her arms, as the wet nurse smiled at her and told her that the child was perfectly healthy.

     Kiroshi chose this moment to move beside his wife and inspect their eerily silent newborn. "Nubina, is it really okay for him to be so calm? I mean he does look pretty healthy, otherwise, but still... it's a bit disconcerting."

     "I'll admit it isn't normal but it's also not unheard of and, at the very least, it's not indicative of anything being wrong with his health. Just give him the same love and care that you would for any child and he should be just fine." Nubina informed them, with a soft smile.

     Akira looked up from her baby and towards her husband. "Kiroshi, I apologize for yelling at you. I didn't mean anything by it."

     "Haha! Worry not my dear! I understand it's a painful and trying process. I'm just glad the both of you are okay."

     After hearing this, Akira's smile grew even wider, as she looked back down at her baby. "So...what will his name be?"

     "Yusuke. Yusuke Uzumaki."


     Once Trevor was finally able to make out the words he was hearing, he noticed two things. Both promising but one rather unusual. The language being spoken wasn't English but Japanese. This, of course, made his Otaku senses tingle even more, as he grew more and more certain that this was the Naruto world.

     Also, despite never having learned Japanese in his past life, he could clearly understand everything being said. While this was definitely unusual, he wasn't about to complain about it.

     Having no reason to dwell any further on this obvious benefit, Trevor continued to soak in every word that was said, in hopes of picking out some sweet and juicy proof pudding.

     It didn't take too long after he arrived in his mother's arms for his father to poke his head in and, after a short exchange about the previous screaming, his father finally dropped the proof pudding bomb he had been waiting for.

     "Yusuke. Yusuke Uzumaki."

     'HAHA! JACK POT! LOOK OUT, NARUTO WORLD! YUSUKE UZUMAKI, IS ON THE MOTHA' FUCKIN SCENE!' Yusuke screamed inside his mind, as he experienced a full body Otaku orgasm and immediately passed out from weak ass baby exhaustion.

[===== The Next Day =====]

     Whenever Yusuke Uzumaki awoke the following morning, his parents were sleeping in a nearby bed, as he laid inside of a modest crib. It was quite early in the twilight hours and, if he was a normal baby, he might have immediately begun crying because he was famished and could seriously go for some sweet juicy titty milk.

     That, however, could easily wait because yesterday's revelations had sent him blasting off to cloud nine and it wasn't like he was going to starve to death. He had still been pretty high, whenever he first awoke, but he was slowly coming down. Yusuke spent the next couple of minutes reigning in his emotions and calming himself for the necessary experiments that laid ahead.

     Most of his initial excitement, of course, came from the confirmation that he was, in fact, in a Naruto world. Although, he also had an immediate appreciation for his new Japanese name. He knew, because of his intrinsic understanding of Japanese, that his name meant 'easful support,' which wasn't really something he felt represented him, but the auditory aesthetic had a certain ring to it.

     Now that he had recovered from his state of near shock, over all of the good things happening to him, Yusuke calmed his mind and body and expanded his awareness out into his body. While he knew he probably wouldn't find any chakra there, he still wanted to find his physical and spiritual energy. Even if he couldn't sense his chakra yet, surely he had to be able to sense their precursors.

     After several minutes of scouring his body, he finally found a...two…no three different energies inside himself. 

     'Nice! So I do already have chakra and I can also sense the physical and spiritual energies. Although the physical energy is almost non-existent, it's still there. I guess that's to be expected, given my newborn status. 

     'After all, how could a newborn born baby have huge reserves of physical energy, with his complete lack of any physical development?'

     His chakra reserves also weren't anything to brag about but, given his Uzumaki bloodline, he suspected this was mostly due to his age. Not to mention the fact that his spiritual energy was immense! He suspected that this was due to his extensive mediation, while still in the womb. 

     Having confirmed that all three energies were present, Yusuke began manipulating each one individually. He was mostly just playing around with them, moving them here and there, just to get a feel for them.

     After about a half hour of practice in moving his energies, he then reached for both his physical and spiritual energy. Taking a small portion of each, he began molding the two energies into one.

     It didn't take long, before he felt the newly created chakra slip loose from his control and join his preexisting chakra reserves. Just this simple accomplishment, while only being a small step, was quite satisfying for Yusuke. He now had something that he could work towards, while waiting for his tiny little body to mature into a usable form.

     After confirming that he could at the very least mold chakra, he then grasped the chakra itself. He had already felt how his physical and spiritual energies were quite thin, light, and easily maneuvered.

     His chakra, however, was thicker, heavier, and more resistant to his attempts to control it. It required far more effort to manipulate his chakra the way he pleased but this was an experiment and he needed to know how far he could push it.

     Yusuke began moving the chakra through his body slowly pulling out more and more. He had only pulled out about a twelfth of his chakra, before he lost control and could no longer manipulate it.

     'Well, there's nothing too impressive here, as far as I can tell. However, I've already concluded that my age may very well be a major factor here.

     'At least now, I have access to the foundation of my future as a shinobi. As long as I can continue to work on my foundation, I'll be satisfied that my time waiting for my body to mature wasn't wasted.

     'Now, my baby tummy is a rumblin' and a tumblin'. I think it's just about time for some titty...milk.'

     Yusuke takes a deep breath and releases a deafening baby scream that instantly summons his previously sleeping mother to his side. 'Haha! Summoning Jutsu: Titty Milk Extraction Technique!'

[===== One Year Later =====]

     Yusuke had spent the last year expanding his chakra reserves, practicing the leaf sticking technique in secret, and using different proportions of physical and spiritual energy to mold his chakra.

     Knowing that yin and yang chakra natures were determined by how much physical or spiritual energy went into forming the chakra, he had been trying different mixtures and measurements in an effort to alter his chakra's nature. He had no idea if he had ever succeeded because he didn't know what yin or yang energy felt like.

     Despite this, he continued alternating and experimenting with different proportions of physical and spiritual energy.

     After several months of trying to manifest yin or yang energy without any success, he finally decided that perhaps this was a bit too much too soon. Thus, from then on, he simply settled on a half and half mixture and focused solely on his control and reserves.

     When he wasn't secreting away leaves for his training, he would also attempt to control the flow of chakra through his body. Forcing more into circulation, reducing the amount in circulation, and even attempting to maintain a constant flow through different tenketsu points without the leaf present.

     All of this was, of course, easier said than done. His chakra was much heavier than his physical and spiritual energies and, when he first started his practice, he could barely make the stuff budge. When he did manage, he almost immediately lost control again.

     This year of training had been enough for him to become proficient in the leaf sticking exercise and he had, just recently, begun practicing with multiple leaves.

     Because of the increased rate of physical development in this world, due to chakra, he was very nearly big enough to begin tasks like the tree climbing exercise and eventually the water walking exercise.

     Yusuke had grown quite accustomed to his life here in the Uzumaki Clan. His father, as it turned out, was a well respected fuinjutsu master. He wasn't the best, when compared to the top Uzumakis, but he was recognized as having the potential to one day be as such.

     His father would often sit with him, at night, and tell him stories of past Uzumakis and their incredible feats. While he was genuinely impressed by some of the tales he heard, he didn't yet have the ability to give a response. Yusuke knew that, while babies developed faster in this world, it simply wouldn't do to be seen as some kind of freak. As such, he waited until he was certain it wouldn't appear as strange, before finally responding to his father one night.

     Kiroshi and Akira had been overjoyed, whenever their son had spoken his first words. That was four months ago and Yusuke had carefully planned out how much of his speech ability to reveal and when.

     By this point, his parents were already aware that he could form complete thoughts, even if they were sometimes awkward. As his father was sitting next to him having just finished another grand tale of the first Uzushiokage, Yusuke asked, "Daddy, can I be strong like Uzushiokage?"

     "Ha, of course, you can! You're my son, after all! Although, it won't be easy. It'll take a lot of hard work and dedication but, if you've got the will to persevere through the inevitable hardships, then you can become even stronger than the Uzushiokage, one day!"

     Yusuke's face brightened, as he smiled. "Can you teach me?"

     "Haha, of course, I can! At the moment though, you're entirely too young. It would be bad for your development, if you began training so early."

     "Please, please, Daddy!? Is there something not bad I can do?"

     "Hmmm...well...there is one thing you could do, although your mother would probably kill me if she knew I told you. Also, what I told you about messing up your development was true, so you'll have to promise not to do anything other than what I'm showing you and do it exactly as I show you." Kiroshi said, as he cast a stern glare at his son.

     Yusuke's smiled grew even wider, as he began bobbing his head up and down. "Yep, yep, yep! Promise! Promise! Promise!"

     A mischievous glint appeared in Kiroshi's eyes accompanied by an equally mischievous grin, as he responded, "In that case, listen closely."

     Kiroshi went on to explain to Yusuke about chakra and how to mold it. Of course, Yusuke already knew all of it. He simply was looking to expand the amount of time he could safely train.

     Although his father wasn't around nearly as much as his mother, every little bit of extra time helped. Also, if somehow his mother were to find out about his training, he would at least have an alibi, even if that alibi would essentially be a martyr.

     Luckily, his dad seemed to be a pretty easy going guy, when he wasn't on missions, and had given in quite easily.

     Despite being familiar with a great many things concerning the Naruto Universe, Yusuke still had a long road ahead of him, if he wanted to unravel all of this world's mysteries. 

     Some segments of the anime and manga, the earlier ones, showed chakra to be the result of mixing physical and spiritual energies together and, as such, should have nothing to do with some origin of chakra.

     Yet, later on in the series, it's revealed that Kyuga was the origin of chakra on this planet. If that really is the case, then why would a people, who had lived for ages without chakra, suddenly become so dependent on it that they would die without it?

     Yusuke was certainly curious about these seemingly inconsistent bits of information and wondered how things actually worked here. He suspected he would need to conduct quite a bit of research to get to the bottom of these mysteries.

     While he had never really been what one might call a bad person in his past life, he also had never been a particularly good person either. He had lived in a highly organized and well monitored society that offered very little in the way of benefits to criminals or the antisocial.

     In his past life, the benefits of not obeying the establishment never seemed to be worth the risk. Yet, here in the Naruto Universe, personal power held so much more influence and potential than his old world. Yusuke had witnessed Orochimaru demonstrate just a few of the possibilities that personal power could bring about.

     Now that he was here, in his favorite Universe, he saw endless opportunities stretching out before him. He was now dedicated to working tirelessly to achieve unmatchable power and steer this world in the direction he wanted it to go.

     'There's so much that I still need to learn about this world. Hmmm... maybe, I'll track down the snake himself and have him assist me. 

     'At the moment, however, I need to figure out what time period this is. Although dad isn't around as much as mom, that's primarily due to her having some kind of pregnancy leave, from what I've heard. I feel like if it was during one of the wars, there would probably be plenty of talk about it and I haven't heard a peep.

     'Hmmm...I guess it's possible that Orochimaru might not have even been born yet. Interesting, I think I can stand to put my training on hold for just a while to do a little bit of intel gathering.'