
Reincarnated into Modern Family

Completed · 1.4M Views
  • 61 Chs
  • 4.5
    38 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Reincarnated into Modern Family

Read ‘Reincarnated into Modern Family’ Online for Free, written by the author Anomander_Adaar, This book is a TV Fanfic, covering ROMANCE Fanfiction, REINCARNATION Fan Fiction, COMEDY Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: A man who had a hard first life gets reincarnated into the ‘Modern Family’ world, where he gets a second chance at life....


A man who had a hard first life gets reincarnated into the ‘Modern Family’ world, where he gets a second chance at life. He will try to live this life much differently than his last, but some habits are harder to lose than others. The way he chooses to live his new life will certainly be a new journey for him and one where he learns what he missed out on the first time. Welcome back to all those who have read some of my other Fanfics. I hope this one entertains you as well and I am glad to have you back. For the newcomers, welcome and I hope you enjoy the story. As for how the story will go, it will be a slice of life very much and I feel slower, as I will try to build the relationships naturally. It will follow canon for the most part, with a few changes here and there, you will see as you read. This will be written mostly from the MC’s viewpoint, only switching POVs when necessary. Disclaimer: I do not own Modern Family or the book cover.

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Although the setting is inspired by various cities from around the world, it and the characters are fictional. Any descriptions of characters that are similar to/like any real person(s) is purely a coincidence, unless stated otherwise. This story is 18+, and not meant for those easily offended or faint of heart. Dark, offensive, and personal/private topics will be touched upon, sometimes lightly and sometimes extensively. If you find topics such as violence, blood, gore, suicide, racism/sexism (and other forms of misogyny), assault (physical and sexual), murder, suicide, mental illnesses/disabilities, death in general, and other such topics, then you should not continue. THIS IS YOUR ONLY WARNING! Therefore, you have no rights to complain and any complaints about these dark topics will not be ignored, but silently ridiculed. This story will delve into topics of mental illnesses, sexual assault/physical abuse, and suicide more deeply than the other topics. Every “suffering” character represents a part of me that I hope writing out will help soothe and act as a sort of therapy, while not being a permanent solution. (I, the Author, do not hold any of the bigoted and misogynistic values some of the characters have.) Onto the Description: There is a school, bound by no government or nation’s laws. Because of how much clout and standing the school has in the world, the government cannot touch it. However, this has led to corruption within the school. The Student Council President and the Dean rule the school, and have enacted two scoring systems. One for staff, and one for students. If you are above 70 “Standing” in the school, you are safe from the mass bullying. However, anything below that and your life at Joy City High School will be hell (go Walruses!). Thankfully, everyone starts with 50 Standing, usually… Mark Timoths just moved into Joy City and enrolled at Joy City High School. Because he joined at least a single day after school started (to be more specific, a week after the new school year began), he has 0 Standing. To the entire school, he is scum. Even the bullied become his bullies… but not for long.

JSodaPop · Urban
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Arch-Nexus: Astral sage's path to transidence

"Truth is not always known ,what is known need not necessarily be truth"-Vishnugupt Chanikya(i think so not sure) Truth is graced upon and persieved by only those who know how to look for and are willing to seek it. Truth which can prove correct was termed as 'science' by humans and that which cannot be was termed 'mystery' ,'legend' and even 'fantasy' .Whatever be the reality of the 'unverified' it was true that majority of humanity considered them nothing but fallacy ;one of these many 'unverified' facts was that "We are alone in the known universe" ,Despite many sightings of inexplicable objects and signals humans still liked to indulge in their beliefs why? it was convenient to have peace of mind while picking fights among themselves among themself .....and they would surely continue to do the same .....if and only if 'those' incident hadn't shaken their very world view YEAR:2025 people around the globe suddenly died at nearly same time ,this wouldn't be much alarm globally if the cause of death was known to mankind or within the scope of understanding... ,but the reason it caused alarm was because the actual reason for their death couldn't be confirmed by any field of medicine........for there were no radiation ,chemical ,virus or injury found on victims body The deaths almost seemed like the vital organs reaching a mutual agreement to shut down at same time and later convincing rest of the body to shut down !.........well it was so because it was true..... (nah I wouldn't give away reason this early as it is a spoiler ,hmm where did I leave, oh yeah....) Be as it may these deaths were termed 'bio blackout ' and though it's reason being a mystery, And that was the kicker. Mass hysteria ensued across the world, while the folks with little senses were wracking their brain on 'why? and how?'............ people totally glossed over 'who?' who had caused these 'deaths'? And you know what, it turns out that there was a who. It was the being who had caused the deaths in the first place - and it was unlike anything humanity had ever seen before. But who, or what, was it? And why had it chosen this moment to make its presence known? ,and.....oh were the 'dead' ...dead? (nah! ain't nobody there dead if some people are dead and others have gone mad then what am I gonna write story about ,eh? asylum?) As you might have guessed story is about 'dead' transmigrated souls ,in particularly most about a crackpot who went ahead and became a certified nutjob whom no asylums in the world dared to admit him to be crazy af, why? well you see this particular NJ despite being NJ was also powerhouse ,a tycoon ,a troublemaker, Philanthropist ,and few other things and most of which were only his side hussle compared to his main job of a Menace (wut? that much synopsis was not enough? really?.....then I'll add some more this novel is gonna be an adventure through modern fantasy world wherein the mc is thrust into with bare minimum support ,while is expected to fend for himself and thrive in a short period of time ,(note :mc is going to be under mage category not those overused necro-gang or chunni /lame pyromancer sh- you get it when you read it)if he doesn't want to get swept under greed 'foreign' forces that is. what you're still here? have something to ask? ask away)

Demi_Scribe · Fantasy
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most things about the story are okay but as I reached the end of the current chaps I started to dislike the mc it wasn't anything new he did to make me feel that way its just his relationship with Alex really rubs me the wrong way and it doesn't feel like he's growing at all which has lead to me becoming disinterested in the mc which kinda ruins my reading experience


good starting but pls don't drop.good starting but pls don't drop.good starting but pls don't drop.good starting but pls don't drop.good starting but pls don't drop.


Here are a few things I like in this ff compared to other Modern Family ffs: 1) MC does not steal lines or scenes from the original. Yes, there are fics out there the MC repeats the things other characters were going to say just a few seconds later. 2)MC has his own real family. Most Modern Family fanfiction MC spends most of their family with main cast like they do not have any family. In this novel, MC's family and the main cast are friendly families. MC spent time with Alex(love interest) most of the time in the main cast. And, MC's relationship with his own family is very good, they spent a lot of good time. He even brings Alex to his family events. 3)MC does not have any mental issues. It is strange that all other fanfictions have some MCs with mental problems. 4)We can see time progress without reading 200 chapters. I am writing this review when I read ch56 and currently, they are adult.


I really like this novel, it's a nice change of pace and it's good for me to relax by reading something casual without anything supernatural or anything like that.


The book so far is looking promising(2 chapters). Plus the improvements in the author’s writing skill can be observed quite clearly. 👍🏽


Reveal spoiler


Very good story, and nice regular updates. Hope you keep it up


I'll be honest, I haven't read the chapters yet my friend, but because this is another one of your works, I know I'll enjoy it. I will still update this when I read it though.


best modern family fanfiction web novel great fell good vibes




One of the best fanfics available on Webnovel and to my knowledge, this is the only Modern Family Fic that is completed. The pacing of the story is well handled along with an interesting protagonist and other OCs. There are no over the top elements and things are kept simple but still entertaining enough. Overall, it is a fun read with both comedy and drama


a amazing modern family fanfiction, i love the story and how you incorperated the mc into the dunphy family dynamic. It is also amazing that you finished the story, because so many just stop. Amazing work you are a fantatic author [img=recommend][img=Feeling it]


The best fanfic of modern family.. i like the characters and story line. I think this is the only one that has an ending because most is dropped. Well, the author is really good at writting so i read all the story that the author created.


You now if real all the work of this author and all have been amazing Same with dis story So just keep it up If I can make a request to do a My three beautiful wives are vampires fanfic If don as good as all the other stores It will be amazing


I love this. The story and characters are really well done. I read this for the whole weekend and now im wanting more.. Hope to get an update and please don’t drop.


When is this story gonna be done bc it hella good


a good story to relax, without supernatural things, unnecessary drama, unnecessary relationships... just the life of a truly mature and stable MC...


Really good story. I enjoy it very much, can't wait to see what happens when they graduate. Quick question, will this end towards the same time as the show end irl?


What the update schedule u looking like


I loved the ending, pacing could have been better but I loved it all


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