
Reincarnated into Milf's world as Prince.

Check out my new work! Click my profile > Original works [ Bad grammar, totally fucked up ] .................. Milfs? Yes Queens? Yes Princess? Yes Maid? Yes Sex? Yes Tons of Sex? Yes Adventure? Yes Action? Yes Netori? Yes Supernatural power? Yes Evil protagonist? Yes Hypnosis? Rape? Yes. War? Hell yeah! World conquering? Yes, yea, yea, Fucking the enemy queen? After killing their husbands? Hell yeah! A big yes ~~~~~ A hentai novel with War and actions. Read with your own terms!

Cultured_Daoist69 ¡ Fantasy
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138 Chs

Late afternoon Sex - Count's Wife and his Daughters

After finding out the girl with a high amount of Mana gives greater rewards like look at these rewards...

X. **The Bow Of Doom**

Type: Weapon [ permanent, Carriable ]

-Description: In the shadows of legends, where battles shape destinies, there exists an Artifact of unparalleled malevolence known as "The Bow of Doom." This cursed weapon, shrouded in whispers of destruction, holds within its sinister frame the power to bring calamity to the field of war. Crafted in obsidian-black steel and etched with runes of ancient darkness, the bow emanates an aura of dread that chills even the bravest hearts. The Bow also has Three abilities.


1. Abyssal Mark: Arrows fired from the Bow of Doom bear an unseen mark of the abyss. Upon impact, the arrow leaves behind an ethereal symbol that curses the target. This curse gradually weakens the target's strength and resilience over time, making them more vulnerable to subsequent attacks.

2. Ephemeral Darkness: The arrows are shrouded in ephemeral darkness that spreads upon impact. This passive ability creates an expanding sphere of darkness around the struck target, obscuring vision and causing disorientation among enemies caught within its shadow. Those enveloped by darkness experience a momentary loss of direction and coordination.

3. Harvest of Despair: When an arrow strikes a target, it siphons a fraction of the target's life force. This stolen life energy is transferred to the wielder, healing them and fortifying their own strength. This passive ability serves to not only weaken enemies but also empower the archer, creating a symbiotic relationship between the Bow of Doom and its user.

Info: Extremely Dangerous Bow used for Slaughter by the Ancient Demi-god of Doom.


X. **Demon-Slaying Flame**

Type: Supernatural Ability [ Permanent, Absorbable ]

Description: The Flame of a Great Dragon from a Distant Past which holds many mysteries, The Actual Power of the flame is still unknown but it is the same flame that killed The " Doom Slaughter" who used to slaughter people on a battlefield with his Bow and arrows and Cause war in heavens.


They even seem connected...

With that, I went to the main Castle after all I have to meet some Talented people... But Hey System where are the robots... Didn't you say you will increase the chances?

[ Yes, the first one is Guaranteed in 10 Pulls... On the next two pulls, you will 100% get it ]


After that, I went to the main Castle... It seems the so-called engineer and researcher in this era... Are this Count and Duke in front of me...

" So, your Highness wants to make these. Armours... And buildings" The count asks as he sees the blueprint...

Well, there are no errors in the blueprint so, there is no need to worry about having failed products... Matter of fact... Every single thing is in micro details...

" Your Highness, This is the start of a new era... " The duke says while he looks at the blueprint...

" Can you Do this job or not? " I directly asked the main question...

"Of course, your Highness it's easy things... Matter of fact with my People I will start working on these right away " The count said...

" Of course, I Will also start work right away... I also start right now " The duke said...

It seems they were indeed mad engineers and knowledge-hungry people...

" Your Highness... I will be going now, please tell my Wife and Daughter they can go home on the carriage themselves " The count said and left with Duke.


The Heaven send... I hope they are virgins... So, I can get Talented Robot that System said...



I finished drinking Tea and left the Meeting room and went upstairs...


On the way, I saw Alice talking with 4 other people... One of them is Count's wife, another girl who looks my age and those twins who are younger must be his daughters.

Seeing me Alice quickly got up, so did those girls...

" Can You talk to them, I am feeling highly tired I want to sleep " Alice came near me and whispers in my ears...

After that, she left the room while making me accompany the Guests.

Matter of Fact, It was really God-sent.

After alice left... I could see that my charm which was cast as radius of 50km didn't have an effect on them after all they live far away...

But who says I can't cast again...


Increase Lust!

I used that Two Supernatural ability... And their numbers above their head roared... Even those twins who looked like 14 were now Horney.

The count's wife had a red face while her dress above her crotch showed the sign of Being wet.

I was just sitting there waiting if they will say anything or not,

" Your Highness, I will just go washroom and come, " The eldest Daughter said...

" Do it here?" I said...

" what? Pardon me? " she says as she looked surprised...

" If you have to pee, pee here "

Mother and daughters looked at each other... As they didn't understand what was going on...

But I got up from the chair and groped her breast, while my dik rubbed against her bouncy ass...

[ If u r lucky there might be model Pic in comment ]