
Reincarnated into marvel with god level understanding

allen is reincarnated into marvel universe with op wishes

The_one1000 · Action
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2 Chs

Evolution and decision

After unknown amount of absorbing the energy allen's body started to change.

With each beat of his heart his blood started to turn golden like that of Olympian gods.

His body slowly yet steadily started to grow stronger.

Abot six months passed after he started absorbing energy and his body started to change. Due to his body absorbing energy he did not felt hunger. All over his skin was black layer of waste that were impurities ejected from his body.

[ Congratulations you absorbed cosmic energy and created energy cultivation technique.

Your body has absorbed energy and has evolved into new physiology.

Now your age is 15000 thousand years. And as your body absorbs more energy longer will you live.]

After getting notification inside his find he woke up.After seeing his current situation he dicided to go to river and take bath.

After searching for some time he found river and take bath. By the time he finished doing everything time came to evening. After thinking for sometime he decided to start searching for humans civilization.

He selected the direction opposite to where sun was setting and float using wind control. After flying for about two hours he saw signs of humans resting so he stopped flying and started walking towards where people were.

After sometime of walking he found thise people. At first he couldn't understand the language they were talking in so he used his understanding.

[ You tried to compherend the language people in front of you were talking in while compherending your divine blood started to resonate. Congratulations you created divine words. With divine word you are capable of understanding every langeage and words and after mastering completly you will be able to talk to universe itself. ]

With his initial mastery of his divine words he was capable of understanding what they were talking about.

It was that people infront of them belong to a tribe which due to shortage of food decided to divide and two groups with equal people decided to seprated towards different places and create another tribe. But just as the have walked some distance from their initial tribe place an group of wolves attacked other grouop as well as their group while some from their group were killed other gruop was completely wiped out .