
Reincarnated into Anime World

I devoted myself to studying. I devoted myself to a better and brighter future. I devoted myself to my job for the sake of my future. Or at least, that was what my parents always wanted. And so I did. Listening to my parents' 'advice', constantly isolating myself to pursue higher education, only to live a life full of ordinariness at the end. But because of that aspiration, I died without even experiencing a wholesome life. What is the point of sacrificing everything when nothing good ever happens to you in the end? What is the point of sacrificing everything when in the future, you have no money, no relationships, and all your loved ones distance themselves from you? No, more like, you distanced yourself from others to focus on that 'work' and 'study', only to achieve nothing. Dying at the end of an unremarkable and completely ordinary life without any loved one beside you, I thought that was the end of my journey. Unexpectedly, I've been given a second life inside the body of a boy named "Fuutarou Uesugi" And with this second chance given to me, this time, I'll make sure to enjoy it to my fullest extent. To not waste any moment of my new life. To not destroy my relationships with my loved ones. To not have any regrets. To live the life I have always wanted. ---------------------------- Tags: Reincarnation, Romance, System, Slice-of-life, Harem, Action (Vol 3 and 4), Slow Plot Progression, Childhood love, Puppy love, Age Progression, Childhood Friends, Anime included but not limited to: Quintessential Quintuplets, Bokuben, A silent Voice, Your lie in April, I want to eat your pancreas (Volume 5 onwards), Saekano (Volume 5 onwards), Kaguya-sama: love is war (Volume 6 onwards), Timeline (In terms of Volume, in case you want to go straight to that age): Vol 1: Childhood (from birth to 12) Vol 2: Junior High School Year 1 Vol 3: Junior High School Year 2 Vol 4: Junior High School Year 3 Vol 5: High School Year 1 Vol 6: High School Year 2 Vol 7: High School Year 3 Vol 8: ??? ---------------------------- Warning: * I do not own the Characters of this Novel. *I'm not satisfied by some of the original stories of these Anime, so I wrote this novel to fill out my desires. Might differ from cannon totally. I guess it could be considered wish-fulfillment? *This is a light-hearted novel, mainly focusing on romance building up. A minimal amount of supernatural. This is my first time writing something like this so bear with me. *This is a very, very slow plot progression novel, so if you're the type that can't wait for all the action to happen within the first few chapters, then please don't read this. *This is a very detailed type of novel, meaning that I will try to include as many unnecessary details I can possibly add just because I'm that type of person. So if you're the type that only read for the plot, please don't read this immediately after a chapter comes out. Read this whenever I have finished writing the entire volume. *All credits go to original writers and authors. If they want this novel down I will reluctantly do so. *I only upload once every Sunday Night at 11pm, GMT+8 Started: 11 July 2020 End: ???

Spirits_everywhere · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 90: A Plane Accident (?)

A/N: It will be in the 3rd POV for this chapter or maybe throughout the arc. I think it should be easier and less awkward for me to write the action part with 3rd POV since I'm used to it.


"Shit, shit, shit, shit..." Fuutarou endlessly cursed as he watched, no, witnessed the blazing tip of the wing.

The plane was filled with panic, originating from the center where one passenger noticed the wing's flap catch on fire. It didn't take long for the entire plane to be embroiled in some sort of panic attack.

It was understandable since it was unlikely that anyone here had ever been in this exact situation before. But it didn't mean that it was good for the passenger to panic.

But as if that wasn't enough, it turns out that this "accident" was no accident...

∞ About 15 minutes ago ∞

"Fuu-kun! Look at the clouds!"

"Yes, yes." Fuutarou didn't know what made the clouds so attractive in the girls' eyes. It was just a mass of floating water droplets; couldn't you just boil water and get the same result?

But Fuutarou didn't say his thoughts out loud. Instead, he leaned over towards Kaori to "look" at the clouds and spoke with a teasing smile, "Indeed. They look so fluffy and soft and pleasant to touch. I wonder if I will ever be able to touch them~."

He pretended not to notice her happiness at his actions, and at the same time, enjoyed Shouko's slightly jealous look as well. But since jealous Shouko was cute Shouko, Fuutarou just smiled and patted her head, leaning back to his seat and closing his eyes.

Just as Fuutarou was about to let himself relax and the girls have fun on the plane, the plane shook.

It was so slight that it seemed normal, but Fuutarou immediately opened his eyes.

"Well...shit us..." Fuutarou murmured with a groan, "This is going to be troublesome."

The plane shook even more, and this time, more people noticed it. The flight attendant was even called to calm some of the people's worries, but before things could go back to normal, everyone on the left side of the aisle could see black smoke just right outside the window.

And Shouko and Kaori immediately screamed as they saw the wing catch on fire.

"Shou-chan, Kaori-chan!" Fuutarou hurriedly hugged both girls back to their seats and put on their seatbelts, "Stay calm!"

Their expression still showed horrible panic, but they didn't try to remove their seatbelts and trusted Fuutarou.

"Where are you going, Fuu-kun?" Kaori hurriedly grabbed the hem of Fuutarou's shirt as she noticed Fuutarou leaving, "Please don't leave us!"

"I-" Fuutarou wanted to check up on the rest of his family, but seeing the two girls' feeble expression, he decided otherwise. He just looked towards where the rest of the three families were seated, which, thankfully, wasn't that far away, and saw that the adults had already calmed their children down.

He made eye contact with Kaori's parents and nodded, "I'll take care of her."

The plane was already filled with noise, so Fuutarou didn't think that they heard him. But Kaori's parents nodded, and while confused, Fuutarou just sat back down and held both Shouko and Kaori's hands, hoping that it would calm them down from the intense vibrations of the plane.

Fuutarou waited for a minute or so, but the chaos never subsided. If anything, it became even more intense, with only some people actually calming down.

But what confused Fuutarou was that no announcement ever came.

"Fuu-kun...I'm scared..." Clinging onto Fuutarou's arms, Shouko whispered, shivering slightly.

"We won't die." It wasn't a flag nor some ominous foreshadowing. It was simply a fact that Fuutarou knew.

Holopiscon wasn't there just for show. While he didn't want to use it now since the drawbacks are far worse than death, the passive abilities that Fuutarou could use - premonition - showed that they wouldn't die.

As for the entire process as to why they wouldn't die, Fuutarou didn't know. He could only hope that everything would go well. Or well, at least well enough to have no traumas about the plane.

It was really unlucky that the first time the girls were on a plane ride, something like this would happen.

"Good morning, passengers. I hope all of you are well. This is not your captain speaking."

Well, that just went beyond a simple plane accident.

"Onboard this plane, on the first-class flight, there exists a man. Our demands are really simple. You give me the man, I'll provide you with life. That sounds simple enough?"

"A female voice?" Fuutarou raised his eyebrows and pondered. A terrorist is a terrorist, regardless of gender.

"I told you, you can't escape me..." The female voice turned sinister as she addressed the man from the voice intercom, "I have always loved you, provided you with everything you need. So don't worry, dear. I'll make sure that we will be together forever, without anyone there to separate us."

"Together forever..."

"Anyway!" The voice turned cheerful again, "Bring the man to the door to the cockpit alone. And knock him unconscious, will ya? Otherwise, I can't guarantee what would happen to your precious pilot. After all, I don't know how to fly a plane~."

At this, the voice intercom went silent, leaving the entire plane in silence as well apart from the wailing of the children.

"This is terrorism done by a yandere..."

Even Fuutarou knew about this archetype of girl - a yandere. A crazy person in love.

This complicates things since the girl/terrorist only had one goal in mind - her beloved. No negotiations would change her mind, and until she gets her goal, she wouldn't budge at all.

"Sigh..." Fuutarou sighed as he tried to think of plans to save both the dying plane and the poor man loved by a yandere.

He was probably cheating on his wife with this girl or something and probably thought that it was just a few times flings and never felt that it would end up in this way.

Little did Fuutarou know how close he was to the truth.

But before Fuutarou could think of anything, people were already storming into the first-class area and demanding the man to give himself up.

Humans were innately selfish creatures, and seeing an opportunity to save their own lives and their families, a single man as a sacrifice didn't sound so bad. Furthermore, it wasn't as though he would be taken "hostage" or anything and would only be loved or something since everybody could tell that the terrorist was just a sicko obsessed with a man.

Since no actual physical "harm" would occur on the man if he was to be the "hostage" of the girl, it only made the other passengers less guilty to be doing so.

"No! Please no! I don't ever want to go back to her!" It seems that the "chosen" man was very desperate to not go back to the woman, but the people surrounding him couldn't care less about his plight.

The entire plane was already on a downwards descend, and it was not a landing descend.

"Hurry! Tie him up or something!" A man shouted as he took off his own jacket and bounded the "chosen" man's hands behind his back tightly, not giving him a chance to do anything that might irritate that psycho woman.

"No! Please n-" The man never got a chance to complete his sentence as another piece of clothing was bound in his mouth, preventing any suicide from happening.

Fuutarou wondered if the other passengers were the victims or the perpetrator because they seemed very experienced.

"Please! We got you the man!" One representative dragged the gagged man and knocked on the door, "Now, please don't crash to the ground!"

Hearing no reply, the man sighed and left, leaving the gagged man alone as per her instruction.

From a distance, they saw the door open a tiny bit, and a pretty girl that seemed to be in her late twenties peeked out. Her crimson-red eyes ominously glowed as she ignored everyone else, focusing her attention entirely on the man in front of her.

Her originally emotionless expression broke into a gentle smile as she gently caressed the teary man's cheeks.

"I've already told you, dear. You can't escape. Don't you feel bad now that you've caused trouble for other people?" The woman squatted beside the man and gave him a gentle kiss, "None of this would have happened if you've just listened to me now, you know? This is all your fault~."

"Now, as punishment for defying me," The woman picked up the man with surprising strength and went towards the door, "you get to watch this plane explode into pieces."

No one registered her words in time before she jumped out of the plane carrying the man.


Everyone quickly rushed towards the windows to see the duo falling down back first. The woman was forcing the man to look towards the plane, and those with good eyesight could see the girl smile.

"What did she do?!" One of the other passengers entered the cockpit and saw the entire place covered with blood. Electricity danced around the controllers, telling them that it was already destroyed and unusable.

Two bodies laid below the controllers, their tongues cut off, and two long gnash on each of their forearms. With the amount of blood flowing out of their arms, it was apparent that it was too late for them; they were long dead before they even came out.

But if that wasn't enough, another rumble shook the entire plane, inciting another wave of screaming and shouting and wailing. It didn't take too long for the girl's words to come true.


Multiple points on the plane exploded simultaneously, and the unlucky ones close to the explosion died instantly. The wings broke off, and it would have left the aircraft to a free fall if not for the fuselage (main body of the plane) also exploding into several pieces.

"Shouko!" Fuutarou noticed that her entire seat was already unconnected to the "floor" of the plane, and the clear blue sky, white fluffy clouds could clearly be seen in front of them.

While searching around, Fuutarou spotted Shouko having already taken off her seatbelt and held onto something to prevent herself from flying off to the sky.


"Shouko!" He hurriedly undid Kaori's seat belt in fear of the same thing happening to her and hurriedly rushed towards her as fast as he could while holding Kaori as tightly as possible.

The air pressure going against him was immense, and if not for his naturally inborn strength, he would have flown away by now.

Fuutarou raised out his hand towards Shouko and grabbed her hand before more unexpected drama could occur.

But someone kicked them out of the plane in their panic. But the three was holding hand, so as soon as one went out, the other two followed.

"FUUTAROU!" A female shrieked so loudly as she noticed her son fly out of the destroyed plane.

Fuutarou merely hugged the two screaming girls in his embrace, closing their eyes and only allowing them to see his chest. His actions were tender, but the anger in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

He had just reincarnated, and he was going to die already?! Not to mention the other two girls in his chest!

[Host's anger reaching the tipping point.]

[Host's worry reaching the tipping point.]

[Host's anxiety reaching the tipping point.]

[Host's body is transforming...]

[Foreign genetics detected...]



[Lineage awakening...]

Fuutarou let out a howl, and those remaining on board all turned to face in his direction - which was strange, considering that one of them had just accidentally pushed them out of the falling plane.

It wouldn't change their situation much since they would crash to the ground either way, but during an emergency, who would bother with the tiny details?

When he was kicked out of the plane, Fuutarou had already judged the man to be an "enemy". And an "enemy" of a fabled, mythic nine-tailed fox never live long to tell the tale.

It wasn't a lot, just a mere 15 or so people. Everyone else had already died somewhere along the line, and they were soon going to follow them if they didn't do something about them.

But their fears of dying from a plane explosion and crash quickly turned to a fear of fox, for a single white humanoid fox was standing in front of them, carrying two girls. His white ears twitched violently as he constantly turned about, seemingly in search of someone. His eyes turned into pure white, and he repeatedly sniffed the air.

It was as though gravity didn't affect him at all; he easily stood up on a falling plane without any trouble.

Behind him, nine tails swished and flickered around before swooping in to carry some people that Kaori and Shouko would have recognized if they were awake.

Yaeko, Yuzuru, Hanako, Isanari, Yoshiyuki, Ryouko, Raiha, Satsuki, and Uzuki.

Nine people, one on each tail. He would have killed his "enemy", but saving his loved ones was much more important than anything now. Fuutarou was now in auto-pilot, and all his actions that he was currently implementing were dictated by his past actions, thoughts, and behavioral patterns.

While the children had all fainted from excessive shock and fear, the adults looked on in terror. All except two, that was.

Isanari merely smiled, all his worries vanishing into thin air.

Hanako even rubbed her teary face on the fluffy tail that was holding on to their waists.

"Fuu-chan...you survived...Fuu-chan...you've got my father's tails..."

[Not enough tails.] A robotic voice came out of Fuutarou's mouth as he saw the other surviving passengers. In just about thirty seconds, all of them would be flattened if nothing was done.


[Special opportunity token detected.]


[Unresponsive and unconscious host, automatically choosing the most optimal choice...]

[Special opportunity token used]

A lightning storm immediately rained upon them as twelve bolts of lightning struck the top of Fuutarou's head, seemingly disappearing the moment it contacted his head.

Fuutarou groaned a little before another three tails appeared, carrying the remaining 5 people before leaping out of the plane and into somewhere unknown.

As for the last person, the "enemy", well...

An "enemy" of a fabled, mythic nine-tailed, no, twelve-tailed fox never lived long to tell the tale.


Alternate Title: Twelve-tailed Fox Awakening

A/N: I feel it's a bit rushed, but there you go. I'm trying to finish everything in one chapter so you guys don't have to wait for a few days.

If you want to support me or/and want chapters in advance, link:

https://www.patréon.com/spirits_everywhere. We are currently 8 chapters ahead~