
Reincarnated into Abyss

Story about a man reincarnated into NTR manga in the body of the main character who already lost everything, can the reincarnated person gets justice for the main character in the face of the overwhelming disadvantage? this is a story about guilt, revenge, justice, punishment, and redemption

Drakeey · Urban
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21 Chs

Reincarnated into Abyss (The Tenth Chapter)

It's a cold dark rainy night, in the middle of a road, a man currently holding a woman, he holds her tightly, with desperation, the woman's body is covered in blood, her hands trembling and her voice is weak, the man is screaming helplessly


The woman slowly raises her hand to caress the man's cheek

"It's okay John, it's okay... it was meant to be..... it's not your fault...."

"No no no please please isabel, don't say that, stay with me.... please.... i can't do it.... i can't live without you....."

"John.... listen to me.... I will always be with you ,just right here"

The woman puts her hand on the man's chest

"No...don't say that, help is coming dear... please.... hold on for me, you're gonna be okay.... you're gonna be fine...."

The woman coughs a little, then a trickle of blood coming from her mouth as she tries to smile

"Baby... look at me, can you promise me.... after this you will keep smiling, you will keep becoming a bundle of joy and happiness, as you are to me,to everyone around you, can you.... promise.... me that dear?...."

"I promise dear.... and you gotta be there too okay? you're gonna be fine.... you're gonna be okay...."

The man caress the woman disheveled hair and kisses her in the cheek

"Thank you dear... i just want to thank you.... for always loving me, for staying with me, John.... i'm glad i met you..... i hope you will always be happy...."

"Yes..... i do, i love you isabel, i love you.... so much you can't even imagine, so please.... stay with me..... i beg you...."

"Hahaha.... i will, John.....but.... i'm getting sleepy dear.... i wanna sleep for a while... goodnight dear..... i love you..."

And with that the woman closes her eyes, she is smiling, she is in peace, but her body grows colder and colder...

"No.... dear... wake up... isabel? please.....no... no... no... isabel.... you hear me? i love you dear... please come back to me.... please..."

The man hugs the woman tightly as if he would never letting her go, but his cries, his plea for help, was fallen of deaf ears, and the night passes on, as the man screams into the abyss of darkness

-Present day, Nagoya central park tower-

'Doctor.... how's my friend condition? is everything alright?' katsuo ask the doctor who just left the medical bay room

'She's stable for now, but still she's in critical coma, we need to move her to a better medical place because this place lacks medical supplies and equipment, but i'm afraid she won't survive the transportation process, because she needs immediate operation, but we can't do it because we also need blood transfusion' the doctor explains

'Is that true? how bad is her condition doctor?' i ask him

'Bad.....really bad, it seems she's assaulted by a blunt object, she suffers bruise, laceration, internal hemorrhaging, broken bones, and there's cigarette burn marks all over her body, i have no way better to tell you, but i'm sure your friend is getting tortured by a really bad people, poor girl' the doctor sighs

'Okay, i understand, i'll do something about it doctor' i tell him

'Sure, any help i can get is great, we need manpower too, see you later mr katsuo' the doctor then leave

Goddamit akemi, why do you go so far for me like that? , she's in that condition because of me, i have to help her, i promise, i'll save you akemi, and this time i will treat you better

My hands is trembling, but i need to make a call, i enter the number and then call, a voice of a woman answers

'Hello katsuo? what happen?' lady yumie asks

'Milady.. please... i need your help, my friend.... she.... she's in a critical condition, she needs medical supplies and equipment, i beg you.... please help my friend milady, please.... i'll do anything you ask just help me.... i'll pay any price you...' i tell her

'Katsuo.....calm down, panic won't do anything for you,i understand, i'll send you my team of best doctor in nagoya, and i'll give you the best medical equipment and few medical supplies from nagoya central hospital, i got few connections there, where are you now? ' lady yumie asks

'At your penthouse milady... please send help fast..... , she needs it as soon as possible' my voice getting teary

'Okay, i'll send them now, katsuo dear, be strong okay, don't panic, it's all going to be okay, i'll visit you when i finished my business, stay strong for your friend okay?' lady yumie reassures me

'Yes, thank you... thank you a lot milady, i will be strong, i need to go, goodbye milady' then i hang up the phone, that's one problem done, now i need to find blood donor for akemi

I text everyone in the school to see if anyone have B type blood to donor, unfortunately my blood type is AB, the worst possible blood type

(Hello everyone, this is takashima katsuo, i want to inform you that our friend from class 2-B, is currently in critical condition and she needs B-type blood transfusion, if you are willing to donate, please come to nagoya central park tower, i'm willing to pay any price for your donor, thanks) And send

One minute, two minute, and nobody replies, not even condolences, until suddenly someone texted me

(Katsuo, what the hell happened to akemi? i can't help because my blood type is A, but I'm coming to your place right now, sent by hirayama rin)

(Kat-chan?! are ya serious?! we're coming rn, miki can't help cuz miki is a, but keiichi is b, he can help ya! hold on tight, keiichi and i otw there!, sent by yozora miki)

(I'm on my way....., sent by shin gae-un)

Dammit, they're the last person i need to know about this problem, if something is happening to them just like akemi, i wouldn't even be able to forgive myself, but right now, i really need their help

After 15 minutes of waiting, pacing back and forth in front of medbay, a large group of people enter the room, they wear a black business suit followed by people who wear white lab coats

They're the people sent by lady yumie, i can see they're also bringing a lot of medical equipment that i can't name

I greet them and they coordinate with the doctor from apartment about akemi situation, akemi then transferred to my penthouse, because the team of doctors lady yumie sent need a large room for their medical equipment

'Hey kid, we meet again, how are you doing?'

Someone is greeting me, i look up and it's mr tatsuya, lady yumie's bodyguard who help us with the sakuraba problem

'I'm fine sir, thanks for coming' i shake his hand

'Yes,milady sent me here to help, don't worry kid your friend is strong, i've seen her fight before, believe in her' mr tatsuya pats me in the back

I nod to him smiling, and mr tatsuya left to coordinate his men, while i still sitting in the main hall, pondering where it all go wrong, then i see rin running from the tower entrance to enter the building, then she sees me and asks

'Katsuo,what the hell happened?!'

'Akemi.... she's... it's all my fault rin, it's all my fault....' i tell her

'Where's she right now? can i see her?' rin replies

'I'm sorry but you can't, she's in intensive care right now, but i have her picture when she's in the medbay earlier' i tell rin while showing a picture of akemi in the hospital bed

Rin gasps and steps back, she turns around and walks away

'Rin, where the hell do you wanna go?!' i ask her

'To end this! i'm gonna kill kawabata right now' rin yells

I grabbed her instantly to make her stay

'Rin, please don't, this is what he wants..... we can't be reckless about this, please don't do it' i tell her

'Then what the hell i'm supposed to do?! just wait here while that asshole running around freely?!, you're right katsuo, i've should listen to you long time ago, sometimes there are people who don't deserve forgiveness, release me! i'm gonna end that bastard today!'

'Rin, don't do it.....trust me i swear we will get our payback later, don't leave, if he also hurt you, i won't be able to forgive myself, just stay... stay with me please' i plead to her while hugging her

'Dammit! okay, but you promise me, when the time comes to end him, i will be the one to do it, okay?!' rin replies

'I promise' i tell her

Rin looks at me and she slowly hugs me back

'It's okay katsuo, it wasn't your fault, we are in this together, we know the risk and we agreed to take it, don't worry i'm here, you're not alone' rin reassures me

I smile and nods at her, we then sit together side by side while our hands intertwine, holding each other tightly

Miki, keita, and gaeun finally arrives, miki run straight away towards me and rin, her eyes is tearing up

'Kat-chan, rin paisen.... what happened? akemin... is she okay?' miki asks

'She's still in intensive care, i.... don't know how's her condition now, doctors are still working on her... I'm sorry miki' i reply

'Poor akemin..... i hope she's okay.... ' Miki tells me

'Katsuo-san, i want to donate my blood, im B type' keita tells me

'Me too,i want to help' gaeun adds

I bows down and thank them

'Thank you guys... really... I'm sorry... it's all because of me...'

'Katsuo.... raise your head, it's okay... we know the risks,i know akemi wouldn't blame you either, that's okay' gaeun tells me

'Yes.. katsuo-san, you've been a lot help to me and miki-chan, it's time for us to pay you back' keita assures me

Keita and gaeun escorted to the penthouse to give their blood, meanwhile me, rin, and miki also move to my penthouse, although the main bedroom is used for treating akemi, but there's a lot of spare room for us to stay and observe

After a while keita and gaeun comes back from getting their blood taken, they look weary so bought them food and milk to refresh, and i also buying snacks for all of us, rin insisted for me to rest but I decline

'Mr takashima, i want to report' a doctor tells me

'Yes, doctor, how's my friend doing? ' i reply

'The operation is a successful, she's recovering but, still that depends on her if she can survive or not, and we also need a little bit of blood, after operation she needs it' the doctor explain

'Thank you for your effort doctor, i appreciate it, i'll see what i can do about that' i tell him

I inform my friends about her condition, keita insist to give blood again but me and miki refuse, it's too risky for him

While i thinking and wondering where can i have extra blood, mr tatsuya informs me that we have a visitor, a couple of students from my school

But i wonder who is it? and then they entered the room, those fuckers Megumi and Junko

Anger quickly raises from my stomach, what the hell are they doing here? to gloat? to laugh at me?

'You motherfuckers! what the the hell are you two doing here?!' i get up and tries to attack them, but rin and gaeun hold me off

Junko quickly steps to the front to protect megumi, but megumi pats her in the shoulder and smiles

'My.... my..... calm down takashima-san, we are here to help, nothing more' she smiles

'Help?! like hell you wanna help! did kiichiro sent you here to gloat at me you fucker?!' i yell at them

'No...not at all, what happened to shimada-san, i really have no clue about it, i condemn whoever do this to our friend, as the student council president it's my responsibility to help my fellow student in need' she tells me

'What do you mean by helping?' i ask her

'I understand that shimada-san is in need of blood transfusion, i have O-type blood, i can help her' megumi tells me

'Are you sure? you don't have any hidden motive doing this right?' i tell her

'No... absolutely not takashima-san, i simply want to help' megumi smiles

'Then.... I'm sorry for behaving like that earlier, thank you for helping prez' i reluctantly tell her

'Really? i sense no sincerity from your thanks, can you repeat again takashima- san' megumi smiles

'I.... THANK YOU FOR HELPING AKEMI YOUR MAJESTY' i yell at her sarcastically

But instead of anger, her face is blushing and her eyes glowing, she also bites her lower lips seductively, what the hell...

After that megumi is escorted to the room where her blood taken, and junko waits in front of the room, i offer her a seat but she declines

Not long the process is done, megumi greets junko and they come to me to say goodbye

'I hope, shimada-san getting better, i want to stay to exchange pleasantries, unfortunately, duty calls, so goodbye takashima-san' megumi offers me a hand

'Yeah, bye....' i shake her hand

She then suddenly pulls me closer and she whispers in my ears

'Nagoya starmoon bar, fourth avenue street, kiichiro gonna be there all night long tonight ,but he will surrounded by security, do whatever you want with that information' she smiles then pat my shoulder and left with junko

What the.... isn't she on kiichiro side, why is she giving me this information? i'm confused, is this a trap?

I go back to my friends, we waited in silence hoping for akemi to get better, until the sun sets and evening dawned on us

'Hey guys, if you want to go home it's okay, i got this, you all need rest...' i tell my friends

'No, I'm staying, i won't leave you alone'

'I'm staying katsuo-san, tomorrow is holiday so it's okay'

'Count me in too'

'Kat-chan, miki will stay too'

Damn stubborn fellows, but I'm really grateful, they're true friends that i have in this world

And that's why, i have to do what i have to do, i have to end this all by myself tonight...

Nagoya starmoon bar, fourth avenue street

These words keep ringing in my ears, i know what i'm gonna do is stupid, ramona told me that i won't win alone, but this time is different

I waited till it's near midnight and all of my friends are asleep, i go to the storage room near the pool

I open a compartment, things that i need in case of emergency, and this time is now

I take a duffel bang and put all the things in need and left my penthouse

'Where do you wanna go at this time kid?' Tatsuya san stops me and asks

'Just business' i tell him

'Do you need help?' he reply

'No thanks mr Tatsuya' i tell him smiling

I go to the basement floor and go to the toilet there, i open my duffel bag and take out my things and take off my shirt, first i wear a light kevlar armor then i cover it with black shirt, then i wear elbow pads and then i cover it all with black leather jacket, i put kneepad on my black jeans,and lastly i pull out a black metal baseball bat, a weapon that in can use in this mission

All this time, I've treated this revenge, this quest like a game, as long as i having fun, then i do it, but not anymore this is not a game anymore, not a joke, lives is on the line, if i don't end that motherfucker today, he will hurt people close to me again

So i put my baseball bat inside the back of my jacket then i go to the motorbike that i bought few weeks ago, i just bought it on a whim but right now i can use it for vengeance

I put on a black full face motorcycle helmet, and ride into the rainy night

Just you wait kiichiro, your time is come and today is the day bitch

'No more jokes..... No more laughs' i whispered to myself while driving my bike

I arrived on the bar megumi mentions, it looks like an exclusive club for rich assholes, more motivation for me to fuck him up

I walk slowly trough the rain, while dragging my bat on the asphalt, making ringing sound, i come to the front of the club where a bodyguard blocks my path

'HEY WHO ARE YOU?!, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!' He yells at me while staring intensely

I quickly swings my bat to the side of his head instantly knocking him unconscious


'I'm vengeance' i whispered to his limp body

'Skill give me ganryuu style swordsmanship' i tell to myself

-Skill activated-

-Generating information-


-Skill generation complete-

-Ganryuu style kenjutsu lv 1: (passive skill) When using sword like weapon enable user to use basic ganryuu style kenjutsu-

Good, this is what i need, ganryuu style used by History greatest loser sasaki kojiro, a fitting style for a person like me

I open the door to the building and entered the room

Author's note : for this sequence i recommend you listening to one of these songs

1. Subhuman - Cody Matthew Johnson

2. Extatum et Oratum - Powerwolf

3. Karuma - Amaterasu

-First hallway-

I walk slowly and i see 3 bodyguards is looking at me and they are coming closer

I strike one of them in the head with downward strike knocking him out,two others startled, they rush at me, they pin me to the wall and try to grab my bat

I push one of them, then i headbutt the other full power with my fullface helmet on, cracking his nose and he's out, the last one tries to call for backup by talking to his walkie talkie, but i swing my bat full force to his mouth, breaking his walkie talkie and hitting his mouth simultaneously, last person got knocked out and i proceed to the second hallway

-Second hallway-

Another 3 guards rushing at me when they see me, i quickly slams my bat to the head of the first person and he's knocked out, then i slam it to the stomach of the second person and  he's stunned, laying on the floor while clutching his stomach, i dodge the 3rd person attack then swing it upward to his head, he also knocked out and i go back to the second person, finishing him off with a downward swing

-Main room-

I open the door to the main room, and i see that bastard at the sidebar, laughing and drinking while surrounded by girls, so i let a roar to alert them of my presence


And the room instantly goes silent, the bar staff, the guard, and other guests is looking at me


The staff quickly escort all the guests out leaving just Kiichiro and his bodyguards, a lot of them

'Hey, who the fuck are you pal?, what's your problem with me' Kiichiro yells at me

'I'm here to finish you motherfucker, you have hurt many people, and it's my job to deliver you, your deserved price, one special ticket for a trip, TO HELL!' i tell him

'Shut the fuck up! guys, give this freak a lesson' Kiichiro tells his men

Then few of them rush straight at me, but i fend them all, i slam my bat on their heads one at the time, unfortunately for me, they landed few hits damaging my body, but i still can hold on

'NEXT!' I tell them

'HYAAAAAHHH' two of them come forward to attack me, i try to swing my bat to one of those guys head but he dodges, so i change direction of my swing and slam it straight to his stomach, his partner tries to stab me with a knife, luckily i wear kevlar armor and his knife can't penetrate my armor, i smile at him and grabs him by the throat then, i pull him down to make his head hitting my steel kneepad, he's out

'Go 2 sleep, asshole' i tell him


'Enough of this shit! everyone attack him together!'

And with that all of his bodyguard attacks me together piling on me, but I don't care,I'm too angry to feel pain i swing and swing and swing again wildly taking few of them with me

'YAAAAAHHHHH' i try to hit one of them but someone blocks it and grabs my bat

It's one of his bodyguard, he is tall and big, he also muscular, probably the strongest bodyguard in his disposal, i try to pry it off his hand but he doesn't budge

-Skill activated : Niko style advance lv.1-

-Skill activated : Serious series: serious punch-

'Take this asshole "Advanced Serious punch"i yell at him while delivering a devastating punch to his groin

'Aughhhhhh' he yells and drops to his knee, i smile at him and swing hard at his face knocking him out

'Congratulations! you never gonna lose no nut november again asshole!' i tell him

I fight my best, but the damage on my body keep piling up, while i covered in armor, but their number is too much, i finally drop to the ground while they keep attack me and stomping me

Fuck... i think this is the end.... I'm sorry katsuo, i tried my best....

'John-san dont give up yet'

Eh? who's that? is that you katsuo?

'John-san, let's fight together.... take my hand'

I see a single open hand reaching out for me

'Don't be afraid John-san take my hand, we can do this'

Well, i don't know if it's my hallucinations but what the hell, i reach out to that hand, and suddenly the hand shines bright, now i see a lot of hands reaching out to me

One of them touches me and i vividly see a memory where a boy bullied and got his girlfriend, mom, big sister, and his little sister stolen from him by a dark skinned bully

Another hand touch me and i see a boy in a baseball club got his girlfriend stolen from him by his coach and his teammates

Another hand also touches me and i see a boy who got his childhood crush stolen from him by his bully who suddenly turns into a good person

Hands after hands touches me and i keep seeing a lot of memories and different story from them

I feel it, their pain, their anger, their sadness, their despair.....

'ARGGHHHHHH' I yell aloud while crying it's too much.... their suffering is too much

'In this world, there is a rule.....

the Protagonist and Antagonist will cross paths, and no matter what happen the Antagonist will always come on top, they will always win....

That is the fundamental rule of this world.....'

'But you are exception to this rule.... John Dunham....

You are the manifestation of our wish, our desire to break the rule of this world

You are our HOPE'

'Go forth... and make our dreams come true'

'UWAAAGHHHH' Suddenly i feel energy fills my body, unlimited energy... i feel invincible, i feel strong, this is their power.... their wish.... their HOPE

-Skill revealed-

-(John Dunham exclusive skill)-

-Converging wishes : The user can make a "wish" and, it will be converted into a skill that will calibrated to the laws of this world-

-Skill acquired-

-(Takashima Katsuo exclusive skill)-

-Death's Abyss EX : Increase strength, stamina, endurance, and agility based on how much damage the user take, the closer user to death, increase the stats greatly-

Holy shit, so this is my true power... hell yeah time to go nuts, i grab my bat and be ready for counter attack

-Skill activated : Presence of the dark lord Lv. 2-

Now instead of one target, this skill become a small area of effect around me, giving me a chance to gets up and counter attack

Because of this sudden power surge, i feel refreshed and i become more faster and stronger, i swing my bat to their faces and crush them one by one


Those are voices that my metal bat make when it made contact with their bodies... I defeat them one by one until finally all of them knocked out, leaving Kiichiro alone without protection..... finally...

'Hey... stay away from me.... who are you?! what do you want' he asks

'Me? I'm your executioner.... the evening bell has toll thy name motherfucker' i reply

then i slowly take off my damaged helmet and reveal myself to him my bloodied face

'K....katsuo.....that's impossible, how can you be so strong?! how can you know where i am?!' Kiichiro asks

'It doesn't matter, what matter today is me walking out from here with your severed head' i tell him

'Hey.... listen katsuo... no need to do this pal, what do you want from me?.... money?.... woman?.... you want them back from me, i give you all of them please, don't do this katsuo....' Kiichiro pleads

'Me? what i want is simple, you hurt akemi, and i want to pay it back to you ten.... no A HUNDRED FOLD, IN SIMPLE TERM I WANT YOUR LIFE' then i rush at him

'Noooooo, stay away you freak' Kiichiro pulls out a gun and shoot me with it


But i tanked it all, my kevlar + my newfound endurance helps me mitigate the damage, i smile at him then i hit his hand with my bat, knocking his gun out, then i combo his ass of with my swordsmanship style and my metal bat swinging my bat few times with fluid motion to his body


'ARGGGGGHHHH' Kiichiro yells in pain while dropping to the ground

I stomp one of his hand out and swing at it breaking his arm, his arm now limp and bent from my attack




Then i move around his body, i stomp one of his thigh with my foot and i swing with both of my hands right to his genital area



'Katsuo... I'm sorry..... it hurts.....please i beg you.....

I can see blood coloring his white tuxedo pants, it seems his dick is badly damaged, fitting punishment, and it also make sure people like him doesn't reproduce

I hover around his body, and taunts him

'Kiichiro, are you a religious person?'

'No..... I'm not' he whimpers

'Good, because you're about to find God' and i start swinging down wildly on him

'Ezekiel 25:17 says' i tell him


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides

By the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men


Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will

Shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness


For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children


And I will strike down upon thee

With great vengeance and furious anger

Those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers


And you will know my name is the Lord

When I lay my VENGEANCE upon thee


I recite the bible verse while keep hitting him again and again, he does nothing but curl and defend himself while crying and pleading at me, i don't care about it anymore all i see now is a vision of broken and battered akemi, what kind of torture does this man do to her by using her own mother, this anger fuels me to keep hitting him

Suddenly a lot of people burst trough the door, kiichiro backup.... hahahaha.... just my luck time like this when i almost finished him..... fuck...

I turn around and yells to the crowd ' wanna to have round 2 bitches? let's go!'

They are simultaneously yells and attack me

I yells back at them and charge straight to them, disappearing into the sea of butterflies

Then darkness

'Haaaaah.... ha... haahh.....' i wake up and see my surroundings, i feels like I'm in the middle of campfire, while surrounded by forest with a tall tree

I look at myself and find something strange

Wait a minute this hands, this is hairy hands just like my body used to be, i try to feel my face and feel my stubby unshaven beard.... oh my god.... I'm back to my original body....

Suddenly a voice calling me from behind

'Eh John-san.... you finally awake' the voice is calling me... it feels familiar

I turned around and i see a man.. a man I'm really familiar with, i know him like i know myself

'Katsuo?' i tell him

'Yes, it's me.... we finally meet, nice to meet you John-san' Katsuo smiles

'But how....'i ask him

'Haha.... i don't know.... it's not me who brings you here' katsuo tells me

I look at the campfire and katsuo is putting a metal cup of water near the fire to heat it

'Want some coffee john-san?' he tells me

'Uhhhh.... yeah.... i do' i reply

'Good, I'm gonna brew you one' he smiles

'Katsuo....if you're here, isn't that mean..... I'm dead? ' i ask him

'If i have to be honest, yes... you're dead john-san' katsuo tells me

'So, we're both dead huh? dangit I'm sorry katsuo... i can't avenge you' i tell him

'John-san, what i mean is we are both dead but you're here, temporarily..... i just requested someone so we can talk for a while' he replies

'What? who do you request to?' i tell him

'He requested it to me, long time no see John' another familiar voice greets me

i turn around and say

You're... Ramona.....