
Reincarnated into Abyss

Story about a man reincarnated into NTR manga in the body of the main character who already lost everything, can the reincarnated person gets justice for the main character in the face of the overwhelming disadvantage? this is a story about guilt, revenge, justice, punishment, and redemption

Drakeey · Urban
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21 Chs

Reincarnated into Abyss (The Sixteenth Chapter)

Nagoya Central Park Tower

The morning comes and i couldn't be more excited, this time I'm gonna learn how to fight properly, but before that i do my usual morning training, i have been doing it for months now, without skipping even for once, mamba mentality baby

After I'm done doing my training i go to the patio where rin and keita is waiting for me

'Goodmorning katsuo-san, how's your morning today?' keita asks me

'Great, couldn't been better, so where's Mr, Tatsuya?' i reply

'I don't know, but i think he's going to show up soon, after all he's the one who told us to have training for the first place' keita informs me

'Ah i see, uh hey good morning rin' i greet her

'Morning' she replies coldly

'Oh come on, you still mad at me?' i sigh

'I am not,i just don't want to talk to anyone, i need to focus' she replies

Yep, she's still angry, but i don't want to escalate it further so i just let it go

Finally Mr Tatsuya come and brings a lot of equipment for our training, holy shit, this is gonna be the real deal, after that he approach us

'Good morning, today we'll start our training, while you probably want to start learning how to fight, fundamentals are very important, so we are going to start by training your stamina, balance, strength, and agility, i want you to follow my orders and no excuses' He firmly tell us

'Uh I'm good, I'm already doing my morning routine before' i inform him

'I said no excuses katsuo, now i want you run around the basketball court 100 times, start now!' He orders us

Rin quickly follows his order and start running, followed by keita and i begrudgingly start running too

'Oh hi kat-chan supp' miki greets while running beside me

'Oh hi, what are you guys doing? you and gaeun wanna learn to fight too?' i ask her

'Nah, we're here just to train our stamina, if ya guys gets into fights later at least we can run away and not getting in ya way' miki replies

'Yeah that's smart hahaha' i start to pick up the pace

We keep running while Manami is coming out from the house, she then sits on a beach chair while having her breakfast provided by her butler while observing us

'Good luck my lovelies, please train hard so you can make me proud ohohoho' she gives us her encouragement, in her own way of course

Running alone might be refreshing but running with them is hella fun, but i can't concentrate because of Miki huge honka badonkers keep bouncing around distracting me.... until someone smacks me in the back

'Stop that! i know what you're looking !' Rin yells at me while running beside me

'Hey.... aight my bad hihi...' I giggles

'Keita you gotta keep your eyes on this maniac, he's been ogling your girl for 10 minutes' Rin snitches on me

'Hey katsuo-san, that's not good!' Keita scolds me

'Alright alright it's okay, it's not my fault that my eyes is working you know jeeez' I sighs

We keep running and running, miki already gave up at 50th lap, meanwhile keita is laying down catching his breath at 80th lap, only me, gaeun and rin still runs

And gaeun is leading with no signs of stopping, holy shit how can this girl runs so fast? she's like running from the cops

It's the final lap and I'm going neck to neck with Rin

'Ready to eat my dust?' i tell her

'You wish, i hope you're not gonna cry after i beat you' she replies

'Oho someone finally learn to trash talk, but it's not going to save ya, see ya later slowpoke' I sprinted with all of my might

'Kuh... I'm not going to lose to you brat!' She also sprints

While gaeun is waiting for us me and rin running to take that number 2 spot, I'm smiling ear to ear right now, so this is what means to be in a competitive sport

The finish line dawned on us and fortunately i won by a narrow margin

'Yeahhhhhh' I scream in delight as i lay on the floor covered in sweat

'Lucky break.....' rin grumbles

'Really? no sportsmanship at all? i beat your ass fair and square, at least congratulate me a little' i reply

'Shut up, i will win next time' she stomps away

Seriously what the hell is wrong with her... must be that time of the month....

After we're done running we trained our strength, balance,and agility using the tools that Mr. Tatsuya brought for us, after that he gave us 30 minute break

And then after the break he call us to gather once again, but now there's 2 people behind him, it seems they're his colleagues too judging be the looks of it they're also the employee of Hebiyama family

'Everyone, come here it's time for the real training to start, this is my colleagues, Koji-san and elena-san, Koji will personally train keita and elena will train rin, you will be training with me katsuo' he commands

'Keita you follow Koji, meanwhile katsuo and rin, you both stay here' He adds

'Yes Tatsuya-san' Keita then leaves and follow

'Katsuo, rin you both are going to have a sparring match, we gonna be evaluating your combat abilities and how to improve it, understand?' he tells us

'Yes, mr tatsuya' i reply firmly

'Okay, let's do this katsuo' rin tells me

We then both take our places and preparing to fight, we both take our fighting stances and wait for the signal from tatsuya

'Loser buys pizza?' i tease rin try to lighten up the mood

'just shut up and fight' She replies

'Geez woe is me trying to make situation better' i snarks at her

'Fight!' Tatsuya yells

Rin quickly runs and send a flying knee strike to me, fortunately i see it coming and dodge it flawlessly

'Rin! what the hell are you doing?! this is only a sparring!' i scold her

'I don't care, you're just full of excuses' She mocks me

'Oh now you did it now girl, if you want smoke, say no more' i prepared myself for her attack, it's on now, I'm gonna be serious

She dashes at me again and do a straight right punch aiming at my face, i dodge it by an inch, grabs her shoulders using her momentum and slams her into the ground

'Aaaahhhh' she winces in pain

'The hell is wrong with you? fight seriously! you're too reckless!' i say to her

'Kuh, don't try to tell me what to do!' She gets up and assumes her fighting stance, rin then sends a jab that i dodge by stepping backwards, she then follows with left hook, but i dodges right and kick her on right calf

'I see that move coming from a mile away' i smirk at her

Rin gets more agitated and throw a flurry of combination punches, i use my hands to parry and my head movement to dodge, rin seeing her attacks absolutely does no damage, spins and try to roundhouse kick me with her right leg

I duck to dodge her kick narrowly and counter her with my own leg sweep making her tumble and fall

I just stand there menacingly  looking her at her eyes, she rages and gets up quickly to dash at me, she runs and attempt to try a running takedown on me, only for me to block her by stretching my leg backwards on impact, while placing my arms near her neck in case she wanna try to go for my knees

'Okay that's enough!' Tatsuya san yells

I release rin from my clutch and we prepare for the assesment

'The winner is katsuo, good job!, rin you need to control your emotions more, you fight like an absolute amateur right there, I'm disappointed, you could've done better' Tatsuya says giving his assesment

'What?! no, I'm not losing yet Tatsuya-san, sure katsuo got the upper hand but i can still win a grappling match with him' she refuses to believe that i have bested her

'It's over rin, katsuo was prepared to rain 12-6 elbows on you, and nothing you can do to defend from it' he replies

'12-6 elbows? but..... thats....'

'Illegal, yes, in normal MMA match, however, we are going to fight under the underworld fighting arena rules, so it's legal, that's why i told you to pay attention, you understood?' He explains

'I..... y.... yes tatsuya-san, i understand' rin lowers her head in defeat

'Good now, you follow elena-san she will personally train you' he orders

'Okay Tatsuya-san' rin slumped her shoulder and begin to follow tatsuya female comrade to another section of the patio

Oguchi keita pov

Keita walks with a man who named Koji, he is an adult male in his late 30s, he has medium hair sporting in a ponytail, he also has a mustache and a beard in his face, but the thing that make keita interested is he looks very unintimidating at glace, he's only 5'5 while looks scrawny, keita meanwhile is 5'3 and still growing

'So you're oguchi keita? tell me kid, why did you fight?' Koji asks

'Ah.... i want to fight because i want to protect my girlfriend koji-san' Keita replies

'Hahahaha so you want to woo your girl with your fighting skills eh? not bad, i respect your honesty' koji smiles

'Eh... no koji-san i really want to protect her, she has a really obsessed ex-boyfriend and he keeps coming back to hurt her, at first katsuo-san is the one that protect us from him, but i know i can't keep relying on katsuo-san, i want to protect miki by my own hands!' Keita declares steadfastly

'Hmmm i see, that's admirable, so your opponent in the tournament is going to be him?' toji asks

'Yes, if I'm able to beat him fair and square he will stop bothering us' keita replies

'Okay, i will give you the tools and the means to protect your girlfriend, but wheter you can use it to the fullest depends on you' koji explains

'I understand, please teach me how to fight toji-sensei' keita bows down to show his respect

'Good, keita so what kind of martial arts did you do until now?' koji ask him

'Ummmm, stuff like kickboxing, jiu-jitsu, and karate, all things that rin-senpai taught me' Keita replies in confidence

'I see, so you have mastered the fundamentals that's good but let me tell you if you keep training like that you will hit your ceiling fast, you won't get more stronger anymore' koji informs him

'What? but why? i need to get stronger sensei' keita is shocked to hear that statement

'That's simply because you're incompatible with that style, that girl rin is abnormally strong and a genius, if you want to try to follow her footsteps you will fall, that's why i want you to learn a martial art fit for small guys like us' koji smirks

'Eh? really then what's that sensei?' he asks excitedly

'It's called "silat"... more accurately "pencak silat" it's a martial arts created by the people in south east asia, a martial arts developed during warring times, it designed to overcome weight class and ending the fight quickly, since this is a martial arts created for war and to incapacitate your opponent fast' koji explains

'Woah that's so cool, so how does it work exactly?' keita ponders

'Nice question, let me demonstrate, punch me' koji orders

'Excuse me?' Keita said in disbelief

'Just do it' koji tells him

'Okay' keita takes a stance then swings at koji, but before his fist is halfway meeting his target, koji's fist already placed one inch in front of keita face

'What?! how?!' keita asks in disbelief again

'you're too slow keita, faster' koji orders

'Uh okay' Keita then tries to jab koji, but his jab is quickly deflected by one of koji hand while at the same time another hand already in front of keita face again

'Ugh that's so fast koji-san, i didn't even have time to react' keita sighs

'Hahaha then you have to be faster than that, one last time keita' koji prepares to receive keita attack

'Okay....' Keita composes himself he stands still looking for opportunity, he watch the movement of koji in front of him and suddenly.....

Keita launch a very fast jab only for koji to grabs his arms and twist it

'Ow.... ow... ow.... i yield... i yield koji-sensei...' Keita yells

koji release keita arms and laughs, he then asks keita if he understood the basics of silat

'Uhhh... we need speed?' keita answers

'Not only speed, but precision and intuition, silat is all about intercepting and defeating your opponent even before they make a move, use parry, deflect, joint locks, whatever you have to disrupt your opponent rhythm , since your opponent is going to be above your weight class, blocking is kinda hard, sure you can block one or two attacks but he will broke your defense fast ' koji explains

'I see.... i still have a lot to learn' keita sighs

'That's normal, silat is difficult to master, but once you attuned to it, you can be the strongest you've ever been, and you can protect your loved ones with it' koji encourages him

'Yosh... okay koji-sensei please teach me!' keita says with determination on his eyes

'Good, now follow my lead' koji then start teaching keita the basics of "silat", the stances and attack patterns, with that keita journey to get stronger has now officially began

Hirayama rin POV

Rin follows a woman whom tatsuya entrusted to be her mentor, the woman is clearly a foreigner, most likely South American, she has a really toned body just like rin and intense face, she also wears an eyepatch on her right eye like a war veteran

'Okay brat, come here, we'll start the training' elena orders rin to come

'Hey maam, I'm sorry but I'm not a kid' rin yells back

'Oh so you're not a kid? what kind of person throws a tantrum during a fight? just accept it, you're just a brat!' elena mocks her

'I'm not! listen maam, can we just get over with it?' rin grumbles

'Hoo, you started getting on my nerves, i get it, tatsuya tell me that you're the strongest of your group, i admit you have the talent and your physical ability is top notch, but it's all making you act like some hot shit, you don't know nothing about real fight, and that's why you lost and throw tantrum like a little kid' Elena give rin scolding

'What?! i don't know nothing about real fight?!, i have been training since i was a kid, and I've been participating in countless competitions, don't you dare tell me i know nothing about fighting' rin replies angrily

'You call that a real fight? pffft please, you born in a privileged world where you can afford to lose, in my place losing means death, we do everything to survive,real fights doesn't care about rules or regulations, it only cares about the result, who will be standing at the end of the fight that is the winner' elena tells rin who is now realize that elena comes from a very harsh part of the world unlike her

Elena then draws a circle with 2 meter of diameter and orders rin to go inside the circle before stepped inside too

'Let's put your money where your mouth is, the first one stepped out of this circle lost, no rules, no nothing, let's fight brat!' Elena throws her shirt revealing her wearing tanktop underneath with scars all over her well trained body

Rin gets ready into her stance while elena is just standing there nonchalantly, rin throws a jab at her only for elena moved her head a little to dodge her jab while smiling

Rin gets angry, she ducks and send a devastating uppercut at elena only for her to side-step it and push rin, because the momentum of her punch and getting pushed rin stepped out of the boundaries

'Thats 1-0, you're too predictable of a fighter, it's like reading kids book, don't waste movement, be efficient, save heavy strikes only for staggered opponent, let's do it again!' she orders rin to reset

Rin now getting more focused throw a straight punch elena which she dodges, rin quickly followed up with a middle kick, she feels this move is unavoidable, only for elena to jumps, do a front flip and catches her head with her legs and throws rin out of bounds with her legs

'How's that hurricanrana for you?, you're getting better but let me tell you, would it kill you to dodge? just because you're crazy strong doesn't mean you have to tank every strike dammit' Elena scolds her

'Okay i understand master' Rin nodded, she now feels the true strength of a person in front of her, rin feels her lack of experience and now willing to listen to her teacher, because until now rin strategy is always to overpower her opponents with sheer physicality and relentless attacks, which doesn't work right now

'Oh? have you finally come around brat? good, now, you're allowed to do nothing but dodge, we're gonna work on your movement efficiency and your footwork, understand?' Elena smiles at her

'Yes master, please allow me to get stronger under your tutelage' Rin bows down in respect

'Alright let's start again'

And with that rin is now trained hard to be more than just a martial artists but a true fighter and she know that she will get stronger with this training

Takashima Katsuo POV

'Hyaaah' I shout while trying to punch Tatsuya with right haymaker, tatsuya blocks and send a side kick to my stomach wich i block with my right knees lifted

'Good, now i can see why you able to beat those thugs at the bar, keep going katsuo'  tatsuya says while throwing overhead punch at me

I use the back of my hand to parry and i grabs tatsuya hand tries to throw him to the ground, but he spins backwards while I'm throwing him and kicks me with a back kick with his leg, i blocks it with both of my hand but his kick still makes me launched backwards a little

'Damn, not even a full guard can fully disperse the damage, what the hell is Lady Hebiyama feeding you guys hahaha' I tease him

'Lots of expensive stuff and a good salary' tatsuya replies while banterin with me

'Katsuo, i feel you're getting stronger the longer fight goes, we have to use this for our advantage' tatsuya says to me while cleaning dust of his shirt

'Really? okay then' oh wow i forgot i still have my unique passive skill "Death's abyss EX", even though i don't want to rely on any skill in this training, but hey what can I do

'Do you know why you lost to that jirou guy' He asks me

'Why?' i replies

'Because instead of taking smaller hits to make you, take a very damaging first throw making you unable to get you into your prime condition' he explains

'Oh i see, damn you're right Mr. Tatsuya' oh now i understand, instead of taking a smaller hits to stack my skill, i instead taking a very large single target attack, if it wasn't for the secondary ability that raise my physical capabilities if I'm badly damaged, i don't know if i still be here right now

'The warm-up is over time for you to experience real training, come with me katsuo, we're going out a little bit' He says to me while gesturing me to follow him

'Okay sir, I'm right behind you' i tell him

I changed my clothes to casual hoodie and jeans, we then goes to a convenient store in an area near snake den's bar

The sun is almost out when we arrived, i see a convenience store and few delinquents playing in front of it, a total of 10 teenagers, 4 men and 6 ladies smoking and drinking while laughing their asses off

'You see them katsuo?' Tatsuya tells me

'Yeah, seems like a good time' i tell him

'Unfortunately their "good time" ia disturbing the peace in this area, they are a new delinquent gang that moved here recently, they have been reported to extort convenient stores, distrubing pedestrian and civilans, this area is in the protection of hebiyama family, and the lady wants no people like them here' Tatsuya explains

'So what are we gonna do to them?' i asks

'Not we but you, this is serve as your training and your duty as a family member, go beat them up and make them cause no trouble anymore' Tatsuya commands

'Right away bossman' i tell him while exiting the car

I approach these dumb kids slowly and whistle at them

'Who the fuck are you' said one of them, he then walks to me arrogantly while puffing his smoke

'Oh maybe he wants to hangout with us babe' said one of the girls

'He's kinda cute tho' another girl adds

'Thanks ladies, but I'm not here for that, i come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm out of gum' I taunt those kids

'You think you tough you prick? who the fuck do you think you are?!' He puff the cigar and blows the smoke on my face

Oh this asshole is starting it, i quickly use my hand to grabs the back of his head and slams him to the pavement, instantly knocking him out blood coming out of his nose

'AAAHHHH' the girls screaming in fear seeing as one of their friends beaten by me

The other three Quickly rise up and circles around me

'What the fuck is your problem pal?!' one of them yells to me

'My problem is you idiots running around causing trouble in this area, i give you all a choice , walk away and leave, never to come back here again, or I'll serve you a big fat portion of knuckle sandwich for dinner' I threaten them

'The fuck? you're crazy aren't you? there's 3 of us and you're alone' he replies

'Then it's a fair fight' i smiled, taking out a cigarette of my own and lighting it

'So? are we talking or fighting?' i puff my cigar while taunting them

One of them screams and dashes at me to attack, i quickly throws my lit cigarette at his face making him wince in pain

i grab him and throws him to a second guy to stuns both of them

the third guy tries to punch me but i dodged, he then kicks me with his right leg which i caught and i counter with a low kick to his other leg to make him fall to the ground, wasting no time i jump and curb stomped his head to the pavement shattering his teeth and knocking him out

The other 2 guys watching in horror as i dispatch another one of their friends got absolutely bodied by me, but they got no other choice so they attacked me at the same time

They send flurry of attacks, punches kicks and i dodge them methodically, parry-parry-dodge-block-dodge

Although their attack is relentless, compared to mr. Tatsuya attacks is nothing but a childs play

When one of them is out of breath for attacking me i kick him straight on his side damaging his kidney, making him stumbled to the floor crying in pain

The last guy tries to grapple me, but i deflect by elbow uppercutting his jaw, followed by downward right haymaker

I run to the the that stumbled to the floor and hit him with a running knee and knocked him out of the fight, with him incapacitated my job here is done

'Ahhhh please don't hurt us' the girls that come with them now gathering together

I approach then slowly with a smile to signal them that i mean no harm

'Don't worry ladies, i won't hurt any of you, i just wanna ask, why did you hangout with those losers' i ask them

'W.. we.... had no choice.... if... we don't obey them they will bully and humiliate us.....' One of them is replying while looking at me scared

'Really so they forced you to hang out with them? damn, what a bunch of assholes' i shake my head

'Yes, they force us to hang out with them..... and they.... make us do compensated dating with old guys..... we were scared..... please don't hurt us we just following their orders..... we'll do whatever you want if you let us go.... ' The girls speak to me telling their circumstances

'You know what? fuck them, don't be afraid of those bastard, one of you gimme your phone' i ask them

The nearest girl give me her phone which i input the number and and give it back to her

'This is my number, if they dare to threaten you all again just call me, and tell them you guys are under the protection of Hebiyama family now' i smile to reassure them

'R.... really? we'll be finally free from them?' the other girl asks

'Yes, and here...this is ¥30.000 buy some sushi or use it for karaoke, but promise me you have to prioritize your academic study okay? having fun is important, but you have to secure your future first, understand?' i tell them

'Woaaaahh yes we understand.... thank you....' every one of them thanked me because i show them kidness

'Okay then, goodbye girls, be careful on your way home' i turn around and walk to mr Tatsuya car

'Wait..... kind stranger.... what is your name? can....can we meet you again?' One of them stands up and asks me

Then without turning back i reply

'Katsuo..... Takashima katsuo, we will meet again..... if the wind destined us to met....' i raise my hand and send a see you later gesture

I walk slowly to the car while harmonica sound playing in the distance while I'm getting away from those girls

'You're 2 minutes 17 seconds slower than i predicted' Tatsuya tells him

'Sorry, there's unforseen circumstances that i have to take care first sir' i reply whil rubbing the back of my head

'Unforseen? you're wooing those girls katsuo, we're training not playing, come on, get in the car' He orders

We rhe then goes back to the penthouse where i finally rest my body, wit this training i will not fail to defeated whoever try to disturb our peace, no more losing again....

While i still pondering and losing in my thought suddenly i hear a knock on my bedroom

'Katsuo.... are you still up?' a muffled voice of a woman calls me

'Yeah.... wait a sec' i put on a shirt and walk slowly to the door and opened it, only to see the last person i expected to show up

'Hi..... mind if i come in...? ' rin says to me shyly

'Sure... come in....' I reply in disbelief

Sorry for the late update, per usual business trip really took a lot of time from me writing, anyways enjoy the new chapter

Drakeeycreators' thoughts