
Reincarnated into Abyss

Story about a man reincarnated into NTR manga in the body of the main character who already lost everything, can the reincarnated person gets justice for the main character in the face of the overwhelming disadvantage? this is a story about guilt, revenge, justice, punishment, and redemption

Drakeey · Urban
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21 Chs

Reincarnated into Abyss (The First Chapter)

( The number you're calling is unable to receive the call)

(...Go away you rapist, i don't want to hear anything from you)

(If you call me again i will call the cops, never call me again! )

I tried to call few of Katsuo's gaming friend, people who according to the chat log in his phone is close to him, while also assesing the situation of Katsuo's damaged relationships, well, too bad it went as bad as i predicted

'So much for the boys....'

then i put down my phone in my pocket

I kept walking to the crisp air of city of Gotanda's night, the place i was sent upon being exiled by my parents, the place famous for their red light district.

My planned revenge for Kiichiro and his cronies has the met first setback, in order to prepare my revenge on him, the first thing and the most important thing i need is resources aka money, after all you can't wage war without logistics

i decided to sit on nearby bench and light up my cigarettes i bought from pawn shop for twice the price, because underage student can't buy from usual convenience store

'Even reincarnated seems i can't seems to stop, anyway what's up with this brand?, what a strange taste'

I looked at the label at this cigarette pack and it says 'Black Bird'

'Probably to avoid copyright huh'

Then i reminded even though this world is similar to earth, there are few differences the authors made for this world to either avoid copyright or to be integrated to his story

For example Places like Japan, America, German or cities like Tokyo, or new york exist, but places like The giant manga publisher kodansha, sunmori brewery or disneyland in america didn't exist because of copyright issues, just like a lot of mainstream pop culture entertainment like Naruto, one piece or marvel also universe didn't exist, instead they have their own unique animes mangas or movies that popular in this world.

Same principles too with real people, historical figures like Mussolini, Hitler, or JFK exist in this world, but people like Elon musk, Jeff bezos, or bill gates didn't exist because they're their respective companies CEO

After finishing my cigarette i continue my walk while brainstorming ways to get money and i finally stumbled to that place



'This place seems familiar, could it be?... ah yes this place belongs to her..'

'Maybe it could work... but it's too risky, it's too early for her to show up'

Dejected i then continued my walk

I rethink about the possibility of asking help from one of the famous character in this manga, but unfortunately she's really a wild card and she's only showed up at chapter 3 of this manga

Also according to my calculations this is the end of chapter 1 so possibly she didn't even existed yet, but still if only i can gamble the possibility this could be the game changer for me, getting her help can really turn the tide of this battle

' Am i going to run away again?' i asked myself

In my previous life I'm the type that never left my comfort zone, that one time i tried to tried something risky it backfired horribly,i always followed rules, kept my head down, and followed wherever the current take me, of course my life is not perfectly clean but, I'm afraid to try something new

Then i stopped on my tracks after looking at my hands, i realized something

' I didn't want it to end like this, i promised to live my life fully,

' i also promised a revenge for you katsuo... Ah fuck it, let's do it'

I'm tired to survive in this world, i want to live, after all I'm not only living for my sake, katsuo have given me second chance

I spend the last of my money left on train ticket to tokyo and braced for myself to meet her, the final boss of this manga...

then i arrived at the tokyo station after half an hour waiting, i walked and asked people around until i found a really big japanese traditional mansion with few people in black suits standing guard

'If I'm not wrong this is the mansion where she lives.. Looks like those guys are her employees'

I walk slowly to the front of the mansion till one of the guy noticed me

'Hey... What are you doing kid? This isn't the place for a brat like yourself loitering around, beat it kid' said the henchmen

'No sir, I'm here not loitering, i want to offer assistance to Lady Yumie, in regards of the location of her beloved daughter Lady Manami' i spoke confidently

'WHAT THE FUCK, how did you know those names?, who are you?! WHO SENT YOU?! Are you one of Yamazaki lapdogs?! ' the henchman screamed at me while unstrapping his gun and pointing at my face

The commotion attracted the other henchmen, instantly I'm surrounded by them pointing their gun at me

'I'm sorry sir but I'm not affiliated with any groups in Japan , my boss is a foreigner and he only wants to established relationship with Lady Yumie, He told me only to relay this info for Lady Yumie personally' i said while putting my hands up to calm them down

'I'm telling you for the last time kid, if you have any information about Lady Manami, spit it out right now, if not i will blow your brains out right here right now' he said while maintain eye contact with me

What i do next is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life

I walked up slowly and placed my forehead in front of his pistol barrel

Putting my head in front of loaded pistol chamber, safety's off, and while his finger on the trigger will absolutely get me a lifetime beating from my gun instructor, but what the hell it's do or die time

'Then pull the trigger sir i don't mind...'

'I'm not the one who's losing here, i assure you i am the only lead you have in locating lady manami right now, so go ahead and pull the trigger but, know that when my dead body hits the street' i tell him

'you're the one responsible for lady manami's fate from now, because you blew the only lead you have on her' while i kept maintaining eye contact with him

Now I've done it, i feel my back hair raised as i gamble my fate to the real-life-gacha Gods, but i have chosen the hard way, i ain't backing down now

After a few minutes of standoff, one of his fellow henchmen finally came up to him

'come on man if he's willing to put his life on the line like this, at least we knew he had something, we can inform the Lady first' said the other henchmen

'alright, wait right here and no funny business' finally he's lowering his weapon and called someone

After few minutes passed he said to me ' Okay kid, you have been invited by Lady Yumie to meet her, now follow me'

Then in followed the hencmen into that big mansion, inside the building i see a lot of paintings decorations and accessories that resembles a snake, from phyton, cobra to mythological beings like jormungandr and ouroboros, seems like I'm summoned by Lord voldemort's wife

Finally we arried at this big room with dark green shoji ( japanese sliding door)

'Listen kid whatever happens right there i want you to behave yourself, and don't pull any stunts, I'm not Lady Yumie, if you try to pull stunt like that in front of the lady, your head will roll, I'm not threatening you, I'm giving you advice'

'You've got guts kid and i respect you for that, it saddened me for people who got potential to be killed by their own stupidity, anyway are you ready?' The hencmen asked me

'Yessir' i replied shortly

He then opened the shoji and i entered the room, there i saw the Final boss herself

Her majesty Lady Hebiyama Yumie, the head of Hebiyama Zaibatsu Yakuza family , and the CEO of Snake den's pleasure group, the biggest provider of entertainment, fashion, and hotel chain, and shopping district in japan, they even have a chain fast food restaurant called the serpent sandwich, famous for footlong sandwiches

To say she's the most powerful woman in japan is an understatement, she's probably one of the most powerful woman in the world, as the Hebiyama group amass 27% of japanese nation wealth

The manga 'Let's go NTR hero' the place i reincarnated into has 3 chapters, chapter one Katsuo is the mc while Kiichiro is the Antagonist, but in chapter 2 and 3 we follow Kiichiro after the death of katsuo, becomes the MC of the manga as he conquered powerful women to become the most powerful man on japan

Chapter 2 follows Kiichiro conquering the five beauties of Nagoya minami high, the five most beautiful girls in my school

While in chapter 3 things becomes more and more ridiculous, Kiichiro goes to Conquer various powerful women such as politician's wife, the wife of head of japanese police force, and the Final boss of them all Is Lady Hebiyama Yumie herself

Just like in the manga Hebiyama group is currently in war with the second strongest yakuza group in japan, the Yamazaki family

At first the Yamazaki family has the upper hand, but because of the brilliance and ruthlessness of Lady Yumie, little by little Hebiyama group wins the territory of Yamazaki family until the time for the final blow, the Yamazaki family somehow succeeded in kidnapping Lady yumie only daughter Lady Hebiyama Manami, and brings the war into stalemate because they used lady manami as bargaining chip

Lady Yumie tried everything to rescue her beloved daughter even bribing the entire Japanese police force to search for her daughters but still no avail

Later in the story Kiichiro learned the location where lady manami is kept from one of his fangirls, who happens to hear the conversation between members of yamazaki group, being Kiichiro in this manga is like playing minecraft on creative mode

And since i also happens to know the exact location where she kept, so I'm sorry Kiichiro but early bird gets the worm or, in this case the little snake princess jr

I walked slowly and confidently to lady Yumie

She is a beautiful woman with intimidating face in her late thirties, she also has dark green long hair currently in updo style, she is quite tall for her woman her age, as if not enough she also has curvaceous hourglass body with big mommy milkers, even though she's wearing a very elegant yet revealing kimono right now, I've seen her naked body in the manga lol

She's currently writing something with the fountain pen on the table at the center tatami (Japanese wooden floor), so i sat down across the table in front of her

Suddenly, she throws her fountain pen at my face, fortunately it missed but still grazed my cheek a little and leave a little bit of blood trail

'Who told you to sit in front of me? ' she hisses

Oh shit oh fuck oh crap, i instinctively backs down and sit far enough from her but i can still hear her speak clearly

This is the first time i feel afraid for my life but aroused at the same time as i being scolded by this goddess, holy shit am i a masochist? Goddammit

'From now on, do not do anything unless i specifically ordered you, understand?' she asked me

'okay, sorry mommy' i replied

'what did you call me? ' she hisses again

Fuck fuck fuck fuck i let my intrusive thought win, focus John come on focus

'I mean madam.. My lady sorry' i panicked

'whatever' she grumbled

'Let me lay down the rules for you boy, i will ask you some question before you gave me that information you speak of, if i found that you're lying your head will roll, if you waste my time, your head will roll, if you try to blackmail me your head will also roll, don't answer me with empty words, simple and to the point, you understand? ' she told me

'I understand my lady ' i replied

'Good, now who are you? , who do you work for?, and why are you helping me? ' she asked

Now this is the moment I've been waiting for, if itell her that I'm simply a civilian or passerby it will be a death sentence, since there's no way ordinary civilian knew about this information

so i have to bullshit my way out of this

'My name is Takashima Katsuo, i represent Don Eladio from salamanca family in mexico, and for the price of this information my boss wanted 7 million yen in cash for his operational cost in japan we recently decided to establish our business here and I'm the first Japanese person they hired ' I told her

'The cartel huh? Can't say I've never worked with them in the past, Los unidad is the one I'm working with, strangely enough i never heard of salamanca family before, are you guys new?' she asked

Holy shit it actually worked!, Mr white watch me cook !

'Yes we are madam, we created new group from the broken group of Los illuminados, my boss told me' i told her I'm just making up shit popped out in my head at this point

'I see, sending a young high school boy to do their dirty work is not out of place for the cartel, although i respect their work ethic, i can't approve their brutality and savagery to get things done, i prefer precise and clean work myself, by the way who's your handler here boy?' she asked me again

'That would be Don eduardo salamanca, but people in the street called him 'Lalo' very charming guy with a great mustache ' i add

'I don't care... , anyway isn't it too little for cartel to ask me for mere 7 million yen? What else do you guys want for? And please next time tell this mr lalo to meet him myself instead sending his errand boy' she tell me with slight suspicious tone

'Nah my lady he is currently busy right now, and my handler simply tell me to ask the exact amount 7 million yen, no more informations are provided by him for me, although if i had to guess, probably he wants to build goodwill and trust between both our groups, which is more precious than money' i told her

'That's smart, although i feel you're too smart for average high schooler in terms of negotiation and conduct, have you been in the business long my boy?' she told me also i could see a hint of smile on her face

'No my lady, I'm new, mr lalo simply taught me everything i know in this business ' i replied

'Okay then, now let's talk the real business, i was informed by my men that you knew the location of my daughter, be wary i don't take any situation lightly with my daughter, if the information you provided is a lie, or just to waste my time, even worse just a trap for my men, and if i found my daughter with unpreferred condition .....

'My head will roll' i finished her sentence

'Good boy' she tell me now with a wide smirk

'Yes mommy' i replied by reflex

What theee fuckkk i do it again, holy shit, come on brain I'm fighting for my life here

'What?' she replied but somehow a little bit flustered

'No no no nothing, my lady' i replied also flustered

Alright here it goes, from now on my fate it's in God's hand, whether or not her daughter is still in the same place as the manga i have no way to know, but one thing I'm sure of Lady manami is safe because the Yamazaki family fears the retaliation of Lady yumie should they even lay a single finger on Lady manami

'The location of your daughter is a little bit complicated to remember my lady, i suggests you ask someone to take a note' i tell her

'Oichii.... Come here, use this pen and paper and write everything the boy told us' orders the lady

Then i saw a young girl came and take the pen and paper from lady oichi table and place it on a clipboard

'Okay here's the exact location, from the front of akita station, go south exactly 3,7 kilometers until you find a Roundabout, then go east 400 meters until you've met a ramen shop called Yoruichi ramen, the owner is Yoruichi Kenzo, half brother of Yamazaki's current leader, the reason you can't find info about him relating to yamazaki group because his identity is secret even to the majority of yamazaki group, He is an old man in his fifties, with grey hair, he's wearing glasses, also he has cleft in his upper lip, in that place lady manami is kept, and look at the costumers there, if they're wearing blue polo shirt they're member of yamazaki group' i explained to her

'An ordinary ramen shop? That makes sense, i have scoured all of Yamazaki's group HQ and business places even their safehouses all across japan, for me to fall for the old hiding in the plain sight trick, it's embarrassing' said lady Yumie, she seems very dejected

'Don't worry my lady, we all make mistakes sometimes, oh also when your men enter the ramen shop, go to their storage then break the upper left corner part of the floor, you will find a trapdoor with electronic lock there, the pasword is 114786 go down the tunnel and you will find the room where lady manami kept there' i explained to her again

'How did you know until that extent? Ah it's not important, i simply asked you for the last time boy, are you sure 100% this info is valid?' she asked

'I'm willing to bet my life on it my lady' i said confidently

'To be frank boy you life means nothing to me, but your word is all i got right now, so i will trust your info..... Oichii please relay this info to my men, everyone nearby akita area should participate in this rescue operation' said lady Yumie

'With pleasure my lady' Said the helper

'Come with me boy i will prepare tea for you' lady manami stands up and gesturing me to follow her

'Alright my lady' i replied

We then escorted by hear bodyguard to a room that looked like a big dining room, probably for party purposes, then i saw lady yumie delicately and carefully prepared ocha for me, she then poured me a cup

'Delicious, thank you my lady' i said

'Well obviously, who do you think i am boy? ' she replied

We then quietly enjoyed our tea together she's now sitting beside me, even though she tried to hide her nervousness, i can see her lips tremble

I can't help but feel sorry for her ,but i do nothing but observe, we stayed like that for approximately 20 minutes until Suddenly her helper comes back to informs her

'My lady, i want to inform you that the rescue operation has been successful, every intel that has been provided mr katsuo is true and allowed our men to do the operation flawlessly' she informs

'Really? Oh thank you... thank you boy.... , where's manami can i talk to her right now? Please put her the on the phone for me please...' said lady yumie, i can see a cloud of water forming in her bright green eyes

The helper then hand her a phone to talk to her daughter

'Manami..... Manami... Are you okay darling ?.... You're not hurt right? I'm sorry darling..... It's all my fault.... It's all mother's fault' she talked to her

The i saw her kept talking to her while more and more tears falls from her eyes to her cheek

'Okay darling.... be careful i will be waiting for you.... Do you hungry darling? Mother will prepare your favorite curry for you, so please come home safely darling..... Yes.... I see.... Bye...' she then puts her phone down and cried

I see now first hand how big is her love for her daughter, even though in manga she never publicly express it

I can't help but feel sad for her, i slide my seat next to her and i pat her shoulder lightly

Her bodyguard was alarmed at first but seeing my intention they're going back to their basic position

'It's okay my lady, she's safe, she's coming home' i pat and rub her back to support her

Suddenly she pulled my hand straight into a hug, she then cried loudly in my shoulder, i can't help but put my arms around her protectively, to see this strong dangerous and beautiful woman so vulnerable like this, it makes my instincts wanted to protect her

'Thank... You... Boy... Thank you so much....' she sobs

'There there, it's okay I'm happy to assist you my lady' i said to her

We stayed like that for a few minutes before she regained her composure and come back to her dignified self

She then order her helper to prepare 7 million yen in cash and bring something 'extra' , then after the money has ben prepared and counted one of her bodyguard gave me the duffel bag

'Here's all of them boy, and i have a gift personally for you' she tell me

She then hands me a black card with gold snake pattern, 'VIP' is written in front of the card

'This is the snake den's VIP member card, it contains 5 million yen credits and you can use it pretty much like debit and credit card, oh also if you are in one of our establishment, simply show this card and anything that you wanted there is free of charge' she said to me

' Thank you very much my lady, for this and your hospitality ' I replied her

'Also tell your boss that the Hebiyama zaibatsu owed the salamanca family, if you guys need anything, as long as it within my reach, it will be done' she said

Ohhh shit I forgot about that salamanca family part

'Absolutely my lady, my boss will be delighted for this beginning of our new friendship ' I said to her while offer my hands to her

She then shakes my hand and whispered to me ' Will I see you again boy? '

'Of course my lady, helping you is a privilege for me, always ready to help ' I said to her while I tried my best to make the biggest smile

'Then I'll take your word for it.... Oh and one more thing before you go.... Can you please call me 'Mommy' for the last time' she told me while smirking and flustered

What the hell, I didn't expect this, did I just awaken the dominatrix side of her? I hope this won't spell trouble for me later

I then smiled back to her and said 'See you later, mommy'

Finally the first and most important step of my revenge is complete, with this resources on my hand I can finally work my plan into motion, i then charted a taxi to get back to my apartment

When I'm arrived at my apartment I can't help but to see the fruit of my work I pulled our bunch of cash from my duffel bag and making it rain

'I'm laughing to the bank HA... HA.... HA.... ' I hummed while sleeping on the sea of cash

My heart is still beating loudly and adrenaline still flowing wildly in my veins, I could rest and prepared my revenge tomorrow or I can go all in right now, since I'm still hyped I decided right now is the time to make that bastard Kiichiro realize my existence is a threat

So I picked up my phone and texted him

( Kiichiro hey it's me, katsuo I wanted to talk to you)

Not for long my message notifications flares

( Oh my God, is that really you katsuo, I thought you're already dead dude, long time no see my man, what do you need from me?)

My blood boiled when I saw his message, but I can't afford to be emotional, not yet, I wanted him to see that I'm still the meek katsuo that he knows

( Kiichiro, I can't stand it living in this dingy apartment anymore, you're close with my sister right? Can you please put some good words for me to her, at least for my family to consider taking me back)

(Whoa, katsuo what a tall order you got there for me, but I can try, after all that's what best friend for right? HAHAHAHAHA, but I have a price you must pay my man)

(What do I need to do then kiichiro? I will do anything)

( I want you to record me fuck akemi, rei, your sister, and aunt Hana, one by one, while you also jacking off in the corner while we fuck, do we have a deal?)

( Okay.. I'll do it but you have to promise to help me)

( Of course buddy, now this is the fun katsuo that I always wanted, why can't you be this version sooner? Then I won't have go trough all the trouble cucking you HAHAHAHA)

(By the way kiichiro, are you hungry? I can buy some snacks on the way for you)

( Whoa whoa whoa,are you are that desperate that you start kissing my ass too lolololol, but sure, me and my girls here are hungry, we want some sushi platter, and please buy the expensive one, we wouldn't want to embarrassed you in front my girls right katsuo? Come right now I'm waiting for you at Akemi's house)

I put my phone down and punched the floor several times, I almost couldn't control my emotion but I have to endure, for revenge's sake

I put few stack of cash in my bag and take a taxi to nagoya, I also didn't forget to stop to bought some expensive sushi platter for him

After four hour long travel I finally arrived at Akemi's house, this nostalgic scene is making me sad, but now I have to focus, I rang the bell door outside and I can see a silhouette opened the door

'Heyyyy katsuooo my man, how are youu? ' this fucker said to me, he even have the audacity to hug me

'Come come, make yourself at home' he gestures me to come

I followed him inside and goes to the living room where I see them, my ex girlfriend Akemi, my ex Best friend Rei, my big sister harumi and Akemi's mom aunt hana looking at me with disdain in their face

' Why are this creep here babe? ' said akemi

'Fuck off weirdo, why are you here? ' said harumi

Rei and aunt hana didn't even try to see my face

My own big sister and my ex girlfriend who also my childhood friend called me a creep and a weirdo over a guy that they just know not even a year

' Hey... girls... girls... behave, katsuo is a VIP guest here, we should show some manners to our guests right? Come sit down katsuo' said kiichiro

'Oh is that the sushi platter I told you to buy? Give me' he then take the sushi that I brought and opened it

'Lobster... crab.... Salmon, my man katsuo you are truly my best friend, see girls this is my man katsuo hahahaha' that fucker said to me

'I spend last of my money to buy it, I hope you enjoyed ' I said to him

'Oh we will, and by the way katsuo, you can't eat this because it would be bad manners to eat your own gift right? HAHAHAHAHA, okay girls let's dig in' he ordered them

It was a sad scene to see, once those girls are individual with unique personalities now turned into mass produced robots who only followed their master orders

They ate my gift happily while being lovey dovey with each other it was sickening, that fucker even tell akemi to eat a sushi directly from his lips while he's giving me side eye

'Kiichiro can I go to the toilet? I haven't got the chance since morning 'I tell him

' Sure, knock yourself out buddy, because tonight's main event is a long one hehe' he said to me

I went upstairs to akemis toilet to relieve myself, i felt sadness to see once a place of happiness for me becomes the source of traume

After I finished my business I went downstairs and see them already clutching their bellies and whimpering on the floor

'KATSUO YOU BASTARD WHAT DID YOU DO?! ' Kiichiro yelled at me

'Oh sorry I thought the sushi kinda bland so I add some spice to it' I throw a small bottle to him to see what I just add


'KATSUO HOW COULD YOU ' Akemi yelled

'BASTARD I'LL KICK YOUR ASS' Harumi yelled tried to get up but failed miserably

' Katsuo-kun... don't do this' rei whimpers

'No don't do this please katsuo' Aunt hana whispers



Now I can see fear in their faces and honestly it's intoxicating, more.... More.... I want to see them despair more

'I want you guys to remember this, this moment, this face, remember that no matter what small misfortune you had, you stubbed your toes, you got papercut, you're late to class, you eat stale bread, you slipped on wet floor I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT FROM NOW ON ALL OF YOUR SUFFERING AND SETBACKS YOU HAVE

IT WAS ME... IT WAS ALL MY DOING.... IT WAS ME ALL ALONG' I said while circling them and pointing at myself

Nobody said a word to me, they just continued whimpering and clutching their bellies, next I hear farts starting , aunt hana and harumi started it followed by the others

Since the smell becomes unbearable here it was my time to bail

'Oh and by the way guys, while I was in the toilet I somehow MANAGED TO BREAK YOUR WATER PIPE SO OOPSIEE, MY BAD AND, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT HAHAHAHA' I laughed my ass off

'Katsuo you fucker, I will remember this, I will make your life more hell ' Kiichiro whimpers sweat all over his body

'Oohhhh am I supposed to be scared fuck face? The fuck you talking bout, your threat means nothing to me, on the contrary all the things that I said to you guys is not a threat, it's a promise' I then take my bag and prepare to leave

But then I hesitated before left i turn around to see them for one last time

'You know what Kiichiro? after I met you.... I thought my life is a tragedy... but now I realized. It's a comedy... AND YOU'RE THE PUNCHLINE BITCH' then I kicked him straight in the nose, I can hear his nose breaking

'Auuughhhhh nooo nooo I'm sorry katsuo it hurts it hurts' Kiichiro nose starts to bleed

He rolls around in fetal position while his girls trying to comfort him

'Heh serves you right..' i said while reaching for the door

I finally left that godforsaken place, the crisp air of night of nagoya greets me, and I never felt better before, I feel alive and energized i feel more alive, this is what i have been missing my whole life

I started to hum a song while strolling

~London bridge is falling down~

~Falling down ~ falling down~

~London bridge is falling down ~

Turns out katsuo really have a nice singing voice, too bad he never realized his potential

By the way katsuo I hope you got popcorn up there because what I'm doing here is just the beginning, I hoped you enjoyed the show,because there's more to come hehehe

And with that I hummed wihile making the biggest grin in my face

~ My fair lady~