

National Parliament, Kabul

Inside a room that had a plaque on it saying ' Military General ', was sitting Hriday. He was bent over on his desk, and was going through some documents he had received the day prior, and as he did, his expression kept worsening.

'No matter how much I try, no matter how many I remove, these corrupt soldiers keep popping up like cockroaches. Even when I've demonstrated time and time again the result of such corruption inside the army, there is zero effect on these fools. What should I even do?'

"How can I remove all these corrupt people from the army and make sure the army exists only for the Federation? Indeed, what a tough question to answer, right, Unbending Steel?"

Hearing this voice, Hriday opened his mouth to reply, but then as if being struck by lightning, he stopped midway, and then immediately jumped out of his chair and picked up the gun beside him on the table, while simultaneously activating his CAD, preparing a immobilisation spell. While he was doing all this, the person whose voice he heard was calmly seated on the chair opposite Hriday's, enjoying watching the panicked Hriday. And as Hriday raised his head to look at the face of the person who broke into the Parliament and his room without him noticing, he realised who it was.

"Still going to point the gun at me? Why don't you relax and we can start what I came here to do," said a smiling Alaukik, although his furrowed eyebrows begged to differ.

"So it was you. I was wondering who it could be, sneaking inside the most safely guarded building in the Federation. Of course it was you, Alaukik. So, what did you come here for?"

"Ah, quite a few reasons actually, but only one important one. The rebellion in Kazakhstan has started? What is the RC's response to this?"

'How did he know… But this is a good opportunity, I needed to inform him of his mission anyways.'

"Indeed, the rebellion has begun. While it was surprisingly earlier than we had thought it would be, what is even more surprising is that the rebels are currently gaining on the government. Although, our analysis says that the situation should equalise soon, and that the government should be able to hold out for a while, long enough to request help from other countries."

"But that should not be possible.. How could it be so easy for rebels to hold their own against the government…"

"Indeed, which is why we suspect that the rebels are being supported by a third party force, as for who that is, we have a pretty good idea. However, without solid proof, we cannot do anything."

"The Great Asian Union isn't it. They're the only ones who are close enough and have the spare firepower for this. It's just, what could be their motive?"

"Correct again. We also suspect it is the GAU, however, we do not have any proof. It could also be the Soviet Republic or the Arabian League.. It's just that none of them have a good motive for doing this. And thus, the RC has given you a mission Alaukik. One that will end this civil war, and hopefully provide more safety to the Federation as a whole."

"And what is this mission going to be? Destroy the rebel forces in Kazakhstan?"

"Well, not exactly. Here, read this letter," Hriday says, handing Alaukik a letter with a seal of the RC on it.

'001, your orders are to assassinate the leaders of both the rebel forces and government, and then unite them both under a shadow leader, a puppet that follows orders only from the RC. In doing so, you are to make sure that all those that you leave alive are loyal to the leader, and in turn the RC.'

Reading this, the smile on Alaukik's face slowly faded, and in turn, a frown replaced it.

"Explain to me one thing Hriday, while I can easily complete the assassination part, how in the world am I supposed to create a shadow leader and make sure that every one of the men left are loyal to said leader? Do I look like someone who can control the minds of people?"

"Indeed, that is a big problem for you. And so, the RC decided that you will be accompanied by someone who can do just that. Manipulate and control the people left and turn them into loyal and die hard followers of the 'leader'."

"This person has mind manipulation magic? Isn't that supposed to be really rare?"

"Not exactly. Well, I guess you will find out about it yourself in a few days.."

"Hmm, very well then. Ah! Regarding the problem you were having before, I have an idea. The next time you completely eliminate corruption, before it pops back again, why don't you create your own chain of corruption? One that you control and know everything about? That way, anyone else who wants to become corrupt has to pass through you, and you will know everything that is happening in the army. Of course, this all depends on whether you are able to control your greed. Although, I do have higher hopes in you than your brother. Well, I'll be going then," and saying this, Alaukik teleported away.

"That is.. Actually a good idea! Why did I never think of this before?! However, executing this will require planning the finer details and a lot of control over the people executing this. Wait! I never informed Alaukik how to meet her! *Sigh* It's fine, I'll just send her and Alaukik a letter. As for now, let's get back to our job."



For those of you wondering why Hriday did not notice the falling of such a huge building, that was because Alaukik had blocked the room from all outside influences. Basically, he wrapped the room in a big bubble.

The new release routine will be one chapter everyday of the week. However, Sat and Sun there will be no updates. Extra chapter can be released based on comments and ps received. Check the auxiliary chapter for that.

And as always, Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead! :)

For those of you wondering why Hriday did not notice the falling of such a huge building, that was because Alaukik had blocked the room from all outside influences. Basically, he wrapped the room in a big bubble. 

The new release routine will be one chapter everyday of the week. However, Sat and Sun there will be no updates. Extra chapter can be released based on comments and ps received. Check the auxiliary chapter for that. 

And as always, Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead! :)

SoManyAngelscreators' thoughts
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