
Reincarnated into a world of clichés

Guy died, reincarnated into an isekai world full of clichés from a novel. Like a certain red haired noble, he also dreams of living life as a slacker, and maybe get rich along the way. "This author must be really lazy to write such a short summary" said a voice "Cut him some slack, he created us" said another voice "You're saying that because you're the protagonist and he bribed you with money" "I don't turn down a $5 bill" "Cheapskate" "Shush" |Vote with all your power stones and give me good reviews or else I will eat all your cookies.| Author's note : As carefree and free spirit as the protagonist is, I don't plan on making him a hero, but a selfish person who does things only for his own gain. The novel will also end with a harem since the protagonist is a greedy bastard and want a semi cliché ending. P.S. The illustration belongs to the original owner and in no way do I own it, copyright infringement is not intended. if you want it removed, contact me. Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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518 Chs

Chapter 328: Finally got it

3rd person view

The 2 Steels arrived at Marella's home and tried to knock on her door, but the door swung open with Marella greeting them.

"I've been expecting you, Craig and Emma Steel." Marella greeted them

"Did you use your seer abilities or know that?" Emma asked

"Of course...not. Perseus called me and told me in advance that you 2 might seek me out, duh! We seers don't use our powers all the time, we have cool downs and other things to do like our hobbies." Marella replied "Come in."

They both then go into the living room where they can see a lot of paintings and empty canvases. It is filled with pictures of previous Perseus' fight, and a new one that is freshly painted of Perseus confronting Eros.

"What's your hobbies then?" Craig asked "Lemme guess, Painting?"

"Painting...and drinking. Did you know the Silvers are now selling cheap and delicious wine products?" Marella answered "You should support their products, they're super good. I can drink a crate in like a day."

"Should a seer be drinking so much?" Emma asked

"No, but how else am I supposed to go on my day? Only painting, I need other things to do too." Marella shrugged

"I can definitely see why you get along with him."

"Oh Perseus, he's a good boy. I get along with him really well, my only criticism is that he doesn't drink." Marella giggled "He would be a perfect son in law if he drinks."


1st person view

I got up from the bed during the night, I then made sure that both of my girlfriends are properly covered by the blanket since our room is a bit cold.

I got dressed up and head for the Crimson kingdom, I need the thing that the king has, I can't wait till he retires, even if he does, there's no guarantee of me becoming king, people might be scared that I'm the ruler of both the demon kingdom and the Crimson kingdom.

I waited long enough, I lost to Eros and I doubt the blessing of Styx and a weapon infused with the essence of Kronos will be enough, even if it's enough to kill Eros, I don't think I can win against that master of his.

I would wake my bonds up to bring them along with me, but they need sleep and I rarely do since vampires are meant to be a night creature anyway. So right now is when the vampires are most active and when the king is awake. I know we live in some sort of dimly lit cavern anyway, but people down here still follow the time of people living everywhere else, so right now is when people are working.

I warped to myself and all my knights and mages greeted me as usual as I head into my castle and go to my office where my 3 aides are. they are still busy filing some papers, probably for the upcoming meeting between the 3 kingdoms.

"Finally here to do your job?" Shamita grumbled

"Didn't you guys heard from my bonds when they come to stand in for me? I was badly injured, you know. Besides I help sometimes."

"We know, I was just teasing you."

"How long will it take to make an appointment to meet the king? Or I can just waltz in like I do with Vlad's and Lillian's castles?"

"As your disciplinary officer, I would like to say that you're not allowed to waltz into prince Vlad's castle as you wish to do so."

"I mean, what the hell is stopping him?" Ranger asked "With his strength alone, the only guy who can stop him is Prince Urie who might be stronger than him and is his father or the king whose authority is higher than him."

"As to your question, it so happens that the king is currently free for the rest of the day and I can setup an appointment in an hour, but with all these documents we need to fill even with your help..." he then pondered "3 to 4 hours? We can then easily just get you an audience with the king after we sign all this."


I had no need to shout it out while casting it with a cool pose but Dio makes it look cool so I did it too. Remember my words readers, when I fight the final and I'm winning as I beat them into a pulp, I promise to scream out 'muda muda muda' or 'ora ora ora'.

Well I then use magic to enhance my speed even further and use 'absurdity' to boost my speed to the extreme as I fill out the papers while time stops. I should definitely do my work more often and not burden my aides with it, they deserve a vacation once in a while.


Time resumed as normal with all the papers signed in front of them. I would take time to place coffee and donuts from my spatial storage in front of them along with other snacks, but...they're vampires.

So I just ate donuts as I sat in my chair while sipping on my coffee.

"What the..." Ranger trailed off as he looked around and then at me in surprise

"I can make blood donuts if you want."

"Is this your time stopping ability?" Wyatt asked


"I'm surprised you lost with such an ability."

"Well turns out, the guy I fought can too and he's a god, so I lost."

"Yo, imagine the things you can do to the ladies." Ranger exclaimed as we all stare at him.

"What is wrong with you?" Wyatt commented

"You know, this is why I don't go out with you." Shamita scolded him "Even if our prince allow it, I will not have my reputation tarnished by your silly acts."

"What?! Prince, come on, don't say you aren't tempted when you have that kind of power."

"I mean, I'll be lying if I say I'm not tempted, but even so, speaking aloud about it just makes you sound like a pervert, does it not?"

"Well prince, I shall get arranging your appointment." Wyatt said "We can think of a punishment for him later"

"Thank you, Wyatt."