
Reincarnated Into A Tree

"I like books” *** Jun Lee, age 17 lived a somewhat sad but peaceful life. He lived with his Aunty for his mother and father had both passed away. Jun never really wanted more out of his life, being content with books rather than exams or even people, he rather escape reality. One day however after dropping his Mother’s last wishes by accident he notices a little girl just next to him. Her body, the car and his body just seemed to move in a blur as the last thing he remembered was pushing the girl to safety. *** *Qualifications met*

JK_Maternity_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


'I can't feel anything. How long has it been since I've entered this never ending darkness? It's neither cold or hot just pitch black, like my own body has become that of mist and is simply floating within the space presented.'

Jun's consciousness remained intact but his body wasn't the one he lost, the sprout his soul had come to embed itself with had grown into quite a spectacular view if anyone had ventured so deep within the ocean. The once leafy green was now a big tree of winding and curved fat branches that had sea life living in, around and more. Coral and moss and much more was attached to these huge thick branches like an underwater forest. The creatures that grew around Jun's new form grew fond of him and seemed to provide nutritional support to Jun's roots as a gesture of thanks.

Jun simply unaware of their presence or even his own new body became more lost everyday. That was until a guest the size of a continent had made itself present next to Jun's almost never ending branches.

~You're quite the protector young one~

'Who's talking?' Jun's soul wavered inside the depts of his bark and darkness.

~Oh? Could it be you are so young you do not know how to see?~

'If seeing was possible I would have done it but now, but I can't feel anything, it's so dark and I don't know where I am'

~If I give you the power to see would you do me a favour?~

'A favour?' Jun searched his mind for a reason not to except as the creatures watch with big eyes at the huge visitor. It was another being they looked up too with great respect. 'I have no reason not too accept this offer. So I guess I could listen to your favour'

~well since I'm not sure if I have enough time I'll say this, will you become the new god of the ocean and sea and uphold peace between humans and Kin alike? Swear upon your life to protect yourself and others, as well as restore peace to this darkened world?~

'Wait! That's a lot of a favour for something as simple as to see! I know I'm not blind you said it as though I just haven't been taught it! But to rest responsibilities like that!? What makes me qualified!?' Jun panicked as the huge eye of his guest seemed to see Jun as a young man of his former self.

~even though you have been beneath the surface of the ocean for many centuries providing sanctuary for my children of the sea. I can see clearly you are still just a boy, you life in eternal darkness for so long has done you some justice to see what you did wrong in your past life.~

'Wait, you can see my past life?' Jun with a shocked voice seemed to feel the presence of someone within the darkness until a light next to him a few feet away seemed to morph into an older Lady. Her warm smile seemed to chase the darkness away as she approached his soul form within the first layer of his soul.

'How are you here?' Jun asked as he then realised he could see her!? 'Wait! I can see you!' As if this day would never come tears seemed to streamline down his face to the quivering floor of Jun's first layer of his soul.

~My poor boy, you've been alone for too long~ the lady as if expressing her sympathy almost seemed to throw herself at him for a hug, chasing away anymore darkness that had managed to hide when she had arrived cleansing his soul. ~it is alright now for I will give you the ability to see young one but I am sorry~

'Sorry?' Jun not understanding opened his eyes from the hug only to see the lady made of a yellow glow and rich fabrics covered in jewels slowly disperse into his once dark atmosphere around him. "Where are you going!? You just got here!" He cried in confusion and devastation. He'd only just rekindled with someone he could talk too and already that person was leaving!?

~I'm afraid my time is up, however do not forget your favour of promise to me as I leave this power to you in hopes a better future is made. I'll always be apart of you Jun~ as if in shock to hear his name Jun in his soul form reached out to the last of the orbs of light that seemed to vanish in desperate need only to grab at nothing.

He'd never promised or even said he would uphold the favour… he'd only desperately needed company for being alone for so long. But even that was taken away as his form dropped to the floor layer of his soul beneath him. Back then he was content with books and animals, needing a companion or to talk to a loved one wasn't needed. But after so many centuries in the darkness that woman of light had spoken truth, Jun regretted his pass life.

He wanted to go back and change it but there wasn't a way, he was sure of it but wasn't back then. He had really died and was given a new chance and beginning here. Suddenly as if just realising he saw them, the many creatures that had happily been living with him and their new and old generations. He hadn't been alone!? He just wasn't able to see that he'd providing aid for more than he did in his past life!

"Tree god! Can you hear us?" With so many varied emotions, Jun seemed to spin around within himself.

"Tree God is awake!"

"Tree God!"

"Our protector!"

Cheering and happiness all around him for the first time Jun felt an odd sensation, it had taken him so long but he was finally understood. Not in the way that people in his past life would expect but he wasn't alone like he was back then.