
Reincarnated into a Hell Hound - BL/Yaoi

Once I woke up I discovered that my limbs ended in paws, and that my ears could move about, for my new form is that of a dog! But not only that, I soon realize that there is nothing simple in this new world full of magic, for my true species is that of a hell hound, a creature made of fire and shadow that could stir fear at those who dared approach! Or well… the definition of being scary looking is at least suitable for me, proud and powerful as I’m, as for my brother… sigh, what can I say at such dumb creature who loves chewing at my ears?! Not only do I have to survive in this strange world with this strange body, but have to keep my brother out of trouble! At least, for better or for worse, we won’t be alone for long after crossing the path of two clingy elves and- no, wait, hold on, where do you think those hands are? Stop touching my brother you pervert elf! Come back here! And you, stop touching me too, let me teach them a lesson oi! Sigh, I’m surrounded by troublesome guys! …Well, at least they are to die for…no, I mean, scram! ~~~~~ ML: You are so cute when you are angry. MC: C-c-c-cute?! I’ll show you how cute I’m! I’ll bite your ankles! ML: But I have made food for you… MC:… MC:Ok, I can beat you later, but why is your hand on my tail oi?! ML:*chuckles* ~~Warning~~ Mature content, including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. ~~~~~ Thank you and I hope you enjoy it! *wink wink* ۹(ÒہÓ)۶

VCris · LGBT+
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155 Chs

Extra One


I could understand the look in that creatures eyes while it's gigantic and tight collar shone, as if a reminder of the contract that bounded it, and the control it had over the creature by squeezing its air pipe.

A whip clicking on its back would fit the frame perfectly, but it wasn't needed. The creature - half fox of the desert, and lower half lion - didn't emit a sound; it's pride wouldn't allow it, even if he knew that freedom was now a mere dream.

I could understand, that hopelessness. After all, I was here, at the window, watching one of my friends been strangled only for disobeying an order, unable to do nothing, yet again.

It's "owner" stopped once the creature passed out, than it went closer and kicked it. My hands were in a tight fist by now, but still, what could I do?

"Young Master?" My maiden, and the only kind human soul in here, asked preoccupied as it has been a long time since I turned a page from the book in front of me. "Is there something wrong?"

She them looks outside, spotting the scene, and murmurs. "Would Young Master like to change sits?"

"No." I just answer. Kind woman, but stupid. How could I turn my eyes away to the suffering of my friend?

She and the others leave me alone until nightfall, and after giving my goodnights to the servants I slip from my window to the stables.

There is a stench in the air, one typical from animals and bad ventilation. I pass every single stall, giving quick pets here and there, preoccupied with my proud lion.

The skin wounds are easier to heal them the ones of the hearth. I have already lost many of my friends for that.

His was the last and most damp and dark one stall. His cage bars were made of a special metal, but after the collar it was a little redundant. I sit close to them, embracing the bars with my tiny hands, and, as the coward I'm, start crying, silently, always silently, without changing my expression.

I feel I tick tongue pass my fingers behind the bars, coming from the dark space, making me giggle between my tears.

"Sorry, for been such a coward."

Another lick than I take my hands off.

"No, don't try to comfort me… What did they do to you?"

"…I stole bread for you" He tends to forget to give him food, even more after a beating.

I clean my tears quickly, reaching for the bread in my clothes. A soft paw comes forward, trembling and weak, and that almost brought me down to tears again as I clench my teeth.

He ate silently and fell asleep, tired and bruised, I suppose. I stand, not wanting to go back, knowing that when I wake up all will repeat again; the beating, the mistreat, the scorn even from my servants, the…

"Have you heard? A Hound gave birth to two pups close to here"

I hide in the shadows, closer to the others animals cages, receiving a lick on the shoulder that gained a stretch on the creature nose, as I listen.

"Yeah, the first group wasn't able to capture them, and even killed the mother, do you believe it? Master must be livid, I'm sure."

"Yeah, even more pups, they are much more easier to tame, uhm." They stopped close and started whispering.

"So, some of the hunters contracted a few adventures and, from what I know, it seems that they manage to capture one of them!"

"But? That's the face that there is more to it."

"Of course! There seems that the other one is a rare! It can even speak! They are mounting a trap for it right now, using the other one as bait."

"No shit! Finally Master will get off of our asses for a little them, that's good news!

They keep walking until I couldn't hear them anymore, but what I got was enough. A trap? To pups?

Why wasn't I surprised?

I was ready to go for bed, not before passing one more time in front of my proud lion cages, when his soft paw touched my hand, and our eyes meet.

I knew the reason why he kept suffering this treatment, the order he refused to obey.


They order him to do a trap lioness so they could have more pups for their sick greed. But he refused.





He moved his eyes to his back, were two enormous scars stayed were once his beautiful wings were.

He was born in a cage, created to serve, and he didn't need wings that could easy his escape, or at least his master thought not.

He was just a pup when they cut it.

He never felt the wind with them.

I knew what he was trying to say, but what could I do? They were groups of grown man going after them, I wouldn't be able to even leave by the front gate.

He touched my hand with his wet nose and blinked his brown eyes. I took a firm grip of his paw.

"I don't know what difference you think I can make but… I will try. I will give my best."

I swear I could see him smile, then he turned to sleep again. I quickly went to my room; from the looks of it they expected the other hound tonight. I needed to hurry.

I put some things that I may need and soon I was fast passing in the woods. I wasn't afraid of it; I'm used to escaping to the forest from time to time, feeling more at home here them there, for sure.

It wasn't that difficult to find them; they always made camp in the same spots, and the talk from minutes ago gave me enough information to pinpoint were.

When I arrived there, sweaty, the fight had already break down. I changed places to see the Hounds; specially the one who fought so vigorously to protect his sibling, even if he was outnumbered, even if they were stronger, he kept evading the attacks, keep protecting his brother, kept his stance.

I was… enchanted.

For what seems like hours I could only look at him, how his sharp silver eyes kept its focus, how he bend his muscled legs while thinking of his next move.

When the shields barricade closed around them, I was as outraged by the situation as him; and once again, unable to do anything.

My nails draw blood on my palm as I thought, together with the hound, ways of getting them off that situation. He said something to the other hound and them his features went wild.

It was like the personification off all his hatred. Something I could connect somehow; our weakness, our limits, those red eyes and vicious attacks said one thing;

Break them.

Surpass them.

Smash what is on you path to pieces.

I gulped down, cheering silently, but soon, to soon, he passes out, at the same time as hordes of elves on deers appear from the woods bringing fear and despair to the humans around. Heads were cut from swords that came from above, arrows caught the cowards, chaos broke.

I saw one of the elves carry him away, the Silver Hell Hound, the brave pup, as I went back to the foliage. I was still lightheaded when I found the other, the small hound, skin and bones laying still, heavily breathing.

And I knew what I needed to do.

To be brave.


He woke up the next morning after I moved him to a safer place and healed him. One thing to be proud of, at least.

He jumped when our eyes meet, looked allover and whimpered.

"Shh. It's alright." I said but sounded cold and harsh, and for a moment I feared he would back out even more, but he seemed to recognize the command tone and laid down.

"You sound like brother now. Who are you? Where I'm? Where is brother?"

He speaks! In broken sentences, but nonetheless… it was a little weird to see words been formed from that snout full of fangs.

"I'm no one, I just saw you on the woods and dragged you here to heal. Are you hungry?" Dumb question.

"Yes, yes, very." He stayed in a half stand, his little stump tail moving around.

I brought some bread and salted dry meat, the most dry and tasteless combination, but he didn't seem to mind. Even I wouldn't if he was as hungry as his appearance let it appear.

"Hm… what's that thing?"


"It tasted good."

That dry and tasteless bread good? What they have been eating until now? Ah, right, raw meat probably. Once he ate and settle down, I searched from wounds again with my hands, letting a light shine through them.

He was still cautious, and a little scared, but didn't react.

"You should be scared. Why aren't you?"

He was a wild animal, after all. He bend his head sideways, licking his nose and trying to make a "thinking" face.

"Why should I? You heal and saved. You not bad."

"How do you know that? You don't even know why I saved you." He looked confused.

"Why heal then hurt? Don't understand."

He was… too naïve. Like a dog, indeed.

"So, that one was your brother?" He half stands again to move his tail, and with a grin says:

"Yes, yes! He amazing! Strong, brave, got us food without mom. Where he is?"

"I don't know."

"You don't seem worried."

"I'm not. Brother is strong. Its fine."

He had great faith is his brother hum. The image of him, fighting alone against so many humans, the appearance of his silver eyes shining in the night like a blade as his fags went from target to target, how the deeps of his throat were filled with fire, the whole image was so overbearing that I couldn't fathom a doubt that his faith was misplaced.

"You are… human?" He hesitate in asking, and completed. "You don't bad as others. You not scary. But all humans scary?"

"I'm not totally human, but yes, I'm half human."

And all humans been scary… they always are, in some way. I wouldn't teach him otherwise, though my mere presence and help already did that somehow.


He didn't ask what other half I was as every other human would have, and the surprise lasted little as he fall asleep again, but with a full belly this time.

My features didn't change as I cleaned the place up and put some food for him. Hiding the entrance of the small crevice, I went back "home" before they notice I was gone.

I hopped my window, and with a light conscience I went to bed.

Far did I know that that would be last day for my naïve childish self to exist.


Yaay, big chapter! Who do you guys think this point of view is???


Anyway, it is to celebrate the huge amount of views this story is having, so thank you very much, *bow*

WebNovel: 25k

Wattpad: 2k

Tapastic: 250


By the way, I want you guys opinion… It isn't a surprise that the Hound will have human form - *gasp* - but should they :

A- have normal human bodies

B- have animal characteristics such as tails and ears on top of the head.

Let me know what you guys think!

ML: The tail will get in the way.

MC: …

(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞