
Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty-Four

After that… strange encounter we finally manage to eat our breakfast in peace and walk out of Leonel's room, already hearing the elves and magical creatures come and go, awake and going about their days.

Before we go, however, we have cleaned the room up a little, and with that the subject of our next conversation came to be.

"I told you not to look, you are too naïve for that." Leonel says, mocking me.

"Ah, really, talking like that you really thought you were convincing me not to look? It was almost a challenge!"

"Just don't blame me."

"Humf, I blame you as much as I want." He chuckles.

"Sure. Then?"

"Then what?"

"Want to try the others?"

I give him a low kick on the leg.

"Ouch, a no would be enough!"

"No way! You pervert!"

Next chapter