
Reincarnated into a Hell Hound - BL/Yaoi

Once I woke up I discovered that my limbs ended in paws, and that my ears could move about, for my new form is that of a dog! But not only that, I soon realize that there is nothing simple in this new world full of magic, for my true species is that of a hell hound, a creature made of fire and shadow that could stir fear at those who dared approach! Or well… the definition of being scary looking is at least suitable for me, proud and powerful as I’m, as for my brother… sigh, what can I say at such dumb creature who loves chewing at my ears?! Not only do I have to survive in this strange world with this strange body, but have to keep my brother out of trouble! At least, for better or for worse, we won’t be alone for long after crossing the path of two clingy elves and- no, wait, hold on, where do you think those hands are? Stop touching my brother you pervert elf! Come back here! And you, stop touching me too, let me teach them a lesson oi! Sigh, I’m surrounded by troublesome guys! …Well, at least they are to die for…no, I mean, scram! ~~~~~ ML: You are so cute when you are angry. MC: C-c-c-cute?! I’ll show you how cute I’m! I’ll bite your ankles! ML: But I have made food for you… MC:… MC:Ok, I can beat you later, but why is your hand on my tail oi?! ML:*chuckles* ~~Warning~~ Mature content, including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. ~~~~~ Thank you and I hope you enjoy it! *wink wink* ۹(ÒہÓ)۶

VCris · LGBT+
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155 Chs

Chapter Forty-Two

After buying some useless things; like masks, candies, toys and whatnot; for my baby brother we finally went on our way, separating from Ragnur, and out of the main road to a more secluded part of the city.

There were still stones paving the roads, but they were now thinner and shabbier than before, covered in moss and with some cracks here and there as well as a small depression inwards were dirty water flowed freely.

The rune brought us to a crowded tavern, one of the few buildings that weren't stuck between two others, the dark alley beside allowing it to have a stair going up the second floor where an inn board stood in display, yet it had the same name as the building on the first floor, changing only what they were for.

Wacky Rats Tavern/Inn, such a lovely name.