
Reincarnated in Touhou with the Trolling system

A Internet Troll Was Walking Down The Street And Got Hit By Truck-Kun, and so was granted a troll system upon transmigrating in the world of Gensokyo -If you have anything to say then you can speak to me directly here https://discord.gg/fzgaHb4J Touhou Project, art and Story elements belong to their respective owners. I don't own anything, so please don't send me to swim with the fishes~

Blender_Person · Video Games
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29 Chs

A Easily Avoidable Encounter

y/n: 'I'm starting to regret going in some random direction'

y/n stop's walking in whatever direction he was going and tilts his head to the horizon, he squints his eyes and cover's them for a bit since the sun light flashbangs him as soon as he looks towards the horizon

y/n: 'that's 100% sun set happening, whelp I'm kind of fucked since I have no way to get shelter since I rejected Reimu's offer'

[User received donation from {Kind_Chara}]

y/n: 'huh, isn't this a bit sudden and what do you mean by a donation?'

[Open Donation?] 

 [Yes] [No]

y/n: 'well no shit, I pick yes'

[Opening Donation...]



[User received a {Fumo Reimu} + 200 troll points]

{Author here, nobody really commented on my comment on what to add so I just added what the dude did with the gif did in comments, if you want your item or whatever added that is not too op then reply to this, also this is the real author I'm on web novel}

y/n: "..."

y/n: 'well its better than nothing I suppose, oh wait a minute I got troll points, that's Hella useful''

I look around and see that the sun is nearly over the horizon and that everything around me is getting harder to see for account of the big trees casting shadows.

y/n: "I don't want to imagine what it would be like when its fully night, I need shelter and fast"

y/n: "system I need some basic survival skills, how much is that?"

[Item {Basic Survival Skills C} can be bought for 50 troll points]

y/n: "Ok that's cheaper than i thought it would be, nice"

[Purchasing Item...]



I brace myself for the pain that happened last time I decided to do stuff to my brain with this system but instead it the knowledge seemed to flow in gently and started to seem like I had know it as if I had practiced this for my whole life.

y/n: "Is this really only basic survival skills?, not like I'm complaining though hehe"

y/n: "shit, I forgot I'm in a rush, I need to build a shelter as fast as I ca-"

I look to my left and see a cave that can easily be sealed off with around 5 minutes of work, it has enough room to easily fit 8 people and already has soft foliage on the floor for a person to sleep on.

y/n: "huh, well ain't that covenant"

After a bit of elbow work I have managed to seal of the entrance well enough with some nearby logs of wood, the seal is just a bunch of logs put upwards against the top of the cave entrance to the floor outside, its enough to keep some dumb animals out but can easily be pushed out and on the cave entrance.

y/n: 'This seems to be too easy but I'm not gonna complain about it'

You lower your body to the floor and attempt to go into a good sleeping position, you start to shift around the foliage covered rock floor trying to get a good position to sleep in and fail due to the uncomforting feeling that the floor brings to you head from resting on it.

y/n: "shit, this is harder to sleep on that I thought it would be, I at least need something soft to rest my head on"

y/n: "oh wait a second I got that fumo, nice I got a pillow for free."

y/n: "system take that fumo doll from my inventory and put it into my hands"

[User Request Accepted]

[Depositing Item {Fumo Reimu(E)} from inventory]

A blue light suddenly appears in the cave that illuminates the whole cave with a blue hue and almost as fast as it appeared the light disappeared but what was left in the middle of the cave was a Fumo Reimu.

y/n: "bit dramatic for a plushie but whatever I need this to sleep"

y/n carefully places the Fumo Reimu plushie under his head, creating a makeshift pillow. As he settles in and gets more comfortable, he can't help but reflect on the strange turn of events that had brought him to this mysterious place.

y/n: "This is turning out to be one of the weirdest days of my life. I've got this strange system, received a random donation, and now I'm using a plushie as a pillow in a cave in the middle of who knows where. What in the world is going on?"

Despite the odd circumstances, y/n starts to drift off to sleep, fatigue from his unexpected journey taking hold. He closes his eyes and listens to the sounds of the night outside. The chirping of crickets and the distant hooting of an owl provide a soothing backdrop to his thoughts.

The night had passed uneventfully, and y/n stirred from his makeshift slumber. He rubbed his eyes and glanced around the dimly lit cave. The memory of his dream had faded, leaving behind only a vague sense of inspiration and determination. With a yawn, he sat up and stretched, feeling the stiffness in his body gradually fade away.

y/n: "Time to get moving. I need to make this cave a bit more comfortable and prepare for the day ahead."

He decided to explore the cave a bit more. The entrance to the cave was still secured with logs, and the foliage on the floor looked relatively untouched. It was clear that this cave had been a haven for other creatures before, offering some reassurance that it might be a safe place to rest.

After a brief exploration, y/n returned to the entrance of the cave. He had yet to find a water source, but he was determined to keep searching. In the meantime, he took a moment to appreciate the makeshift shelter he had created.

y/n: "Not too shabby for a first attempt. Now, to find some water and maybe even something to eat."

With a renewed sense of purpose, he set out in search of resources to sustain him in this unfamiliar world.

As y/n ventured deeper into the dense, unfamiliar forest surrounding the cave, he couldn't help but feel a growing unease. The strange world of Gensokyo was full of unknown dangers, and he was acutely aware that he needed to find sustenance and water to survive. Little did he know that his quest for survival would lead to a fateful encounter with one of the denizens of this world.

As he trekked through the woods, y/n noticed a sudden drop in temperature. The once warm and welcoming sunlight was blotted out by a creeping darkness. An eerie chill ran down his spine, and he instinctively reached for the makeshift knife he had fashioned from a sharp stone earlier.

Suddenly, out of the inky shadows, a figure emerged. It was a petite girl with Blonde hair and a seemingly innocent appearance. Her name was Rumia, a creature known for her insatiable hunger for human flesh and her control over darkness. In the dimly lit forest, her red eyes gleamed with an otherworldly malevolence.

Rumia: "Oh, what do we have here? A lost little human wandering in my territory."

y/n: "I don't want any trouble. I'm just looking for water and some food. We can both go our separate ways."

Rumia, however, had no intentions of letting her potential meal slip away. With a sinister grin, she summoned a swirling ball of darkness into her hands, and it crackled with ominous energy.

Rumia: "You're not going anywhere, human. I'm hungry."

Panicking, y/n knew he had to do something. He attempted to retreat, but Rumia moved with blinding speed, hurling the dark projectile directly at him. It collided with his left arm, the sheer force of the impact sending him sprawling to the ground.

Pain surged through his body as the darkness engulfed his arm, leaving him gasping in agony. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, y/n managed to scramble to his feet and flee, clutching the bleeding stump where his arm used to be.

He could hear Rumia's cruel laughter echoing through the dark forest as he stumbled away. Despite his harrowing escape, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had lost more than just a limb. The encounter had left an indelible mark on his mind, a stark reminder of the perilous nature of Gensokyo and the darkness that lurked within it.


y/n clutches where his left arm used to be and was mortified at the extreme amount of blood the was pouring out of his large wound, using the knowledge he gained from the survival skills he bought he managed to tie his shirt in a way that would stop the bleeding.

y/n: "I need to get the FUCK away from here."

y/n: "system allocate anything I fucking have into agility, and do it FAST"

[Allocating converting 200 troll points into 20 stat points into agility]

Despite the agility boost, y/n was keenly aware that he remained below average in terms of speed and mobility. The loss of his arm weighed him down, physically and emotionally. He continued his desperate flight through the eerie forest, struggling to maintain a swift pace. Every step was a painful reminder of his vulnerability in this unfamiliar world.

As he pressed forward, y/n stumbled upon a narrow, winding path, almost hidden in the thick foliage. The path seemed to offer some hope, a potential route away from the dangers that lurked in the darkness. With a renewed sense of determination, he decided to follow it.

The path led him through the dense woods, the moonlight filtering through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Though his strength was waning, the distant sound of chatter and activity soon reached his ears. The noises became clearer as he continued along the path.

y/n: "Could that be... voices? People?"

With a mixture of hope and caution, y/n quickened his pace and followed the sounds. As he emerged from the forest's edge, he was met with an astonishing sight – the human village of Gensokyo. The village was illuminated by lanterns, and the chatter of its residents filled the night air.

As y/n approached the entrance to the human village of Gensokyo, his steps grew increasingly unsteady. The bleeding from his severed arm was taking its toll, and despite his best efforts to staunch the flow with his makeshift tourniquet, his vision began to blur.

Weakened and disoriented, y/n staggered towards the village gate, but before he could cross the threshold, his body gave in to the immense blood loss. He collapsed to the ground at the entrance, unconscious, his breathing shallow and irregular.

As y/n lay unconscious at the entrance of the human village of Gensokyo, the night grew darker, and the village residents remained unsure about what to do with the wounded outsider. However, fate had other plans, and Keine Kamishirasawa, a knowledgeable and respected figure in Gensokyo, happened to be in the vicinity.

Keine, with her unique abilities to control history and her reputation as a guardian of knowledge, sensed the disturbance caused by y/n's arrival. Her innate curiosity and sense of responsibility led her to investigate the situation.

The night was shrouded in an eerie silence, save for the distant hooting of an owl. Keine's footsteps echoed softly as she approached the fallen y/n, her lantern casting flickering shadows on the ground. Her heart raced with a sense of urgency as she knelt by his side, her skilled hands assessing the gravity of his injuries.

Keine: "This is unusual. A man I have not seen in Gensokyo, and injured at our doorstep. I must find out more about the circumstances surrounding this incident."

With gentle but swift movements, Keine examined y/n's condition, her fingertips brushing over his pale skin. She realized that he had lost a significant amount of blood, and the severity of the situation became apparent.

Keine: "He's in critical condition. We cannot afford to wait any longer. We need to bring him to Eientei immediately."

Eientei, a well-known place of healing in Gensokyo, was the best option for y/n's recovery. Keine wasted no time, and with the help of villagers who had gathered to witness the strange event, she swiftly organized a makeshift stretcher and called for assistance to transport y/n.

With great care and urgency, they carefully lifted y/n onto the stretcher and began their journey to Eientei. The night air was chilly, and the forest around them seemed to hold its breath as Keine led the way, her lantern illuminating the path.

Inside Eientei, y/n was placed in a pristine and well-equipped room, where Eirin Yagokoro, the skilled medical genius, and her assistant, Reisen Udongein Inaba, were waiting. They had been alerted to the urgency of the situation and were prepared to act immediately.

Eirin: "This is a severe case of blood loss. We must act fast."

Reisen: "Yes, Doctor. Let's begin the treatment right away."

With their combined expertise, Eirin and Reisen worked tirelessly to stabilize y/n's condition, transfusing blood, and tending to his wounds. Keine stood by, watching with concern and hoping for y/n's swift recovery.


{A/n here, or should it be Blender? I dunno, but anyway sorry the small delay of half a year in releasing this chapter, i was not studying or anything I just lost interest and motivation}

{I'm probably gonna do weekly uploads if that, better than half a year though right?}

{also remember to use you power stones blah blah blah}

{scroll up to where he got the fumo if you want to give a donation to y/n}

{send me more comments and gifs since it boots my ego and god complex}

{I might even do an extra upload}