
Reincarnated in the World of Taimanin [EN]

-Author: "This is not the main story, it is a translation of the Spanish version. I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or if you don't understand what it says, I don't know English to fix it" -Content that will be in the Fan-Fic- Rape, Torture, Pregnancy, Insults, Gore, Slavery, Incest, Mind Control, Zoophilia, Romance, Comedy. -Possibly there is something else (maybe)- I reincarnated in the World (Mega Multiverse ("Canon")) of Taimanin, but upon obtaining the memories of my new body I found out that it is not one of the known worlds of Taimanin. European Union: 1-Austria is a very advanced country in the development of weapons and military equipment, but it is led by a President who is Brainwashed and with great favoritism towards an Austrian Army Captain who is secretly dedicated to slavery and arms smuggling . 2-Germany is a country with a strong system of laws but its intelligence and counterintelligence organization is run by a slave trader with no morals who will not hesitate to enslave or rape a relative of the president or senator. Dark world: The 12 families of noble demons are in their diplomatic games and internal wars as usual, but among the 12 families there is one that is led by a nice and friendly Queen Valkyrie that even an Edwin Black prefers not to bother and an Incubus King Kuroi Ryuuji flees every every time he sees her so as not to seduce her by mistake and end up being a tortoise, blessed by having sex (against his will) with an armor with monstrous strength and resistance.

Kainedei · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 15 (R-18)

-1 hour later-

the demons return with Yoshizawa Kana, his family, and the boy Tadokoro Kenya.

She looked at Yoshizawa Kana's body and she is a beautiful woman, she has short purple hair and light purple eyes, she has her normal clothes.

Her husband is someone normal, but her son, Yoshizawa Satoru, is quite beautiful for a boy, she almost looks like a girl if it weren't for her behavior and clothes, she has brown hair and amber eyes.

Tadokoro Kenya is a bit cute, he has black hair and blue eyes.

all four are unconscious.

Hachiya Karako: (she had planned to make them fake her death to lock them up, but it's better to let them go back to their lives and make them do some things with other people)

Hachiya Karako: "For now lock them all up except the boy Kenya"

With a bow they comply with my orders and I grab the child, I walk through the mansion and enter the hatchery, I leave the child on the floor and I grab a syringe with an aphrodisiac effect and I prick the child with the syringe, a few minutes pass and the child wakes up with an expression of desire

He smiled and grabbed the boy by the neck, then picked him up and tossed him towards Ryoko who was tied up.

he falls to the ground and immediately takes off his clothes, looks around her in a frantic state and seeing Ryoko's ass he pounces on her, inserts her penis and starts fucking her like an animal.

Ryoko: "Ha ha ha"

Tadokoro Kenya: "Ha ha ha"

Kenya thrusts into Ryoko's uterus from behind her in a doggy style position, continues to fuck the woman for several minutes and with a squeal releases his semen inside Ryoko filling her uterus with his semen causing it to come out of Ryoko's vagina and drip down her his legs.

Seconds later he resumes sex and continues fucking Ryoko like an animal for several hours.

looking at Ryoko and Tadokoro Kenya unconscious from fucking so much, she smiled and called Sugita Karin, minutes later she arrives at the kennel with a bow.

Sugita Karin: "What do you need, Karako-sama?"

Hachiya Karako: "Make sure the boy Kenya gets Ryoko pregnant and the Incubus gets Shizuka pregnant"

Hachiya Karako: "then have the babies raised to follow my orders, educated by the best "teachers" among the 7 demons or the slaves and trained by you"

Hachiya Karako: "You will also stay to supervise the place, I will inform the Taimanin of your death in combat against the demons that kidnapped the 5 retired Taimanins"

Sugita Karin: "Understood, Karako-sama"

then I leave the place and go back to Gosha, inform the Taimanin that he gave me the mission and go back to the Hachiya Mansion.


-2 days later-


I wake up and when I try to get up I notice that something is preventing me, when I look away I see a head with gray hair, peeking out from the sheets that cover me.

I make a helpless expression and sigh.

Hachiya Karako: (haa, again)

I take my right arm out of the sheets and rest my hand on the head that is on my chest. with a soft voice and a friendly tone.

Hachiya Karako: "Kushina, wake up"

Hachiya Kushina: "Mmm"

I move my sister's head with my hand.

Hachiya Karako: "Kushina, wake up"

Hachiya Kushina: "Hmm, five more minutes"

sigh and with a tired tone.

Hachiya Karako: "wake up or I'll spank your ass"

she stiffens after hearing my words, then she gets up and sits on my crotch.

with a serious expression and calm tone.

Hachiya Kushina: "I already woke up"

She comes up to my face and kisses me on the cheek, then turns away from her with a slight smile.

Hachiya Kushina: "Good morning, Onii-chan"

She smiled slightly and with a friendly tone.

Hachiya Karako: "Good morning, Kushina"

We both got out of bed, I turned around and looking at the beautiful blonde haired woman I woke her up and the three of us went into the bathroom, we bathed together and left my room, we entered the dining room and sat in our seats. Together with our mother who was waiting for us, we finished breakfast and I left the mansion.

Hachiya Karako: (Now that I remember, I haven't met any of the Clans that serve the Hachiya Clan)

Hachiya Karako: (I should go through their Clan compound to at least meet them, after all they are Clans that serve the Hachiya Clan and possibly my future vassals or my sister's)

Hachiya Karako: (The Hachiya Clan has 13 vassal clans and out of those 13, 2 are on the verge of extinction due to the small number of members, these are the Fuuka and Rengyou Clans)

Hachiya Karako: (The Fuuka Clan has two members, an unfortunate woman who was crippled after the war against the Chinese Union and her daughter who is the same age as me)

Hachiya Karako: (The Rengyou Clan only has one member, a female who is 6 years older than me, so she is 22 years old)

Hachiya Karako: (Hmm, I could visit the Rengyou Clan and visit the Fuuka Clan at another time)

I walk through the Clan compound until I reach the Rengyou Clan Estate, it's not far, just a 6-minute walk from Hachiya Mansion.

I go to the farm gate and ring the bell, I wait a few minutes and someone answers.

"pee" the communicator by the door beeps and a red light flashes.

Rengyou?: "Who is it?"

Hachiya Karako: "I'm Hachiya Karako and I want to talk"


Rengyou?: "I understand, I have opened the door"

"cut" stops flashing and goes out.

I open the door of the house and upon entering I am greeted with the sight of a beautiful woman with short green hair and brown eyes, she appears to be 22 years old, she has a body that is curvy in all the right places and finally a lewd body even with her clothes on. Normally donned, her normal clothing consists of a female black kimono and traditional Japanese sandals.

she smiling slightly, with a sensual voice and a playful tone.

Rengyou?: "greetings young master, I am Rengyou Azami, the matriarch of the Rengyou Clan or what is left of it"

She smiled slightly and with a calm tone but giving a few glances to Azami's body.

Hachiya Karako: "greetings to the matriarch, Rengyou Azami, I am Hachiya Karako"

stepping forward and grabbing Azami's left hand.

Hachiya Karako: "I just wanted to introduce myself to the matriarch of the Rengyou Clan and since I'm here, why not spend time with a woman as beautiful as you?"

she smiles a little and with the same playful tone.

Rengyou Azami: "ha ha ha, I see that you want to have more than just a conversation with me, but it's too early for what you're looking for"

She smiled, and with the same calm tone.

Hachiya Karako: "hara, hara, maybe you know what I'm looking for"

I lean in until her ear is inches from my lips. in a playful tone.

Hachiya Karako: "Miss Azami"

Her brows quiver slightly one second but return to normal the next, with the same sultry, slightly irritated tone.

Rengyou Azami: "I see that young people today do not respect poor women by playing pranks on them"

Rengyou Azami moves her right hand to rest on my chest, but I place my loose hand in the middle to avoid getting a hidden Senbon on my wrist.

I look down to see the wound on my hand made by the senbon and with a slightly amused tone.

Hachiya Karako: "and I see that you are anything but a poor woman"

Hachiya Karako (damn, she's just as sadistic and miserable as in the original story, I like that about her though)

She smiles and takes the senbon, grabs my bleeding hand and brings it to her lips, licks my blood and pulls a bandage from inside her kimono, bandages my hand, then looks into my eyes and smiles.

Rengyou Azami: "I'm surprised you managed to block my attack, although it's more fun that way"

She leans close to my ear and I feel her warm breath on my ear.

Rengyou Azami: "Right, young master?"

she smiled and smacked Azami's butt.


Hachiya Karako: "it's true, Azami"

We both keep talking and "joking around" for a few hours, then I leave and go back to the mansion.



Author: "I hope you like the chapter, and yes, Rengyou Azami will be in the Harem, but remember that the Harem will only have a maximum of 5 girls"