
Reincarnated in the World of Taimanin [EN]

-Author: "This is not the main story, it is a translation of the Spanish version. I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or if you don't understand what it says, I don't know English to fix it" -Content that will be in the Fan-Fic- Rape, Torture, Pregnancy, Insults, Gore, Slavery, Incest, Mind Control, Zoophilia, Romance, Comedy. -Possibly there is something else (maybe)- I reincarnated in the World (Mega Multiverse ("Canon")) of Taimanin, but upon obtaining the memories of my new body I found out that it is not one of the known worlds of Taimanin. European Union: 1-Austria is a very advanced country in the development of weapons and military equipment, but it is led by a President who is Brainwashed and with great favoritism towards an Austrian Army Captain who is secretly dedicated to slavery and arms smuggling . 2-Germany is a country with a strong system of laws but its intelligence and counterintelligence organization is run by a slave trader with no morals who will not hesitate to enslave or rape a relative of the president or senator. Dark world: The 12 families of noble demons are in their diplomatic games and internal wars as usual, but among the 12 families there is one that is led by a nice and friendly Queen Valkyrie that even an Edwin Black prefers not to bother and an Incubus King Kuroi Ryuuji flees every every time he sees her so as not to seduce her by mistake and end up being a tortoise, blessed by having sex (against his will) with an armor with monstrous strength and resistance.

Kainedei · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 11

Walking into the classroom, I see Saku Anton at the back of the room, sitting in his chair next to Igawa Kageomi.

I walk over to them and sit in an empty chair in front of them.

forming a smile with my lips and a friendly tone.

Hachiya Karako: "good morning, Kageomi and Anton"

with an indifferent expression and calm tone.

Igawa Kageomi: "good morning"

in a calm tone.

Saku Anton: "good morning, Karako"

Saku Anton: "has anyone heard how the squads will be formed?"

Hachiya Karako: "no"

Igawa Kageomi: "Maybe they'll let us form the squads"

Saku Anton: "yes, maybe"

We continued talking about other things for a while until the rest of the students began to arrive, some time later the teacher also arrived.

Katou Hitomi: "Listen! You won't have class today"

Katou Hitomi: "go to the training ground"

After saying that, we leave the classroom and walk through the corridors of the Academy, we arrive at the training field, when we arrive we are not the only ones in the field, there are the other two classes and the teacher tells us to form a line along with the other two classes.

Katou Hitomi stands in front of the three classes and with a strong tone.

Katou Hitomi: "today the squads will be formed and you will choose where you want to end up"

Katou Hitomi: "as part of Taimanin's medical team or in a combat squad"

Katou Hitomi: "once you choose something, we'll try to form the squads or assign you to a squad"

rests his left hand on a table next to him with a box on it.

Katou Hitomi: "now, in this box there are blank sheets of paper, you will take one and write your name, then you will leave it on the table next to the box so we can read it"

He finished saying that and we started to grab a piece of paper and write our names, under our names we wrote where we want to be assigned, in my case I put as Taimanins hunter, after all my ability works quite well on Taimanins.

When we finish writing and leave the sheets on the table, the teacher takes a sheet and after reading it, calls out the name that is written on the sheet and tells her to stand on a platform with the text Combat Team, written in Wall. she keeps doing the same with everyone until she finishes reading the sheets, then she starts forming the combat squads and so on.

She finishes forming the rest of the squads and when she stands on the platform that says Taimanin Hunter on the wall, she looks at the only four students standing on the platform.

Katou Hitomi: "Hachiya Karako, Neguchi Yukio, Yatsu Ermac and Koukawa Oboro"

She raises her right arm and with her left hand touches various buttons on the smart bracelet that she has on her right hand, a holographic information sheet appears and she begins to read the information.

in a calm tone.

Katou Hitomi: "Hachiya Karako, your physical abilities slightly surpass the common Elite Taimanin and with your Ninja Art you can control others to capture them, assassinate targets or obtain information"

Katou Hitomi: "Neguchi Yukio, your physical abilities surpass the average Elite Taimanin and with your Ninja Art you can render a target unconscious or disable her limbs for a while"

Katou Hitomi: "Yatsu Ermac, your physical abilities are equal to those of a demon lord and with your Ninja Art you can take on most enemies, maybe you can take on a weak demon lord"

Katou Hitomi: "Koukawa Oboro, your physical abilities are the highest among all the candidates, you could easily take on some weak demon lord and maybe win, but your Ninja Art hasn't awakened"


Author: "In the original story, Koukawa Oboro faces Edwin Black in his true form and is the reason for his death, taking that into account, I think Koukawa Oboro can face most demons and other enemies. Only with his physical abilities and of course his use of Taima energy, if not why would Edwin Black stoop so low by using his true form on any Taimanin?"

Author: "Koukawa Oboro's Ninja Art is awake, it's just that the only way to activate it is by killing Koukawa Oboro, because his Ninja Art allows him to transfer his soul to another body, only when his body is destroyed"


Katou Hitomi: "You four will form Hunter Squad 17"

He turns around and walks back to the front of the three classes.

Katou Hitomi: "Now you are Initiates, from today you will be in the facilities of the Virgin Forest, it is the name of the forest that is behind the Gosha Academy and where the Taimanin command center is, like the Taimanin commander (Fuuma Danjo) and others facilities, including a special training center for initiates that lasts two years"

Katou Hitomi: "In that special training is sexual education and resistance to interrogation (resistance to torture and pain)"

Katou Hitomi: "that's all"

Katou Hitomi: "you can go"

Following his words, most of the initiates and masters leave the training ground.

I look at my newly formed squad.

Hachiya Karako: "Shall we introduce ourselves?"

looking at me with wide eyes as if to say I'm an idiot.

Neguchi Yukio: "Why?"

Ermac looks at Yukio with a face like, is he an idiot or is he done? and with a serious tone

Yatsu Ermac: "asks that question to the Koukawa girl"

Neguchi Yukio: "and I don't give a damn about Koukawa"

looking towards Koukawa Oboro.

Neguchi Yukio: "look, I'm Neguchi Yukio"

pointing a finger towards Hachiya Karako.

Neguchi Yukio: "that's Hachiya Karako"

wagging her finger and pointing at Ermac.

Neguchi Yukio: "that's Yatsu Ermac"

Neguchi Yukio: "you see how easy it was to introduce ourselves"

with an indifferent look and a serious tone.

Koukawa Oboro: "nice to meet you, I'm Koukawa Oboro"

Neguchi Yukio: "OK, we'll introduce ourselves, now I'm leaving"

he starts walking and walks out of the training ground.

Sighing, he smiled slightly and with a friendly tone.

Hachiya Karako: "I'm sorry for his rudeness and lack of education"

Koukawa Oboro: "you don't need to think about it anymore, I don't care"

Hachiya Karako: "Okay"

We continue talking for a while longer to get to know each other better, and then we leave the Academy.

the two left and I stayed at the entrance of the Academy.

A minute later, Ishizuka and her boyfriend arrive. Ishizuka's boyfriend is the male taimanin who accompanied me the first day I came to the Academy.


Author: "the future first victim of N---]R of the MC"


with a smile on her face and a thick voice.

¿?: "How are you young teacher, have you finished the class yet?"

Hachiya Karako: "yes, today was just the formation of the squads"

with serious expression and soft voice

Miyoko Ishizuka: "So what kind of Taimanin did you choose to be?"

Hachiya Karako: "Taimanin Hunter"

he sighs and with a somewhat tired tone.

Miyoko Ishizuka: "don't abuse your Hunter position and do certain things to your victims, young master"

I form a pure smile and with the most friendly tone possible.

Hachiya Karako: "I will not abuse my position, I am a kind person and I care about others"

Ishizuka rolls her eyes and remembers the first thing her master asked her the day she was delivered (sold).

Miyoko Ishizuka: "yes, yes, yes, I believe you, young master"

she then looks at her boyfriend.

Miyoko Ishizuka: "Kenichi Fukunaga!"

surprised and somewhat nervous.

Kenichi Fukunaga: "W-What, L-Love?"

with an indifferent expression and a cold tone.

pointing finger at a walking woman.

Miyoko Ishizuka: "stop looking at that woman's butt"

Kenichi Fukunaga: "b-but I wasn't seeing anything, believe me love"

Miyoko Ishizuka: "if you do it again, I'll make you sleep outside our room"

nervous and with several drops of sweat falling down his forehead.

Kenichi Fukunaga: "Please love, I promise it won't happen again"

They continued arguing for a while, forgetting about my existence, some time later the Academy bell began to ring, while several boys and girls of different ages came out, the three of us waited for my younger sister to come out, after greeting her, the four of us returned to the Mansion.

I go about my daily activities, go into my room and lie down on the double bed.

Alicia stands in front of the bed and undresses, then she lies naked next to me and we both sleep.



Author: "I hope you like the chapter"

Author: "In the next chapter there will be a time skip of two years and the MC will be 16 years old, there will also be NTR started by the MC"