
Reincarnated in the world of Naruto !

An ordinary guy from Japan turned out to be one of the 10,000 thousand players locked up in the world “Sword art online”. For more than two years, they have been trying to beat the game to finally get out of this trap. And then, when the long-awaited notification sounded on the server, something went wrong. Where am I? Where's she from here?" What's going on here anyway?.. and many more thoughts flashed through his mind, and the next moment a brave new world was born.

Zahar4ik · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 4. " Art is…”

<ya-tr-span data-index="64-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="August 24. 14 years before the birth of Naruto Uzumaki." data-translation="24 августа. за 14 лет до рождения Наруто Узумаки." data-type="trSpan">24 августа. за 14 лет до рождения Наруто Узумаки.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="65-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Sunagakure." data-translation="Сунагакуре." data-type="trSpan">Сунагакуре.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="66-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Sitting at a long table in one of the academy's training halls were three middle-aged ninja mentors." data-translation="За длинным столом в одном из тренировочных залов академии сидели трое наставников ниндзя средних лет." data-type="trSpan">За длинным столом в одном из тренировочных залов академии сидели трое наставников ниндзя средних лет.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="67-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Once upon a time, they were outstanding chunins of the village, but decided to give up on missions and got a job teaching here, for various reasons." data-translation="Когда-то они были выдающимися чунинами деревни, но по разным причинам решили отказаться от миссий и устроились здесь преподавать." data-type="trSpan">Когда-то они были выдающимися чунинами деревни, но по разным причинам решили отказаться от миссий и устроились здесь преподавать.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="68-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="They were also responsible for checking the incoming students this year." data-translation="Они также отвечали за проверку поступающих студентов в этом году." data-type="trSpan">Они также отвечали за проверку поступающих студентов в этом году.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="69-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="In fact, this is more of a mere formality..." data-translation="На самом деле это скорее простая формальность..." data-type="trSpan">На самом деле это скорее простая формальность...</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="70-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Here very rarely come " daredevils" who are not able to properly use the chakra - their life energy, spiritual and physical." data-translation="Сюда очень редко приходят " смельчаки", которые не умеют правильно использовать чакру - свою жизненную энергию, духовную и физическую." data-type="trSpan">Сюда очень редко приходят " смельчаки", которые не умеют правильно использовать чакру - свою жизненную энергию, духовную и физическую.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="71-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="The test itself was quite simple and had only two goals:" data-translation="Сам тест был довольно прост и имел всего две цели:" data-type="trSpan">Сам тест был довольно прост и имел всего две цели:</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="72-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="The first is to test the ability to release this power and determine the innate predisposition to one of the five natural transformations, if there was one:" data-translation="Первый-проверить способность высвобождать эту силу и определить врожденную предрасположенность к одному из пяти естественных превращений, если таковое имело место:" data-type="trSpan">Первый-проверить способность высвобождать эту силу и определить врожденную предрасположенность к одному из пяти естественных превращений, если таковое имело место:</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="73-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="[Cato: "The Element of Fire." " data-translation="[Катон: "стихия огня." " data-type="trSpan">[Катон: "стихия огня." </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="73-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="- Futon: "The Element of Wind." " data-translation="- Футон: "стихия ветра." " data-type="trSpan">- Футон: "стихия ветра." </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="73-2" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="- Ryton: "The element of Lightning."- Doton: "The element of the Earth." " data-translation="- Райтон: "стихия молнии". - Дотон: "стихия земли." " data-type="trSpan">- Райтон: "стихия молнии". - Дотон: "стихия земли." </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="73-3" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="- Suyton: "The Element of Water."]" data-translation="- Суйтон: "стихия воды."]" data-type="trSpan">- Суйтон: "стихия воды."]</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="74-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="There are exceptions of another kind, when a child can control two or even three elements from a young age, but such cases are very rare." data-translation="Бывают и исключения другого рода, когда ребенок с малых лет может управлять двумя или даже тремя элементами, но такие случаи очень редки." data-type="trSpan">Бывают и исключения другого рода, когда ребенок с малых лет может управлять двумя или даже тремя элементами, но такие случаи очень редки.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="75-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="The second is the assessment of chakra control, which is an important condition for the successful use of illusion techniques and the main priority for puppeteers, and the village paid special attention to such specialists." data-translation="Второй - оценка контроля чакры, что является важным условием успешного использования иллюзионных техник и главным приоритетом для кукольников, и на селе уделяют особое внимание таким специалистам." data-type="trSpan">Второй - оценка контроля чакры, что является важным условием успешного использования иллюзионных техник и главным приоритетом для кукольников, и на селе уделяют особое внимание таким специалистам.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="76-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Beyond the door leading to the auditorium was a spacious corridor, where several dozen children were now waiting." data-translation="За дверью, ведущей в зрительный зал, находился просторный коридор, где уже ждали несколько десятков детей." data-type="trSpan">За дверью, ведущей в зрительный зал, находился просторный коридор, где уже ждали несколько десятков детей.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="77-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Many of them were already beginning to form groups and converse on various topics." data-translation="Многие из них уже начали собираться в группы и беседовать на разные темы." data-type="trSpan">Многие из них уже начали собираться в группы и беседовать на разные темы.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="78-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Far away from the others, the red-haired boy stood alone, but he wasn't the only one who behaved like this." data-translation="Вдалеке от остальных стоял рыжеволосый мальчик, но он был не единственным, кто так себя вел." data-type="trSpan">Вдалеке от остальных стоял рыжеволосый мальчик, но он был не единственным, кто так себя вел.</ya-tr-span>

There are many sad stories in this world…

Sasori hoped to finish today's test as soon as possible, so that he could return to the workshop as soon as possible and start creating his first real puppet.

When she and Granny Chiyo were just starting to dive into this art, she promised him:

"Once you enter the academy, I will explain more complex concepts to you."

Finally, he can take on something serious, there is only one last step left.

This testing did not take long, and ten minutes later his name was called.

After Sasori entered the classroom, one of the mentors invited the boy to approach him.


"Well, let's get started. The instructor said after a series of formalities, and the child stood in front of him.

"Take one, concentrate, and channel some of your chakra into it. The ninja pointed to a stack of paper on the table.

After following the instructions, Sasori saw how the small piece of paper in his hand was immediately cut exactly in the center and split into two parts.

"Save it for now, you can take it with you later." The mentor wrote down the result, then looked back at the boy.

- The Wind element. There are no problems with the control. You'll be enrolled in my class.

"I'll see you in a week." – he continued, and when he finished speaking-he signaled to leave the audience and invited another child to enter.

When Sasori returned home, the first thing he did was to tell his grandmother about his visit to the academy, but he did not forget to remind her about the promise she had made.

Seeing the boy's impatience, she let out a sigh and shook her head slightly, but nevertheless gathered up everything she needed, and then went with him to the workshop.


A few hours later.

Sasori Doll workshop.

After working for a long time under Chiyo's supervision, the boy was holding a small sketch of the internal structure of the new puppet.

Of course, much still needed to be finalized, but soon it will be possible to start manufacturing.

"And remember, Sasori, for a battle puppet, the core is the most important thing.

-All commands coming through the threads of the chakra are regulated through it.

"It must be well hidden, protected, and properly aligned with all the functions of your creation.

-If you allow serious damage or destruction of the core in battle , your puppet will turn into a useless doll, suitable only for children's matinees.

"Before that, you only controlled the threads at a basic level, attaching one to control each part of the body, however... the presence of the core allows them to be used as universal transmitters.

-Any skilled puppeteer can control a puppet even with one finger, but the more threads you have, the more commands you can give in parallel to each other.

"If you're really good at it, you can control ten puppets at the same time, just like your grandmother. Chiyo smiled and patted the boy's head, and he listened intently all the while.

It was the first time in days that she had seen her grandson so animated and interested, yet the death of a parent always reflects badly on children, especially at such an early age.

And she herself has not yet fully recovered from the loss of her son.

"Okay, I think you can handle it from here."

After watching for a few more minutes, Chiyo finally decided to leave the boy alone with his creation and do other things.

"Don't stay up late, and be sure to let me see it later when you've finished this puppet." She left the workshop, and the boy remained there for a long time.


Every day he came here and continued to work, trying to bring every part to perfection.

However, he now had to attend classes at the academy, so there wasn't as much time as before...

The boy did not plan to make friends, and immediately after classes he was still constantly in the workshop, but still there was one clingy Komushi with whom he could exchange a couple of phrases or take a walk on the way home.

Although the academy did not teach the art of creating puppets, which Sasori was so interested in, he greatly developed general ninja skills and according to sensei, if he continues in the same spirit, he can become a genin at 7 or 8 years old.

Ge-en ("Low rank.")

Chu-ying ("Middle rank.")

Jo-jo ("Highest rank.")


By the end of the school year, the boy had accumulated a lot of fatigue, a " bonus" and a constant headache from nothing, but he attributed it to lack of sleep and hard work.

The core, like most of the puppet's mechanisms, had been ready for a long time, but when it was time to select and create a suitable outer shell, Sasori passed out in the process of making the doll, right in the middle of the workshop, and fell asleep for several hours.

However, what he saw then, in a dream, gave this child a new inspiration, and he decided-these will be paired puppets.

Because of this sudden change of course, everything was delayed.

Sasori increasingly lost consciousness and saw the same picture, however, he did not bother his grandmother about this, and recently he had little contact with her and decided to throw all his strength to finish his creation as quickly as possible.


In a small room, a 6-year-old boy sat on the floor, wrapped in the embrace of his own creations.

A young girl in a snow-white outfit on the left and a young man in a black raincoat on the right.

Many thoughts swirled in his mind, too deep and too large for such a young man.

This creation was only a starting point on his path, the first, but not the last.

"Here it is... eternal beauty and grace, timeless.

"Isn't that real art?" He smiled slightly, then fainted again.

But then the boy remembered, the boy remembered everything…