
Reincarnated in the world of Naruto !

An ordinary guy from Japan turned out to be one of the 10,000 thousand players locked up in the world “Sword art online”. For more than two years, they have been trying to beat the game to finally get out of this trap. And then, when the long-awaited notification sounded on the server, something went wrong. Where am I? Where's she from here?" What's going on here anyway?.. and many more thoughts flashed through his mind, and the next moment a brave new world was born.

Zahar4ik · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 20 “ " The time has come for us to do THIS together...”

Wind Country.

When I woke up, I was lying on the cold floor of the cave, tied up, not with any ordinary ropes that could be easily burned, or somehow extricated, but with metal fishing line or something else, even my fingers were fastened.

In any case, I'm not going to be able to get out of this on my own.

Someone obviously knew my skills, and quite well...

When I looked up, I saw a boy sitting on a small ledge against the wall, where I had lost consciousness, and looking at me with eyes that were expressionless, and his hands were locked in front of a calm face, or was it calm only at first glance?

I don't know…

I don't know the exact time either…

If I'm not mistaken, it's only been a couple of hours or less.

The poison wasn't fatal, but I didn't think the boy would kill me.

Did I get into something with this guy again?

Of course, he couldn't just let the girl blow off steam…

When the boy saw that I was conscious, he looked at me and spoke:

"I'll tell you right away, you don't have to bother lying to me.

"I know what you know and what you don't. Sasori took out a red ANBU mask, just so I'd notice, and put it next to him.

"You -" I was surprised.

At his age, to get into the ANBU?

It's too much for me...

-Even about" him " managed to ask Chiyo ... - the boy took a short pause.

"Why are you trying to get into this?" Was it really hard to just trust me?

"I'm doing this for a reason..." he continued.

"I - I don't know… Strange request, strange children, strange masked man, strange ... you.

"Maybe I was just worried why -" I didn't finish my thought.

"Yes, that's why I said you didn't need to know, and then... you've done something stupid. A look of embarrassment crossed my face at that.

Then he took his hands away from his face, stood up, and stood beside me.

"However, your actions have helped me a lot.

"Right now, you still won't understand everything, unless..." the boy thought of something, or at least he pretended to be very clever.

"Unless you know 'everything'." He said with an emphasis on the last word.

"I'll find out,' everything"?" – I asked because I didn't think he'd give me any more."


- Pakura… I want to give you a choice...

"I possess a forbidden technique that can seal all the 'unwanted' memories in your memory, and you will continue to remain loyal to the ninja of this village as before.

-In the morning you will be declared a hero, and your name will be known to everyone, however, I must warn you, in this case, in 3-4 years you will still die.

-Your own village will send its legend on a "mission", where you will be ambushed to blame others for this.


Forbidden technique...

Seal part of the memory, not just erase it for a clean one?

I've never even heard of this ability,

Some 7-year-old guy can do it!?

Although... After everything I've learned.

Sasori continued to speak, not waiting for my answer:

"Or ... I'll tell you the story of a ninja from the village of sand-an unrecognized genius who is now standing in front of you, the story of those children from the Rain Country and the 'masked man' you saw, as well as ' my ' organization.

"In the future, you will have to join us, and until then, you will have to do whatever I deem necessary.

"But... the price for treachery is death."

I did not know…

I really didn't know...

But, I decided to ask anyway:

"Y-your organization?"


- Akatsuki… Our goal is to stop the wars between the great countries and put an end to all these senseless deaths.

"We tried it once, but it didn't work out.

"That's just it... now everything has changed.

"That's all I can say. he broke off, and then asked the question again:

"So what?" A short life of glory, or will we change the world together?

When we left the cave, the sun was already on the horizon.

"So you really are one of them?"?? and those children??? "I didn't know what to say.

If everything this boy told me is true…

But he couldn't have made it up out of nothing, could he?

And how would he know so many details, right?

"Then.".. what's our next step? – what is it? " she asked with trepidation, it was the most exciting event of her short life.


"Tomorrow we'll be sent on a mission that shouldn't have happened, as far as I know.

- Although, maybe there just weren't any important topics discussed.

"And if it's really nothing serious, then you'll just go on with your life and teach a Maki girl who, when she finds out that you've become a hero of the village, will ask to be your apprentice until I tell her that the time has come."

"You'll treat me like a former student, and I'll play along."

"I'll still seal your memories of this case and the cave completely for a while, so that no one will reveal our 'little' secret, constantly pretending is not the best option.

"But when the time is right, I will remove the seal, and you will remember everything."..

{Kayaba Akihiko: And "boy" is more and more like me...}



Sasori Doll workshop.

Before going to Pakura's" ceremony " in the central part of the village, I returned to my workshop to read the message left by the children.

It was still on the table, and the flower was neatly folded beside it.

Some kind of goodwill gesture, or... ?

In any case, it's not up to that yet.

I opened the scroll and took out a small letter from inside, but it was written, of course, so-so, after all, they are still children…

I skimmed through the information that they are now doing well, where they live, the orphans also gave their names, and then…

"What?" - I was very surprised that all of the legendary trinity remained to teach them, so even the children have already reached the level of genin, a little more than six months.

Conan discovered her talent for several elements, and I think that in a year or two she will develop her" art "of origami on such a basis, for which she was given a special title in the rain village - "Angel".

The only problem is Orochimaru, but he doesn't know yet that he can't even fight Nagato one-on-one without his full strength, which he doesn't have yet.

After all, he is still 25 years away from "that" himself and has no idea how complex his technique is.

This time, he spent time teaching the children and did not do some of the research in Konoha.

Greed will play a trick on him...

Well, he shouldn't even think about defeating us together.

At the end, from Conan personally, there was a small postscript:

"I hope to see you soon in the future!"

Ouch ... it looks like all the same "or…"