
Reincarnated in the world of Naruto !

An ordinary guy from Japan turned out to be one of the 10,000 thousand players locked up in the world “Sword art online”. For more than two years, they have been trying to beat the game to finally get out of this trap. And then, when the long-awaited notification sounded on the server, something went wrong. Where am I? Where's she from here?" What's going on here anyway?.. and many more thoughts flashed through his mind, and the next moment a brave new world was born.

Zahar4ik · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 18 “ " A very curious girl…”

November 2. 12 years before the birth of Naruto Uzumaki

Rain Country.

My secret "diplomatic" mission was a little delayed - there were expected complications, but I finally settled everything, and the situation became stable.

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, one of the two short roads connecting the villages of stone and sand passed directly through the village of rain, and I was again awakened by those old memories that I had not thought about for a long time.

I decided to go the wrong way, however, as the main part of the delegation was returning.

I wanted to walk around, look around, ask around, you never know if I'll dig up at least something.

And so, today I went out to those kids.

They now live in a large house, and it is almost on the border with the Land of Fire.

Near their new home, in the distance, two boys were hanging out, one red-haired, disheveled, and the other with well-groomed long hair and thick bangs falling over his eyes.

I was very surprised by the fact that they had ninja armbands, when did they manage to do this?

"Who are you?" As I approached, I heard a quiet child's voice behind me.

When I turned around, it was the same girl who was staring at me, and the trio was there.…

Conan changed when she saw my blindfold...

"Ah, are you from the village of sand?" – what is it? " she asked, excitement in her voice.

- Hi girl, I'm Pakura, I was on a mission nearby, but I noticed your house and decided to stop by to see, I'm sorry... if it caused concern. - without blushing, this kunoichi" poured", well, what else could I think of?

"Nothing, and I'm Conan.".. Excuse me, can I ask you a favor? "What is it?" she asked me.

"All right, tell me, we'll see.".. – but actually, I was the one who wanted to ask you a few questions."

"Do you know anyone named Sasori from your village?"

- yes... this is my student. I answered without thinking, and settled into a long conversation.

I listened to the girl's request and an entertaining story about their "savior".

It turns out that he then also gave them all the food on the sly…

Casually, the girl mentioned that they now somehow managed to become students of the Legendary Ones... Sanninovs... Konoha... so, despite my surprise, I quickly got out of there before the "adult uncles" returned.

I was walking with an origami flower in my hand, from a clearly caring girl, and a sealed letter, supposedly from all three of them, although maybe it's true, I don't know anymore.

So that's your plan, you little shit…

Well, Sasori, you're a fucking womanizer…

A small but very important matter, yes?


The ANBU building.

The first months after joining the ANBU were, as expected, full of training and metal training, I did not perform any serious and secret tasks, except for delivering letters, sometimes I also took regular missions within the village so as not to miss classes.

I have enough money, I even get paid for the puppets, if I used one "for the good of the village", I would definitely poison something there...

By the way, I am now the youngest member of this unit in history, but there are really no requirements for age or rank.

Only the power and the so-called "darkness " are important...

You should have seen the face of the bladed weapons instructor when some "puppeteer" almost failed him at the first demonstration training, where they usually "harden" beginners, and there was nothing to relax...

Still, 2.5 years in SAO, even with the support of the system, plus daily torture from my mentor and an excellent level of taijutsu do their job, and why didn't I even take up the sword before?

It feels like nothing has changed…

Although, maybe, because I always have a couple of dolls" in my pocket", but they still need to be printed out, and on secret missions it is better not to get them at all, when I am not sure that there will be no eyewitnesses left.

Of course, I'm not the only puppet master in the squad, but if not with me, then the sand village will definitely be connected.

I was very lucky that I agreed to join here, because I learned about the existence of a common ANBU technique for interrogation, called time reversal…

Hell, it allows you to talk to a person as if under hypnosis, and to fish out even the deepest and most forgotten memories.

It is a good thing that it was not applied to the two uselessness that I took with me to the exam.

Deaths and tragedies at the Chunin selection are common...

There was a huge flaw in my technique that wasn't there in the original.

I relaxed too soon, this mistake could have cost me everything.

I had to search for and install additional characters and sneak up on the girls a couple of times at night, for " tests", and then interrogate them.

Fortunately, the status allows it...

Here is now I am confident in it on all a hundred percent, to apply something steeper reversal time can only odel interrogators from Konoha, or specialists on techniques illusions, but second not will be able get what goal not remembers.

In the remaining time, we are taught many useful and simple techniques of D and C rank, such as the technique of temporary paralysis, some barriers and seals, as well as ways to bypass and destroy them.

In short-I was once again convinced, you could honestly say right away that the ninja academy is a cover for a village elementary school, but something similar to the real ones is prepared here, or you go to study in your clan.

Although there is a headdress in the standard uniform, I was given an unusual red mask of some Japanese demon, so I just couldn't help but choose the code name – "Nezuko", and then this "Yasuo" is already fed up.

For Chunin's quota, I took a contract beast scroll to summon, because I still have nothing to do in secret techniques, with only a natural transformation-the wind, and the specialization of a puppeteer.

Most of them are too difficult to master, and there was not something necessary there.

Now I can summon hawks of different sizes, and it is useful for reconnaissance, and flying transport, although it takes a lot of chakra for something more.

With the contract, by the way, a funny story came out when I just used the scroll-it was thrown into a nest where there were only talking eggs…

All in all, life went on as usual, and my teacher, Pakura, was about to return from her secret mission, and the day when she would be declared the hero of our village.

Although, now rather not a teacher, but ... a friend?

In the coming years, she should take a new student – Maki.

But that's another story...