
Reincarnated in the world of Naruto !

An ordinary guy from Japan turned out to be one of the 10,000 thousand players locked up in the world “Sword art online”. For more than two years, they have been trying to beat the game to finally get out of this trap. And then, when the long-awaited notification sounded on the server, something went wrong. Where am I? Where's she from here?" What's going on here anyway?.. and many more thoughts flashed through his mind, and the next moment a brave new world was born.

Zahar4ik · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 13 “ " What you can't do for the sake of art…”


Sasori Doll workshop.

I devoted almost all my time to working in the workshop and was able to finish the set I needed by the end of the month.

In the storage room on my back were 5 scrolls with puppets:

[Scroll slots occupied: 5/5.]

["Mother."] and ["Father." ]- paired puppets created earlier.

["Kuroari."] and ["Karasu."] – a new generation of attacking puppets with standard weapon variations and a unique feature – the bodies of both puppets consist of many small fragments, making it difficult to destroy them.

["Sanshouo." ]- a puppet of the type of protection and control-a salamander, suitable for riding, can burrow underground, has a huge folding shield with a dome on its back, is able to transform together with a pair of Karasu and Kuroari into a deadly trap for one person.

Sanshou or Kuroari forms a hard-to-destroy cage, throws a poisoned smoke bomb into it from a special compartment, and then, a lot of small limbs with blades from Karasu dig into specially formed holes.

Without space-time techniques like Toby's, or something like that, getting out from the inside is very problematic.

С этого момента я решила оставить "клеймо" на своих куклах.

На затылке каждой из пяти кукол был изображен маленький красный скорпион с печатью, написанной с добавлением капли моей собственной крови.

Главное, не дать Хидану лизнуть, но, если серьезно, то все достаточно впитается в дерево за пару часов, и это будет сочетаться с наложенной печатью, так что его техника не сработает, можете не беспокоиться.

By the way, my progress in all directions is moving surprisingly fast, especially in printing techniques.

Perhaps the impact of the earth's education and seen in modern times.

No matter how cool the ninja were, but the academy does not even cover the primary school program completely, and at least some non-combat knowledge is only available to ninja doctors or all sorts of dark personalities…

I think after the exam, you need to find a way to secretly experiment with someone's not particularly valuable "cuckoo" to try to create that secret technique:

[Ninja Art: The Sand technique of memory manipulation.]

All I know is that the seal is created directly on the target's brain, consisting of microscopic needles, hence the term "Sand".

The principle of operation is to use these needles from your chakra to block certain areas of memory, hiding the necessary memories until the technique is canceled, but it is impossible to immediately understand exactly where to put it, and what is responsible for what, without a number of experiments.

The Chunin exam is only a month away, and since one of the stages there is survival in the Demon Desert, it's a great excuse to learn basic medical techniques.

These techniques can also advance the process of creating a secret seal, and maybe just after training, a platform will turn up for the necessary experiments with the mind, but it is better not to take risks ahead of time.

With my chakra control and knowledge, I think I can manage it in a month.


Shopping district.

I went outside, but it was almost dark, so there wasn't much point in going to my grandmother's today.

It is worth walking through the familiar shops, until they are closed, and buy exhausted stocks of "everything", as usually happens after reclusion in the workshop.

In fact, being a puppet designer is very expensive, and you also need to take into account the constant costs of ammunition and other small things.

Not fair… If it wasn't for my grandmother in the council, and her support, I would have to constantly go on tedious missions from paycheck to paycheck for this, and genins, by the way, don't get much.

I think Kakuzu and I would have found a case of common topics to talk about.

Deidara, here, also put a lot on the clay, probably.

They had to argue with Sasori not about the true art, but about the prices of consumables.

Why is it that for some sharingan with Itachi they don't require a monthly subscription, but a guy like Kisame takes one, and is born with a volume of chakra, like biju?

For rinnegan Payne, in general, you need to demand a lifetime of loyalty to the forces of evil and a soul to boot...

Well, okay, Conan-well done, no complaints, she created the technique herself, can make origami at boring meetings of the organization, and also one of the strongest, a real "angel".


April 1.

Village council building.

Yes ... the day to come and ask to teach me medical techniques, I chose the most inappropriate.

When I mentioned it, my grandmother laughed at first…

Then she asked me to stop, because it's not funny anymore…

I didn't believe it for another ten minutes…

But in the end, I got through to her, and she agreed to explain to me the basic principles of the two medical ninjutsu:

[Ninja Art: Mystical Palm.]

[Ninja Art: Chakra Scalpel.]

Of course, I already knew what the point was, but it's always easier with a mentor, and the military hospital has a special compartment with animals for training.

The meaning of the first is simple - it is necessary to concentrate an impressive amount of chakra in the palms, but the more it is, and the more precise the control, the more serious the wounds can be treated, but you can not overdo it.

If you make a mistake, you can disrupt the circulation of the patient's chakra and he will lose consciousness.

The second is almost the same, only the conditions from the first technique are also added to the control of the shape of the chakra.

The user creates miniature blades in a separate place, or on the entire surface, and changes the technique in a drastic way, but there is no need to worry about going too far with the amount of energy invested.

Most importantly, the scalpel can perform the operation without opening the body or causing damage to internal organs directly.

I didn't spend much time on the wind element, but I managed to create a simple technique based on the storm palm that I learned earlier.

I was confused by the need to connect my hands, and I do not need a large area of the lesion, since with a good poison, it will be enough to hit with just one needle.

I decided to learn how to use the wind in a different way-I concentrated the chakra in the lower part of the palm and released it at the moment of throwing, pushing the throwing weapon.

Preliminary name:

[Ninja Art: Accelerated Projectile.]

Maybe someone did something like this before me, but it's better to quickly get a patent, suddenly Zetsu spies.

It was to these techniques that I devoted the remaining month before the start of the Chunin exam, while I continued to hone my skills in taijutsu and prepared a couple more spare parts for the dolls, you never know if someone like Orochimaru will show up, and some of them will fail, just like Juzo after the fight with the fourth Mizukage…