
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
370 Chs



Akira moved as fast as lightning towards Izuku, but he was stopped by All Might.


The impact sound resounded loudly, and the resulting shockwave blew the pro hero around.

"Tsk, I know this won't be easy with you around." Akira said calm down.

All Might held both of his hands, and did not let him advance any further.

"Wake up, Midoriya Shounen! Quickly get away from here, go with the other pro hero looking for your mother."

The muscles in All Might's body contracted, to restrain Akira, it wasn't as easy as it looked.

"Alright!" Izuku replied, and ran towards the exit.

"Midoriya, if you leave this stadium, your mother will be killed!"

Along with Akira's threat, Skadi appeared on the screen, an ice blade formed in her hand, and she slashed Midoriya Inko's neck.

Seeing that scene, Izuku's footsteps stopped, he dared not take any chances.

"Nakano Shounen!!!"

All Might roared angrily, then he threw Akira forward.


Akira flew to the grasshopper, before he hit the wall he teleported in front of All Might.

"It was a mistake to let me leave a 'Mark' on you, All Might."

All Might crossed his arms in front of his chest to block Akira's punch.


The force of that punch was equivalent to the movement of the earth's crust, All Might was flung backward, the stadium behind him collapsed, and his figure continued to fly hundreds of meters.

After that, he teleported All Might to the beach. It's like Minato teleporting Bijuudama from Kyuubi.

At least it will take some time for All Might to come here.

"Your turn."

Akira's gaze fell on Izuku.

"Don't pretend we don't exist."


From Present Mic's mouth issued a sonic scream, capable of making people's ears bleed.

"I'm sorry, Yamada Sensei."

One step that Akira took, he appeared in front of Present Mic. Without giving the other party a chance to react, he hit his opponent's neck and the directional speaker on his neck shattered.

Even though he had been holding back his strength, the punch sent Present Mic flying into the wall, and he coughed up blood. It is thought his throat was badly damaged and required surgery.

"[Jet Burns]!"

A burst of flame enveloped Akira, the temperature of this flame was many times hotter than Todoroki Shoto's flame. It can be seen from the floor that it is melting like molten lava.

"Hmph! All Might is weakened, he was defeated by a student who hasn't graduated yet."

The person who spoke was a burly man with short red hair, sharp turquoise eyes. The most unique part is that his beard and mustache look made of fire.

He is none other than Endeavor, Japan's number two hero.

"What's this?"

From within the flames, a knife flew and landed on the ground nearby.

Akira appeared near the knife, and without speaking nonsense, he punched an unprepared Endeavor.


The blow directly hit Endeavor's chest, which made him vomit blood. His massive figure soared into the sky, and became a star in the drizzling weather.

"You underestimate others too much, hero number two." Akira looked up, and saw a giant foot about to step on him.


"Did it work?"

Mt. Lady was sure of trampling on the enemy, but she doubted her attack would overpower her opponent.

"Don't let your guard down, Mt. Lady, he is holding your leg with only one hand!"

The pro hero named Gunhead explained the situation.

"One hand?"

Mt. Lady was surprised to hear this.

Under the feet of Mt. Lady, Akira said indifferently:

"Sorry, Mt. Lady, you are not my type of woman."

He moved too fast for the naked eye to see, he appeared in front of Mt. Lady and without hesitation hit the other party's face.


The massive body of Mt. Lady was lifted into the air several tens of meters, before landing outside the stadium. If she falls in the stadium, she will destroy a block of ice containing civilians.

Of course, this was all Akira's doing, with his [Explosive Power], he controlled his power so that Mt. Lady landed outside the stadium.

"We have to work together, this student is too strong to defeat alone."

One of the heroes in the crowd made a suggestion.

The other hero immediately agreed, especially after seeing Akira blow All Might and Endeavor away with just one strike. They didn't dare belittle him in the slightest, even though he was a student.

Akira landed on the ground, he always knew the situation thanks to [Universal Sense].

"Come forward, fake hero."

He spoke fearlessly.


He found his limbs bound by very thin fiber threads.

"I've been blocking his movements, quickly catch him."

Best Jeanist, hero number four who restrained Akira.

"Give up, young man, you can't fight all the heroes here alone."

Best Jeanist said while combing his rain-drenched hair.

"You think you have won?"

Akira didn't like the flamboyant attitude shown by Best Jeanist, he exerted his strength to pull Best Jeanist towards him.

"[Blackout Bind]!"

Best Jeanist controls the thread wrapped around Akira's neck, he plans to make his opponent faint. But it didn't live up to his expectations, Akira didn't budge, then punched him.


Despite having formed a shield from threads, Best Jeanist was unable to withstand the attack, he was smashed into the wall and he was unable to stand up again.

After Akira defeated Best Jeanist, he fought all the pro-heroes present at that place.

Gunhead, Edgeshot, Ryukyu, Gang Orca, Fat Gum, Snipe, etc.

None of the heroes could survive after taking Akira's first hit.

UA High School's teachers are no exception, they try to stop Akira's rampage, and they share the same fate as other pro-heroes.

Today will be Japan's darkest day, as the people witness the hero they admire and idolize being defeated by a youth with no reputation.

This would be the disgrace of pro hero in the future, and seeds of doubt started to emerge in society.

Akira's solo performance against dozens of pro hero will be remembered many years later.

Akira turned to look at Izuku who stood petrified, he couldn't believe the hero had been defeated so easily.

He walked over to Izuku.

(Tsk, after seeing all this, you still haven't given up hope. This is me reluctantly dealing with a Shounen protagonist.)

Akira couldn't help but complain in his mind, he had not received the system notification that the mission was completed. That meant Izuku wasn't completely hopeless yet.

Stopping a few meters from Izuku, Akira said sarcastically:

"You see this, Midoriya? This was all caused by you, if you had not become the vessel for [One for All], none of this would have happened."

"This is all my fault...?"

Izuku repeated the sentence, guilt rising in his mind.

"All Might has chosen a suitable candidate to become the vehicle for [One for All], namely Togata Mirio, UA High School student class 3-A. He is the most deserving person to be All Might's successor."

Akira's brows furrowed, and [Universal Sense] detected All Might moving towards him with frightening speed. It is estimated that he will arrive within 20 seconds.

"Look at the screen."

Izuku followed Akira's words, looked up at the screen, he saw his mother's neck slashed by Skadi with an ice knife.

A stream of blood rushed from Inko's neck, Skadi cut her ties and removed the tape around her mouth, then her body fell to the floor.

Like a fish on land, Inko's body moved erratically, her eyes fixed on the camera. With difficulty, she said her son's name.

"Izu... Ku..."

After saying those words, the light in her eyes dimmed, she had died.

The screen stopped broadcasting the scene.


Seeing his mother killed, Izuku held his face, screaming at the sky with tears on his face, he was like a beast.


All Might happened to see the scene of Inko being killed by Skadi, anger reaching its peak. He no longer sees Akira as a student, but rather as an enemy.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha... I finally made it!"

In contrast to All Might's anger, Akira burst into laughter because his efforts had finally paid off.

The system gave a mission completed notification in her mind. That meant Izuku was currently in utter despair after witnessing his mother being killed and he could only watch without being able to do anything about it.

"[Carolina Smash]!"

All Might didn't hold back, with all his strength, he punched a cross towards Akira's head.

When All Might's fist was only a few centimeters away from his face, Akira used [Hiraishin no Jutsu].


His figure was like black lightning, he appeared above the screen.


Missing the target, All Might's punch generates a super powerful shockwave that destroys anything in its path.

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